



積分: 245

發表於 08-3-14 21:48 |只看該作者
Hi all SF mom,

I'm a mom from HK with 2 kids (5 & 9) and want to spend the summer holiday in San Francisco with the kids and we will stay in my SF relative's home.

What will we do in SF ?
I want to apply some summer camps for my kids and I've searched some of them :
1. YMCA of San Francisco Richmond District YMCA
2. Edventure More in SF
3. GSA 2008

Could you please give some advice for the above camps ?
or any summer camps in SF can be recommended to us ?

Moreover, could you also tell me some suggestions for museums, parks, or libraries for us to spend the days ?

Thanks so much in advance !


[ 本文章最後由 Maisie 於 08-3-14 23:27 編輯 ]


積分: 4627

發表於 08-3-15 01:42 |只看該作者

Karate Camp?

My 4.5 year old son just started his karate lesson about 3 weeks ago at One Martial in the Sunset area. He loves it. They offers camps for kids. You might want to give it a try!


積分: 428

發表於 08-3-15 02:20 |只看該作者

My kids will go to HK this summer. Last year, they went to Agapeland , where it is closed to YMCA, in Richmond district, San Francisco. The kids like there. They taught about the bible stories, Chinese languages.... I got a letter from Agapeland this year. If you want more information, please let meknow.

We will spend the summer vacation in Hong Kong. We are all very excited.


原文章由 Maisie 於 08-3-14 21:48 發表
Hi all SF mom,

I'm a mom from HK with 2 kids (5 & 9) and want to spend the summer holiday in San Francisco with the kids and we will stay in my SF relative's home.

What will we do in SF ?
I want to ...


積分: 245

發表於 08-3-15 09:48 |只看該作者
ling00 & Suecheung

Thanks so much for your reply.

Both the karate & Agapeland camps are interesting. My relative is living in Richmond district and are there any transportations can reach the above camps ?

Is the transportation in SF very convenient to travel ?
Do I need to drive ?

After the summer camp, we want to go LA for Disneyland & Universial Studio. If I don't drive, is there any bus route can take us from SF to LA ?

So many questions...



積分: 245

發表於 08-3-15 09:56 |只看該作者

We're also very excited to have our vacation in US.

How long will you stay in HK ?


原文章由 suecheung 於 08-3-15 02:20 發表

My kids will go to HK this summer. Last year, they went to Agapeland , where it is closed to YMCA, in Richmond district, San Francisco. The kids like there. They taught about the bible stories, ...


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發表於 08-3-15 12:54 |只看該作者

I live in Inner Richmond and it's quite convenient to travel to other area in San Francisco City. In SF, taking muni is very convenient. Of course, if you drive yourself, you can spend your time more effectively as you don't have to wait for the bus. However, you cannot easily find parking in some of the areas such as Richmond, Sunset, downtown, Chinatown, North Beach...

I don't have any idea about the summer camp because my 2 little ones are too little that they won't need that soon. For places to spend the days with your kids, you can go to Golden Gate Park which is very big and some parts are blocked for pedestrians only during Sundays. There are 2 museums in the park - de Young museum which is an art museum (maybe a bit too boring for kids) and Science museum (but it's now on remodeling and closed). There is a zoo near the beach at the end of Richmond and Sunset area. Another place you can bring your kids to is Exploratorium which is a museum on science and it contains a lot of fun experiments and demonstration of scientific concepts. A lot of schools would arrange school tours for the students. I highly recommend you to bring your kids there. Fisherman's Wharf is a place for sight-seeing and relaxation. You can also visit Ghirardelli Square and enjoy the chocolate and the ice-cream. Seal Rock is nice when the weather is good. Of course, you should bring them for a ride on Cable Car and tour around Lombard Street. I personally would like to visit City Hall and downtown to have a feel of the city too. For libraries, there are quite a bit in the city and there are a few nearby Richmond area.

Since my 2 little ones are so young, we usually like to hang out in Golden Gate Park and let my older one to run around and stroll my little one for a sunbath.

Hope you and the kids enjoy your stay in here.


積分: 245

發表於 08-3-15 21:05 |只看該作者

回覆 #6 rose-mag 的文章


Thanks very much for your information. It's very useful for planning my itinerary.

Your kids are so lovely ! They're so lucky to live in US to have more green environment and less-stressful education system. For us, I want to let my kids to study aboard someday later, but don't know when...

We're so excited to go US and hope my kids can enjoy the trip.


積分: 428

發表於 08-3-16 12:12 |只看該作者
Public transportation is good in Richmond, as Rosemag said. Don't worried.

If you don't drive, you can take bus to LA. But it takes six to nine hours. Last time, we spent 10 hours driving to LA because of the traffic. The kids were happy to Disneyland. They still remembered the trip.

I have six weeks vacation. We will spend a week in Asian country like Taiwan, thailand or Malaysia, which we haven't decided yet. And go to HK then.

原文章由 Maisie 於 08-3-15 09:48 發表
ling00 & Suecheung

Thanks so much for your reply.

Both the karate & Agapeland camps are interesting. My relative is living in Richmond district and are there any transportations can reach the above ...


積分: 4627

發表於 08-3-18 01:10 |只看該作者
原文章由 Maisie 於 08-3-15 09:48 發表
ling00 & Suecheung

Thanks so much for your reply.

Both the karate & Agapeland camps are interesting. My relative is living in Richmond district and are there any transportations can reach the above ...


If you are to take public transportation with the kids to day camp, you will need to get up really early. Most (all) camps starts at 8am or so. And that's rush hours so it might be a bit inconvenient.

I think there's also Zoo camps at the SF Zoo. My friend from HK visited last year. She sent her son there and he loved it. I am considering that for my son later on. He's still in preschool and it's all year round so no need to attend day camps yet.

Hope it's helpful!


