



積分: 220

發表於 08-10-9 17:20 |只看該作者
原文章由 mamibbchu 於 08-10-9 17:07 發表
餵米糊果陣佢個樣好疑惑,媽媽你俾咩我食呢,好攪笑,好似都鍾 ...



積分: 1445

發表於 08-10-9 17:26 |只看該作者
我星期六都會 start 比粥仔佢食 , 唔知成唔成功呢 ? 我上星期日 try 用 spoon 比水佢飲 , 佢個樣都一樣好攪笑


積分: 3259

發表於 08-10-9 19:08 |只看該作者
原文章由 mamibbchu 於 08-10-9 17:07 發表
餵米糊果陣佢個樣好疑惑,媽媽你俾咩我食呢,好攪笑,好似都鍾 ...

我又用過人奶開, 又用過奶粉開, 覺得人奶開係稀好多.
我之前係俾左糊仔先俾奶, 不過試過佢唔肯食番奶, 可能佢覺得糊仔好味啦, 又試過食到大半要用 spoon 餵埋少少奶... 俾佢激死.
所以依家我又諗住俾左奶佢先, 咁當然就番少d份量, 佢咪唔會話太飽而唔食糊仔.


積分: 2003

發表於 08-10-9 20:59 |只看該作者
原文章由 dormom 於 08-10-9 19:08 發表

我又用過人奶開, 又用過奶粉開, 覺得人奶開係稀好多.
我之前係俾左糊仔先俾奶, 不過試過佢唔肯食番奶, 可能佢覺得糊仔好味啦, 又試過食到大半要用 spoon 餵埋少少奶... 俾佢激死.
所以依家我又諗住俾左奶佢先, 咁 ...



積分: 1

發表於 08-10-9 22:05 |只看該作者
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積分: 3259

發表於 08-10-9 22:21 |只看該作者
原文章由 apple_baby 於 08-10-9 22:05 發表
我的BB而家五個半月啦! 但我一次糊仔都未俾佢食過, 會唔會好遲呢?

如果第一次學食米糊, 應該買咩味道好呢? 大家又有咩牌子可以推介下我呀?

幫BB學食糊仔, 無經驗, 簡直充滿挑戰~! ...

唔駛担心, 一d都唔遲, 有d醫生建議六個月先開始架. 同埋其實糊仔都係俾佢地學食野, 唔係營養來源, 所以無問題既.

我bb 就食organix , 都 ok, 我試過其實就無乜味既, 不過咁bb就唔會食左有味野唔食奶奶.

有媽咪話 healthy times or beanstalk 都唔錯.


積分: 3259

發表於 08-10-9 22:23 |只看該作者
原文章由 smileynemo 於 08-10-9 20:59 發表

我用過人奶開,覺得太稀,依家用水開。我問過護士朋友,佢話食米糊主要係幫佢適應固體食物,預備將來離乳,所以唔建議用奶開。同埋米糊嘅營養始終無奶咁好,所以現階段只係嘗試,應該係餐與餐之間試食,唔係BB會太飽就唔飲奶!所以我 ...

唔知係咪我bb為食, 佢食完糊仔都唔會食少左奶.. 佢食開160, 我地就用40ml開糊仔, 然後佢又會食多120ml.
oh... 其實係因為我自己食過覺得無味, 所以諗住用奶奶開會好味d俾bb食咋. 我唔知原來醫生建議用水開添.


積分: 4027

發表於 08-10-10 02:30 |只看該作者


積分: 21496


發表於 08-10-10 09:48 |只看該作者
原文章由 dormom 於 08-10-9 22:23 發表

唔知係咪我bb為食, 佢食完糊仔都唔會食少左奶.. 佢食開160, 我地就用40ml開糊仔, 然後佢又會食多120ml.
oh... 其實係因為我自己食過覺得無味, 所以諗住用奶奶開會好味d俾bb食咋. 我唔知原來醫生建議用水開添. ...



婆婆話bb食糊仔之後 d poopoo 杰左, 漿住個patpat,比以前難抺左,請問你地有無咁嘅情況?


積分: 2003

發表於 08-10-10 21:48 |只看該作者
原文章由 mamibbchu 於 08-10-10 09:48 發表



婆婆話bb食糊仔 ...

me too,杰身左,但都係軟,算係正常架,不過要飲多d水囉!


積分: 3259

發表於 08-10-10 22:45 |只看該作者
原文章由 jc118 於 08-10-10 02:30 發表
我都係比我個仔食這個牌子米糊,我比香蕉味佢食,但係佢超級唔鍾意食喎,一食就反胃,試左幾日都係咁.....但係我今日加左保嬰丹比佢,佢居然鍾意食喎...我就快比佢激死啦! ...

香蕉味係 for 6mths 以上bb喎, rasberry 同原味先係 for 4-6mths 架喎.


積分: 213

發表於 08-10-12 17:08 |只看該作者
我個bb都食緊原味啦, 佢都鍾意食, 其實佢玩口水玩左好耐, 最近開始厭奶, 俾佢開始一日一次米糊, o係飲奶飲到一半時食, 佢食晒d糊, 跟住重可以食埋d奶添!


積分: 120

發表於 08-10-18 14:54 |只看該作者


積分: 4103

發表於 08-10-18 18:28 |只看該作者
頭兒睇到篇文章話米糊有砒霜, 特別多係食brown rice. 都唔知依家比唔比bb食米糊好...篇文章我copy左係下面:

"One third of baby rice on sale in British supermarkets contains an unsafe level of arsenic", The Daily Telegraph reported, news that could potentially cause some concern among parents.
The newspaper said that some children could be receiving six times the amount of inorganic arsenic than they should be for their height and weight through eating rice products high in arsenic, as it is also commonly found in rice milk and puffed rice cereals.
Rice fields are regularly flooded and arsenic is naturally present in the soil. Subsequently the substance is present at a relatively high level in rice. High levels of arsenic are reportedly linked to an increased risk of certain cancers. Researchers in this study tested levels in 17 samples of three unnamed brands in British supermarkets and found that 35% of them contained high levels. The Food Standards Agency is reported as saying that there is no danger to infants, but that food regulations should be updated. There are currently EU and US legislations governing inorganic arsenic content allowable in water, but not in foods.
These findings may not be representative of other baby rice brands that were not tested, or of other products containing rice. This study also does not investigate or suggest there to be, increased levels of risk of any cancer from consuming these levels of inorganic arsenic in baby rice.
This research is likely to lead to further testing of food products and reconsideration of whether legislation needs to be introduced governing inorganic arsenic content of foods.
Where did the story come from?A commentary on the global health issue of inorganic arsenic in rice was written by Yong-Guan Zhu and Paul N. Williams at the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Andrew A. Meharg at the University of Aberdeen.
With additional researchers, they also carried out a test of inorganic arsenic levels in baby rice. The study was funded by the Natural Science Foundation of China and The Royal Societies of London and Edinburgh.
The study and the narrative commentary were both published in the peer-reviewed scientific journal: Environmental Pollution.
What kind of scientific study was this?
Inorganic arsenic is a toxic substance that occurs naturally in small amounts in the environment. It is known to be a chronic human carcinogen. Recent research has shown that, apart from people who are exposed to inorganic arsenic through drinking water, rice is the main source of it in the diet.
In the commentary, the researchers report that 50% of global cereal consumption is rice, and that half of the world's population is reliant upon it for nourishment. The flooded fields in which rice is grown promote higher uptake of arsenic from the soil and cause levels 10 times that found in other cereals such as wheat and barley.
Although most EU countries, the US and China have legislation governing maximum allowable levels of inorganic arsenic in water, there are no such legislations for food. Consequently, people who frequently consume rice may regularly consume much higher than the permitted levels in water.
Unprocessed rice has a stiff outer layer called the husk, an inner layer called the bran that is brown in colour, and a white seed at the centre. White rice has the bran layer removed while brown rice retains some or all of the bran layer. Due to inorganic arsenic being localised in the bran layer, brown rice may have much higher levels than polished, white rice. Vegan and macrobiotic diets which include brown rice, rice milk, miso, and rice malt as a sugar substitute, may therefore be expected to contain higher levels than other diets. Although it may be easy to remove inorganic arsenic from water, removing the arsenic incorporated into the rice husk may be harder. It is suggested that cooking the rice in high volumes of water free from arsenic may be beneficial, but to the detriment of nutrients. The researchers also suggest that, if were possible, it could be beneficial to grow rice in less flooded conditions in the paddy fields for at least part of the growing season.
The researchers also suggest that if body mass is used as a measure, infants and young children may regularly be exposed to higher levels of inorganic arsenic than adults.
The separately published research on inorganic arsenic levels in baby rice was a small cross-sectional study aimed at establishing the inorganic arsenic content in a range of UK-purchased baby rice samples. To do this, 17 samples of baby rice were obtained from supermarkets in Aberdeen in 2006. The samples included both organic and non-organic brands of baby rice. If possible, a sample from each of the three main brand manufacturers was obtained at each supermarket. Only pure baby rice was looked at, i.e. not any other products containing rice.
What were the results of the study?The researchers found that inorganic arsenic levels in the rice ranged from 0.06 to 0.16 milligrams per kilogram with an average (median) of 0.11 milligrams per kilogram. They say that these levels were high and that 35% of the products would be illegal for sale in China, which has a food limit of 0.15 milligrams per kilogram. There are no EU or US regulations on the levels of inorganic arsenic allowable in food. There are only regulations for water and WHO recommends no more than two micrograms of inorganic arsenic per kilogram of body weight.
When the researchers calculated how much inorganic arsenic could be consumed by infants (defining an infant as a one-year-old baby of average weight eating 20 grams of rice per day) they found that the levels were higher than the maximum allowed exposure for adults in water.
What interpretations did the researchers draw from these results?The researchers say that from their results 'it is apparent that inorganic arsenic levels in baby rice should be of concern.' They suggest that sourcing rice grain from low arsenic-impacted areas, such as parts of the Indian subcontinent or California may help, as might switching to more wheat, barley or oat-based foods.
What does the NHS Knowledge Service make of this study?The word 'arsenic' automatically conjures up ideas of poison, but arsenic actually occurs naturally in soil and very small amounts of it in food and water are common and to some extent unavoidable. The main point of this study is that, as most rice is grown in flooded fields, the quantities of inorganic arsenic that are consumed could be higher than that which is allowed by water regulations. Legislation may therefore need to be reconsidered and changed accordingly.
It should be emphasised that baby food is not being 'poisoned' by arsenic being added to foods during any part of the manufacturing process. These results may not be representative of other baby rice brands than those tested, or other products containing rice, including adult rice. This study also does not investigate, or suggest there to be, increased levels of risk of any cancer from consuming these levels of inorganic arsenic.
This research is likely to lead to further testing of food products and reconsideration of whether legislation needs to be introduced governing the inorganic arsenic content of foods.
Sir Muir Gray adds...An important issue, with an urgent need for more research.


積分: 7559

發表於 08-10-27 11:47 |只看該作者



原文章由 mamibbchu 於 08-10-9 17:07 發表
餵米糊果陣佢個樣好疑惑,媽媽你俾咩我食呢,好攪笑,好似都鍾 ...


