




積分: 3409

發表於 08-10-16 15:51 |只看該作者
原文章由 mat媽 於 08-10-16 15:22 發表

有咩咁奇o者, 要偷錢, 梗係趁 daddy瞓左先偷啦. 好夜番就仲好, 即係 daddy累 d, 瞓得林d

I do not know if this is common for boys to steal. You are right in waiting till late at night or when too tired or sleepy. But I can not understand why a boy need so much money and steal so often. Unless everyone of them steal and take turn to steal. I mean maybe last time the domestic helper stole, maybe his son saw it and stole himself. Or maybe at times his wife need the money and take it while forgetting to tell him. I even suggested that he pay for things and he forgot. But the incidents he told me are all happening at night when he knew how much he has and the next day disappeared. Last saturday is the most mysterious as 3 $500 and 2$100 become 2$500 and 3$100. He went home right after we left the bar. He is not driving and I sent him home. The next morning, he called me and ask me if I remembered how much he has. i think he is going to have mental problem if this continue to happen.


積分: 484

發表於 08-10-16 15:51 |只看該作者


積分: 3409

發表於 08-10-16 15:54 |只看該作者
原文章由 siuwa 於 08-10-16 15:26 發表

會唔會係你朋友啊, 佢同我朋友都有幾分相似. 我有個朋友都係會計師, 佢地成日精神好緊張, 好多時佢成日都話明明昨天先拿完錢, 又唔見左錢. 但係其實係佢自己拿左去交其他費用, 佢太多嘢記啦. 根本就唔記得自己 ...

Yes, he is a bit anxious on things, even minor things but since all incident happen at home and at night, there is no chances for him to use money like that.

Is this very often happen to your friend that he forgot he used the money yet think that he lost his money? thanks


積分: 18823

發表於 08-10-16 15:58 |只看該作者
Frankly it is very tempting for a boy this age for this easy money, you are talking may be a thousand a week!

The worst thing could be he use this money to buy drugs, so please be extra careful and take care of this issue at once, I think 麟媽媽 's suggestion would worth a try.

原文章由 agustus 於 08-10-16 15:51 發表
I do not know if this is common for boys to steal. You are right in waiting till late at night or when too tired or sleepy. But I can not understand why a boy need so much money and steal so ofte ...


積分: 3409

發表於 08-10-16 16:03 |只看該作者
原文章由 小草 於 08-10-16 15:29 發表
樓主係咪日日見到你朋友﹖不如試下每日放工幫你朋友keep住個銀包,佢淨係袋$100同id card,最多袋埋準備放工要用既錢(例如交電話費/買野),睇下仲會唔會唔見錢:lol (just kidding:lol ) ...

Thanks for your suggestion. Yes I am seeing him almost everyday now. Our project will end next month and he will be at out office every Monday, Tuesday and Friday. We used to go out after office hours but seldom on saturdays. lately, he always ask me out. My wife suggest he need to borrow money so he use excuses. but i do not think so. Even when we are out drinking, sometimes I pay and sometimes he did. Nowadays, he asked for the bill more than i do. He does not look like having financial problem nor mental stress problem.

i can keep his wallet for him, but I think I will not do so. he is an adult and keeping for him will not make him feel well. Moreover, what happen if he has memory problem, he will accuse me saying he has so much and I took some of his money. Worst of all if he did not ask me and suspect me. It's nice to be friend but too much involvement may cause me problem I did not invite.

Actually, in order to make him feel feel better, I told him to change a wallet. maybe the wallet is causing him stress or there is some msyterious things happening to the wallet. My wife will buy him one today to thanks him for the mooncakes he gave us last month and for his birthday end of the month. Well, as a friend, i can not do much. i can not tell his wife as I am in no position. But I can ask around for advices and hopefully I can help him one way or another.

Thanks again for your input. Appreciate all the help I can get.


積分: 3409

發表於 08-10-16 16:06 |只看該作者
原文章由 麟媽媽 於 08-10-16 15:46 發表
如果疑人真係偷左,一定見到d 字,
東窗事發,人地唔想當場捉 ...

this is a good idea. i think will not hurt people and can stop future problem. The people who never steal will not see the paper and only the one steal will see it.

Great. I will tell him tonight. Thanks a million, you are a genius. I think if he still lost money, it's his problem.


積分: 3409

發表於 08-10-16 16:11 |只看該作者
原文章由 sulamita 於 08-10-16 15:51 發表

I knew his father and I knew him for more than 20 years. actually, my father knew his father but not very close. I attended his first marriage and second marriage. he did not attend mine as I did not invite him ( true as i am married oversea). I did not see him for 8 years when I was not in HK. So if counting all the years, I knew him since he was in secondary school but at that time we are not close. I invite him to our company when he graduated but he refuse. Only after a few years he join my company. I attended his father funeral a few years ago and since then we are closer. I can not call him my best friend as he is not my type if people who love outing. But he is a nice person and I find him a good collegues too.


積分: 82696

好媽媽勳章 王國長老

發表於 08-10-16 16:13 |只看該作者
不過...唔擔保第朝佢老婆會話︰攪咩你畫花晒d 錢架?!

原文章由 agustus 於 08-10-16 16:06 發表

this is a good idea. i think will not hurt people and can stop future problem. The people who never steal will not see the paper and only the one steal will see it.

Great. I will tell him tonig ...


積分: 3409

發表於 08-10-16 16:17 |只看該作者
原文章由 circleda 於 08-10-16 15:58 發表
Frankly it is very tempting for a boy this age for this easy money, you are talking may be a thousand a week!

The worst thing could be he use this money to buy drugs, so please be extra careful and t ...

Thanks, and you are right. I counted myself and sometimes more than a thousand a week. Even when this is not a big amount, but this is what he knew. I do not know if he counted every night after that but I am not sure how much money I have in my wallet right now. So, if someone steal from me, I might not know it.

For drugs? Is there a way to know ? This sound scary and I did not even consider this issue. Can we know by looking at the boy? I will be at his house this weekend.

Yes,麟媽媽 suggestion is excellent. I think she is very clever. I'll suggest this to him. Anyway, thanks a lot for all the suggestion. I am getting many support from this site and many people care. I am still worry nobody reply as this is nothing to do with parenting. Still, great to be here. thanks


積分: 3409

發表於 08-10-16 16:21 |只看該作者
原文章由 麟媽媽 於 08-10-16 16:13 發表
不過...唔擔保第朝佢老婆會話︰攪咩你畫花晒d 錢架?!

Well, I think my wife will not open my wallet without a reason. So this is a little risk.

Still, you are right, so how? Maybe write on paper and clip to the notes. or stick with glue?\

I'll think about it. Anyway, i will ask him to do something about his wallet so he can sleep better.

He complaint of sleeping problem today as yesterday night he dreamed he is the one who steal. i think this is hard on him.



積分: 29799

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 王國長老

發表於 08-10-16 16:25 |只看該作者


積分: 20328

發表於 08-10-16 16:33 |只看該作者
原文章由 agustus 於 08-10-16 16:21 發表

Well, I think my wife will not open my wallet without a reason. So this is a little risk.

Still, you are right, so how? Maybe write on paper and clip to the notes. or stick with glue?\

I'll thin ...

use a Post-it and stick on the money, see if it works


積分: 10077

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章

發表於 08-10-16 16:58 |只看該作者
原文章由 agustus 於 08-10-16 15:51 發表

I do not know if this is common for boys to steal. You are right in waiting till late at night or when too tired or sleepy. But I can not understand why a boy need so much money and steal so often. Unless everyone of them steal and take turn to steal. I mean maybe last time the domestic helper stole, maybe his son saw it and stole himself. Or maybe at times his wife need the money and take it while forgetting to tell him. I even suggested that he pay for things and he forgot. But the incidents he told me are all happening at night when he knew how much he has and the next day disappeared. Last saturday is the most mysterious as 3 $500 and 2$100 become 2$500 and 3$100. He went home right after we left the bar. He is not driving and I sent him home. The next morning, he called me and ask me if I remembered how much he has. i think he is going to have mental problem if this continue to happen.

買東西送俾女仔都得架... 唔係一定要自己用...

我覺得呢件事要盡快解決, 邊個做都好/冇人做又好, 無謂拖, 見你朋友常常提呢件事, 佢一定覺得好困擾. 最好一家人商量下, 可以話:"我近排經常唔見錢, 怕是精神問題....." 偷錢者(即家人)應該唔會再偷掛, 再理想 d, 佢會自首 tim.

1. 老婆攞, 就叫佢唔洗偷, 問我攞就可以.
2. 大仔攞, 當然要教育下佢, 俾佢養成習慣就後悔莫及.
3. 冇人認, but 之後冇人再偷錢, 我都接受.
4. 冇人認, 之後又唔見錢, 裝 webcam 囉..... ??????


積分: 30247

發表於 08-10-16 17:06 |只看該作者
原文章由 mat媽 於 08-10-16 16:58 發表

1. 老婆攞, 就叫佢唔洗偷, 問我攞就可以.
2. 大仔攞, 當然要教育下佢, 俾佢養成習慣就後悔莫及.
3. 冇人認, but 之後冇人再偷錢, 我都接受.
4. 冇人認, 之後又唔見錢, 裝 webcam 囉..... ??????


不過逐個問會唔會好d? 如果成家人一齊果陣講, 怕當事人唔敢講話係佢做既~


積分: 1275

發表於 08-10-16 17:37 |只看該作者
原文章由 agustus 於 08-10-16 14:39 發表
I have a friend who told me his money disappeared from his wallet almost everyday for the past months already. I am shock and thus I ask a lot of questions. now I think I can not solve this matter a ...

my differential are:
1. someone steal the money, likely one of the family membe, but not likely after reading all your post
2. your friends own problem. Memory loss? other psychi illness like multiple personality disorder, sleepwalking, confabulation?

The most odd thing about your friend is the relationship with his wife. If the problem interfere him so much and for such a long time, I don't think his wife would know nothing. Woman is a v. sensitive animal.......

1. discuss with his wife, his wife should notice something if he really has multiple personality disorder, sleep walking etc.
2. webcam, worth to try.
3. if he is aboard and stay out of home, is the money disappear as usual?

anyway, if the situiation is memory loss in such a young adult , he need a full exam including a MRI brain or even a EEG.


