



積分: 616

發表於 08-6-4 02:39 |只看該作者
problem with alvin's potty training. he will run to the bathroom to pee, (not wearing any diaper at home) but he will just poop on his pants and it just fall on the floor...so gross..when i see him wanna go, I tried to move him to the bathroom but he scream and yell...any suggestions ?


積分: 7794

發表於 08-6-4 06:18 |只看該作者
he doesn't know that he has to poo into potty or toilet, he needs to be brain wash.
when austin goes to bathroom, do not flush it, let Alvin get into the bathroom, let alvin flush it.
when Alvin made a mess, guide him to clean, drop the poo into toilet, tell him, next time he has to do it into toilet, not on his pant.
no yelling, no punishment at this point. we start with encouragement.

原文章由 ALISONLI 於 08-6-3 01:39 PM 發表
problem with alvin's potty training. he will run to the bathroom to pee, (not wearing any diaper at home) but he will just poop on his pants and it just fall on the floor...so gross..when i se ...


積分: 285

發表於 08-6-5 03:45 |只看該作者

all mama

Hi, yesterday I go to sesame place play, woo too hot day, but happy too..

this little photo !http://www.kodakgallery.com/Slid ... 72911908208&conn_speed=1&collid=72848676908.794031908208.1212608439755&mode=fromsite


積分: 253

發表於 08-6-5 12:55 |只看該作者
All Moms
Pariis將我部Laptop推左落地爛左﹐ 逼到我接返部舊腦先上到來﹐ 搞左幾日。 How's everybody?


積分: 253

發表於 08-6-5 13:02 |只看該作者
急﹗ 我係唔係生得啦﹖
尋日同今日D分泌都有線咁大條血絲﹐ 我預產期8月﹐ 係唔係見紅﹖ 我又唔敢問醫生。 因為Pariis過多幾日就1歲生日﹐ 我想陪佢啊﹗ 而且我冇陣痛wor。

第一胎時係醫生幫我檢查話我見紅要入院生(38wks)﹐ 所以雖然已經第2胎﹐ 我對何為見紅/穿水全冇概念。 邊位可以教下我﹖ 好驚早產啊﹗


積分: 172299

2024年龍年勳章 2024勳章 虎到金來勳章 牛年勳章 15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 2018復活節勳章 畀面勳章 有「營」勳章 好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 環保接龍勳章 大廚勳章 親子達人勳章 王國長老 BK Milk勳章 hashtag影視迷勳章 最關心BB問題熱投勳章 開心吸收勳章

發表於 08-6-5 13:47 |只看該作者
原文章由 BabyRnC 於 08-6-5 13:02 發表
急﹗ 我係唔係生得啦﹖
尋日同今日D分泌都有線咁大條血絲﹐ 我預產期8月﹐ 係唔係見紅﹖ 我又唔敢問醫生。 因為Pariis過多幾日就1歲生日﹐ 我想陪佢啊﹗ 而且我冇陣痛wor。

第一胎時係醫生幫我檢查話我見紅要入院生(38wks)﹐ 所以 ...

你而家已經差不多8個月,有血絲要即刻睇醫生,你未夠35周BB早產會有好多問題,因為BB肺部要去到9個月先發育,早產B好多都有呢個問題。我陀大仔時,7個幾月見血絲,去見醫生,醫生話胎盤脫落,子宮未開,即時同我打類固醇,幫助BB肺部發育,仲要即刻放假bedrest,除咗食飯上洗手間,我要盡量瞓床,仲要每星期返醫院做non-stress test檢查,聽BBheartbeat同测子宮收縮情況,如是者,兩三個星期後,我又出血,今次係好多同血紅色,好彩住咗一晚後情況穩定咗止咗血,子宮未開,我又返屋企,再兩三個星期又出血,仲係好多果隻,去到醫院原來已經開咗3度,要觀察完之後先可以催生,結果仔仔留多咗喺我個肚度7個星期,佢都仲係算早產,之後仲勁黃膽。為咗安全起見,我認為你最好明日朝早去見醫生,檢查清楚。


積分: 184

發表於 08-6-6 00:54 |只看該作者
For me, Any weekend should be ok.

原文章由 Nillie_Mami 於 08-6-3 09:17 發表
New york New Jersey Gathering should be around July, but not at July 4 weekend, as I have to work.. but other then that.. should be ok ( I don't know which weekend I have to be "on call" yet), anyway, ...


積分: 7794

發表於 08-6-6 06:28 |只看該作者
it is not joking, you should let your OB know immediately plus go back to have a urgent check up. please do not because of Pariis's birthday, then ignore any sign and symptom of laboring.
Amanda is 34 weeks born as well.. it was a mess.. with an immature baby.. please, go and visit your OB, your 2nd child's health and life relies on you.

原文章由 BabyRnC 於 08-6-5 12:02 AM 發表
急﹗ 我係唔係生得啦﹖
尋日同今日D分泌都有線咁大條血絲﹐ 我預產期8月﹐ 係唔係見紅﹖ 我又唔敢問醫生。 因為Pariis過多幾日就1歲生日﹐ 我想陪佢啊﹗ 而且我冇陣痛wor。

第一胎時係醫生幫我檢查話我見紅要入院生(38wks)﹐ 所以 ...


積分: 616

發表於 08-6-6 22:14 |只看該作者
have you checked with your ob yet??

原文章由 BabyRnC 於 08-6-5 13:02 發表
急﹗ 我係唔係生得啦﹖
尋日同今日D分泌都有線咁大條血絲﹐ 我預產期8月﹐ 係唔係見紅﹖ 我又唔敢問醫生。 因為Pariis過多幾日就1歲生日﹐ 我想陪佢啊﹗ 而且我冇陣痛wor。

第一胎時係醫生幫我檢查話我見紅要入院生(38wks)﹐ 所以 ...


積分: 616

發表於 08-6-6 22:19 |只看該作者
he was having fun flushing IT in the toilet..hopefully he would get the idea sooner or later.. still he told me he had done it after he finished not before :(

anyway, u might wanna check out ps 229 (andrew's school),they have gifted class from K- 5. my niece (2nd grade in sept) got over 95% in her gifted test also is transferring from ps48 to ps 229 instead of going all the way to the city.

原文章由 Nillie_Mami 於 08-6-4 06:18 發表
he doesn't know that he has to poo into potty or toilet, he needs to be brain wash.
when austin goes to bathroom, do not flush it, let Alvin get into the bathroom, let alvin flush it.
when Alvin made ...


積分: 7794

發表於 08-6-7 03:17 |只看該作者
as he is not complete trained, how come he doesn't have a diaper or pull up??

now, we planned, send Gabriel to day care sooner, than let Ying EE to send Amanda to school everyday, and I will pick Amanda up every evening.
We will receive letter from Department of Education today or early next week to know.. which citywide gifted school will Amanda attend this September.
also, we do think about your advice.. we may also go back to St. Joseph hill academy, see if they will provide extra help for Amanda, as she is doing Grade 2-3 workbook at home now.. we really don't want to waste her time.. she is going to get bored at school and will coz a lot of trouble. if they would help Amanda, Amanda may not go to Manhattan.
We can not choose PS229, they accept OLSAT 90-97%, they do not take care kids over 97%.. what a pity.

原文章由 ALISONLI 於 08-6-6 09:19 AM 發表
he was having fun flushing IT in the toilet..hopefully he would get the idea sooner or later.. still he told me he had done it after he finished not before :(

anyway, u might wanna check out ...


積分: 253

發表於 08-6-7 04:00 |只看該作者
rose-mag /Nillie_Mami/ALISONLI
I got so freaked out after my post, crying and packing a bag for hospital staying just in case. It was driving my husband crazy. He told me to calm down, and we realize I was probably pushing too hard when try to 大便。 So we decided to give it one more day, if I see blood again, I will go to Dr. Wan no matter what. 之後我通左便﹐ 呢兩日都冇再見到血絲了。 過多幾日我就開始每2 wks檢查一次﹐ 到時會同醫生講的。

令各位擔心﹐ 真係非常唔好意思。


積分: 7794

發表於 08-6-7 07:40 |只看該作者
Glad to know that no more bleeding noticed, but you make sure, you have no contraction, no sign or symptom of labouring, no blood? right?
you have to be aware, and don't hesitate to call Dr.Wan, it is your second child's life.. ok?

原文章由 BabyRnC 於 08-6-6 03:00 PM 發表
rose-mag /Nillie_Mami/ALISONLI
I got so freaked out after my post, crying and packing a bag for hospital staying just in case. It was driving my husband crazy. He told me to calm down, and we realize ...


積分: 172299

2024年龍年勳章 2024勳章 虎到金來勳章 牛年勳章 15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 2018復活節勳章 畀面勳章 有「營」勳章 好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 環保接龍勳章 大廚勳章 親子達人勳章 王國長老 BK Milk勳章 hashtag影視迷勳章 最關心BB問題熱投勳章 開心吸收勳章

發表於 08-6-7 14:17 |只看該作者
原文章由 BabyRnC 於 08-6-7 04:00 發表
rose-mag /Nillie_Mami/ALISONLI
I got so freaked out after my post, crying and packing a bag for hospital staying just in case. It was driving my husband crazy. He told me to calm down, and we realize ...

Still, you need to pay attention to any abnormal sign. Make sure that you tell your ob in the coming visit. When I pregnant with Spencer, I had the first spotting for only 1 day and was fine the next day. But, when we went to a family gathering, my hubby's aunt told me that I should see the ob for just a little spotting. I went to see a doctor 2 days afterwards, the ob was so nervous and he checked me up, found out it's the early stage of placenta abruption. He made me to stay in hospital for one night and ordered me to go for modified bedrest. 為咗小B安全,你要記得叫醫生檢查清楚。如果有便秘問題,食多D生果蔬菜,飲多D水。我生妹妹時,因為之前便秘,生咗第三日真係谷住好辛苦,姑娘幫我塞咗甘油條,係就係出得好順,即時舒服晒,點知令個傷口爆缐都唔知,到6個星期產後檢查先發覺未好得晒,要多浸暖水成個幾月先好番,不過便秘有時產婦真係好難避免。


積分: 4981

醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章 環保接龍勳章

發表於 08-6-7 19:34 |只看該作者
Nillie / Alisonli,
Corey refuses to poo in the potty too. Since he doesn't wear any diaper / pull-up during the day time, he poo whenever we give him the diaper. How can I encourage him to poo in the potty?


積分: 4981

醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章 環保接龍勳章

發表於 08-6-7 19:37 |只看該作者
Are you feeling better?


積分: 7794

發表於 08-6-7 19:52 |只看該作者
corey 哥哥坐大人坐厠定係膠嗰啲一座座嘅厠所仔?
有冇試過poo poo training?? 日日同佢定時坐厠所. 同買potty 書, read story while sitting on the potty.

如果佢唔肯坐上potty, 可能因為Corey認定, 去大大要疴落片喥.. that's mean, 冇片片就唔疴得.. corey 嘅control 好好, however, 好易變成便祕.
到你同corey 片大大時, 要佢坐喺廁板上, 唔准佢行嚟行去, 片片loosen, 等佢疴完就"櫈"個便便落厠所, 等佢知係疴落厠所喥
for more information, we may discuss at potty training forum on the top of this mami club
原文章由 socloudy 於 08-6-7 06:34 AM 發表
Nillie / Alisonli,
Corey refuses to poo in the potty too. Since he doesn't wear any diaper / pull-up during the day time, he poo whenever we give him the diaper. How can I encourage him to poo in th ...


積分: 148

發表於 08-6-8 12:04 |只看該作者
Hi all,
I was just back from chicago for my daughter 1st birthday...(with my husband's family)
and just start the new job for a week... try to get used to use new system, new people and new place.

How is everyone?

Let's us know after you set the date.. July 4 is bad for us too.


積分: 253

發表於 08-6-8 12:29 |只看該作者
No more blood. ^_^


積分: 616

發表於 08-6-8 23:49 |只看該作者
Nillie, socloudy,

alvin doesnt wear pull up or diaper when he's at home. we'll follow your instructions to train him to use the potty to do his business. i guess once he does it the first time it should be easy for him afterwards.

which day care are you sending gabriel to? we might send alvin to wagner for 2 hrs twice a week starting this september.

原文章由 Nillie_Mami 於 08-6-7 03:17 發表
as he is not complete trained, how come he doesn't have a diaper or pull up??

now, we planned, send Gabriel to day care sooner, than let Ying EE to send Amanda to school everyday, and I wil ...


