




積分: 5678

發表於 09-3-2 18:03 |只看該作者
原帖由 BBCoffee 於 09-3-2 17:23 發表
I and my circle of freinds has a recent discussion, i.e. will you take MTR if you carry a Hermes Birkin?

My friend said she once saw a woman with a Hermes Birkin in a MTR train and she said she won' ...


我會覺得如果搵一萬蚊人工既小文員,拎隻HERMES真係唔"親",如果你係唔洗做既阿太, 月入數萬既女強人, 醫生一個月搵7-8萬或以上, 你有能力買車但你唔買, 係鐘意搭地鐵,我覺得無問題wOR

其實最緊要係你身邊既朋友點睇你, 佢地係最清楚你背景/家底既人, 是否拎得起HERMES, 有無咁既能力"拎得起"囉

[ 本帖最後由 ibmabc 於 09-3-2 18:08 編輯 ]


積分: 4633

發表於 09-3-2 18:32 |只看該作者
原帖由 ibmabc 於 09-3-2 18:03 發表


我會覺得如果搵一萬蚊人工既小文員,拎隻HERMES真係唔"親",如果你係唔洗做既阿太, 月入數萬既女強人, 醫生一個月搵7-8萬或以上, 你有能 ...

sorry ibmabc, i suggest otherwise. if the clerk who earns $10k per mth saves herself for a birkin, she deserves the same level of respect afforded to the doctor who pays the same. life is hard enough, why to impose restriction on how one can enjoy to splurge?


積分: 15999

發表於 09-3-2 19:04 |只看該作者
i don't have a birkin but have a few kellys. I carry all my bags to take public transportation. i don't see any prb with it. I am not rich but not very poor, just a normal C9.

My hubby's boss just bought his wife her 1 st Hermes Birkin recently. They live in a 30m+ apartment. His boss earns more than 20m/year, which I think is quite a lot of $. But still his wife only gets his 1st birkin when she's 40+. I think they are classified as rich.

When I was a working lady, the shoes/bags I used are more expensive than my bosses. Just because I like brand name bags/shoes more than they do, not because I am richer.

there are lots of sales lady who earn 6-8k carry a 10k LV bag. You can see in Japan there are quite a lot of Japan ladies carrying a birkin or Kelly, but they only earn 20-30k. They strive to save for a Hermes bag just because they love this brand.

I won't bother how ppl think of a 'not rich' lady using an expensive bag. As long as I can afford and I love them, I would buy them.

I also carry my Hermes when going to cheap restaurants or eat wanton noodles.

[ 本帖最後由 c-wong 於 09-3-2 19:05 編輯 ]


積分: 24709

發表於 09-3-2 21:22 |只看該作者
I am also dreaming having my first Hermes but have hesitation because I only love to buy expensive bags but not expensive clothings.

However, I have absolutely no problem to carry an expensive bag / diamonds / watch and take public transport. I just love them!

[ 本帖最後由 Chole 於 09-3-2 21:25 編輯 ]


積分: 15999

發表於 09-3-2 22:06 |只看該作者
原帖由 Chole 於 09-3-2 21:22 發表
I am also dreaming having my first Hermes but have hesitation because I only love to buy expensive bags but not expensive clothings.

However, I have absolutely no problem to carry an expensive bag ...

hehe, same. only buy expensive bags but inexpensive clothes. my clothes are cheap, normally from overseas outlet, hehe. u shd go ahead to buy your 1st Hermes, u will love it!

I got my 1st Hermes (a Kelly bag) a few years ago. my hubby thought it was very expensive and persuaded me to buy smthn else. I bought it and used it carefully in the 1st mth I owned it. Now I just use it often even to grocery shopping.

Evelyne or Garden Party is a very good choice for a first Hermes because they are affordable (below 20k) and casual.


積分: 972

發表於 09-3-3 00:39 |只看該作者
My answer is OF COURSE...I do not see a problem of using Hermes in MTR...There are not many Mr. Lau (The Hermes Man in town) will purchased a Benz and serve his womand and her Birkin...

I do not see any problem...hee hee...

原帖由 BBCoffee 於 09-3-2 17:23 發表
I and my circle of freinds has a recent discussion, i.e. will you take MTR if you carry a Hermes Birkin?

My friend said she once saw a woman with a Hermes Birkin in a MTR train and she said she won' ...

[ 本帖最後由 littledoll 於 09-3-3 00:42 編輯 ]


積分: 972

發表於 09-3-3 00:42 |只看該作者
I think the value is different from people to people. If you are Cathy Tsui (Mrs. Lee), then she would not think it's a big problem to carry a diamond Hermes. But you are a normal person, it really depends on what your value is.

If you save your own $ and buy it, then I really impressed and happy for you, because you get what you want through your hardworking. That's fairly make sense.

原帖由 ibmabc 於 09-3-2 18:03 發表


我會覺得如果搵一萬蚊人工既小文員,拎隻HERMES真係唔"親",如果你係唔洗做既阿太, 月入數萬既女強人, 醫生一個月搵7-8萬或以上, 你有能 ...


積分: 972

發表於 09-3-3 00:43 |只看該作者
Hee Hee. Chloe..Then go and get one when you see i from Hermes store...You know, the moment you get the bag, you will feel very different.

Happy shopping!

原帖由 Chole 於 09-3-2 21:22 發表
I am also dreaming having my first Hermes but have hesitation because I only love to buy expensive bags but not expensive clothings.

However, I have absolutely no problem to carry an expensive bag ...


積分: 24709

發表於 09-3-3 11:17 |只看該作者
BTW, I find it very 肉酸 to see Mr Lau's "lady" putting her Hermes on a white cloth inside the car..... We are the master of the handbag, not vice versa.

原帖由 littledoll 於 09-3-3 00:39 發表
My answer is OF COURSE...I do not see a problem of using Hermes in MTR...There are not many Mr. Lau (The Hermes Man in town) will purchased a Benz and serve his womand and her Birkin...

I do not see ...


積分: 2260

發表於 09-3-3 12:00 |只看該作者
haha, I just saw the news yesterday about the white cloth underneath the hermes, it's kind of funny and didn't expect her to that ar...

So happy to share all your thoughts! for me, I still think Hermes is another level of my shopping experience. Too expensive lu...I still like Chanel more...

another question, is any hermes loves here switch your taste from chanel to hermes? Or just fall in love with Hermes straight away?

原帖由 Chole 於 09-3-3 11:17 發表
BTW, I find it very 肉酸 to see Mr Lau's "lady" putting her Hermes on a white cloth inside the car..... We are the master of the handbag, not vice versa.


積分: 4633

發表於 09-3-3 12:59 |只看該作者
i heard ppl saying bv is the gateway drug to hermes. i love my bv bcos it suits me in the style of being unstructured and slouchy, timeless and understated. in spite of that, i may want to own a birkin one day, i just afraid once u go hermes, u will never go back.


積分: 3815

發表於 09-3-3 13:48 |只看該作者
It is true that once you switch to Hermes, there is no going back.

I bought my first Birkin in the year 2000, and now I have mostly Hermes in my purse collection + a few Chanels, that's all.

But then everytime I see a nice new Chanel bag, I would think "hmmm...$26,000, I just have to pay $6,000 more to get another Hermes Lindy..." And so I ended up saving alot of money because I do not buy other brands anymore.

I bought all my bags using my own salary, and I do take my Birkin on the MTR, do not see any problem with that. The only thing I am very particular about is that when I carry an Hermes bag, I make sure I also have very nice shoes on. My favorite is Manolo, and that is another one where once you start buying, you cannot go back!!


積分: 4683

發表於 09-3-3 14:14 |只看該作者
I totally agree with the thots here re the white cloth and Lau's girlfriend. Y does she do that? I thot an Hermes for her is equivalent to a "no name" to me - she must have many many to throw around.

I love Hermes & BV most, understated, elegant, yet luxurious, but can't afford la. However, I find it just as fun window shopping, understanding what is quality/stylish, and using that knowledge to shop for bags I can afford. So altho it's a $2K bag, I will treasure just the same.

But I would like to ask you lux bag owners: do you wipe it and clean it out and store in nice closet after each use? in other words, how do you take care of your bag, esp. if you use it everyday? or do you just throw it around the house? do you treat it the same as you would yr cheaper bags (assuming you own both lux & cheap bags)?


積分: 4683

發表於 09-3-3 14:15 |只看該作者

[ 本帖最後由 meejh 於 09-3-3 14:17 編輯 ]


積分: 3810

發表於 09-3-3 14:17 |只看該作者
For me, first is BV, second level is Chanel and now I am looking for Hermes, I think is a MUST on a woman's collection-My hubby think so.

But I am still struggle of the color.
-Black long lasting/ classic but too common
-Brown look too old
-Orange/ ligh blue is difficult to match daily wear

I am thinking of dark grey or dark blue. If you want to buy Birkin, what color will you choose? Please share.

原帖由 BBCoffee 於 09-3-3 12:00 發表
haha, I just saw the news yesterday about the white cloth underneath the hermes, it's kind of funny and didn't expect her to that ar...

So happy to share all your thoughts! for me, I still think Herm ...


積分: 15999

發表於 09-3-3 14:45 |只看該作者
i will go for a gold (camel/tan), although it looks mature. it can match almost all colours.

brighton blue is my favourite as it can match very well with jeans.


積分: 2260

發表於 09-3-3 14:48 |只看該作者
Wow... we got so many stylish,self independent mama here....well, if I want to get one, I think light blue color is nice. Black is a bit 'dull'but yes.. long lasting, have to say. And people loves to have their first piece in long lasting colors, correct?

原帖由 achow 於 09-3-3 14:17 發表
For me, first is BV, second level is Chanel and now I am looking for Hermes, I think is a MUST on a woman's collection-My hubby think so.

But I am still struggle of the color.
-Black long lasting/ cl ...


積分: 4633

發表於 09-3-3 15:53 |只看該作者
第一個愛馬仕柏金包必定是自己最喜歡的顏色, 不要計較是否襟興是否易襯, 一定是wow的顏色, 這是我鐘愛的(別人的相片提供):


積分: 3815

發表於 09-3-3 16:45 |只看該作者
Hermes' specialty is in the beautiful colors and leather, so I will not go for black color.

My favorite color for a birkin is the etoupe, followed by graphite grey.


積分: 15999

發表於 09-3-3 18:03 |只看該作者
[quote]原帖由 qqbabe 於 09-3-3 15:53 發表
第一個愛馬仕柏金包必定是自己最喜歡的顏色, 不要計較是否襟興是否易襯, 一定是wow的顏色, 這是我鐘愛的(別人的相片提供):

i like cyclamen too!


