




積分: 20862

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章 BK Milk勳章

發表於 09-4-16 13:15 |只看該作者
Checked that 1st 1kg = $190, thereafter every 0.5kg = $33.


Postage should be over $355 by air (assume 2 sets of books + packing = 3.5kg)!!

Seems the postage charged by amazon and ebayer is not that huge wor....

原帖由 Bluestar 於 09-4-16 11:19 發表

Went to post office to weigh the pack this morning, my pack = 1.54 kg.

[ 本帖最後由 kittylock 於 09-4-16 13:30 編輯 ]


積分: 12633

發表於 09-4-16 18:00 |只看該作者

Piglet saw the HS - Stunning book you passed to me last night, and finished reading it today la.
So if he's interested, he will read.
Otherwise, the book(s) will just collect dust.


積分: 20862

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章 BK Milk勳章

發表於 09-4-16 18:21 |只看該作者
Just spent 1 night and finished reading the whole book?

Wow.. Piglet is

原帖由 Bluestar 於 09-4-16 18:00 發表

Piglet saw the HS - Stunning book you passed to me last night, and finished reading it today la.
So if he's interested, he will read.
Otherwise, the book(s) will just collect dust.


積分: 519

發表於 09-4-16 21:08 |只看該作者
I went there after work today, the sales lady told me the offer only valid for 4 days during the public holiday. Bought nothing but get the latest newsletter and 1 copy of the 09 catalogue

原帖由 kittylock 於 09-4-16 13:07 發表

I passed by 6/F Sogo last night and the saleslady said all Viking chess stock were gone la... may be no more replenishment.


積分: 1158

發表於 09-4-17 09:48 |只看該作者
Hi BS,

I have placed the order of 2 sets of 10X HG for us la. I bought from ebay Josephxxxx this time. SHe gave me a little discount. Each set costs GBP 13.5 (original GBP 14.95). I chose surface mail @ GBP 7.5 (air mail will cost GBP 13.75). So, each set will cost GBP 21. The set of books will be old edition, not 2008 edition.

Hi KL and BS,

After some communication with the sellers in the marketplace of Amazon recently, I observed that they are not willing to ship at GBP 7 per set in accordance with the Amazon shipping charge table. That's why my order was cancelled by the first seller. After that, I sent emails to other sellers to confirm if they will ship overseas. All the time, they said yes but the shipping charge would not be GBP 7 anymore.

I would conclude that it is reliable to buy directly from Amazon but not so from the sellers in the market place of Amazon.


積分: 20862

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章 BK Milk勳章

發表於 09-4-17 11:13 |只看該作者

GBP21 per set of HG of 10 books is a very good price. Each book only cost around $24.

Actually I find Joesphxxxx is very nice and I bought quite a lot eng readers from her.

Last time she grouped all books purchased and sent to me by a single DHL delivery. She gave me some FOC books (e.g. Stunning Science, Horrible Science Handbook etc) too!

原帖由 Gordon_No_4 於 09-4-17 09:48 發表
Hi BS,

I have placed the order of 2 sets of 10X HG for us la. I bought from ebay Josephxxxx this time. SHe gave me a little discount. Each set costs GBP 13.5 (original GBP 14.95). I chose surface ma ...

[ 本帖最後由 kittylock 於 09-4-17 11:15 編輯 ]


積分: 12633

發表於 09-4-17 12:15 |只看該作者

VVV good - now we can really have our HG la !

Maybe we can check what Josxxxx has in stock for sale and get what we need for the kids, instead of having to hop around looking for reliable sellers. Lets see.

I think I will have time to check tonight cos this afternoon piglet will be going to a 2d1n camp arranged by school, for free. Expect to get back a heavily (mosquito)-bitten piglet. One of the essential items on the To-Pack List is 蚊怕水 ! Maybe I will get a post-mid-night call from piglet, I let him take my old mobile which he can lose and I won't shout. Anything can happen.

Piglet finished the 4 big books already (HS - 2009 Annual, HG, HH - 2009 Annual, and HS - Stunning). Said they were good. And he now knows more about WW2 than I do.


Yes, when piglet starts to read anything, i.e. in a topic in which he is interested, he will read quite quickly ga. I just let him read on, no need to disturb him, and he will ask (explanations, meaning of words, real or fake) if he has any Q.

But his priority remains : online games, Lego, Star Wars, Engl books, Chin books.

He stayed with big pig last 2 days, and I asked him to read and read, apart from some online game time. Yesterday he went through ~6 -7 Siu Bing Chin books which were still in TCS. But given other attractions, he will stay away from books ga.


積分: 20862

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章 BK Milk勳章

發表於 09-4-17 13:12 |只看該作者

It's good to hear that piglet likes reading english books.

For Kv, he is indulged in chin readers now. He has read and written >300 books/book reports since commencement of this school year.

However, for eng books, he just got 1/3 of that of chin!

Just got 2nd term 1st assessment results:

Chin - 89
Eng - 93
GS - 96
Math - 99 (1 mark was deducted for missing writing calculation step)

Seems it's more and more difficult to get high marks in chin lang subject. He lost one-forth marks in the part of 作句. Can't imagine when he has 作文 examination later!!!

Term 2 2nd assessment will start on May-8.

原帖由 Bluestar 於 09-4-17 12:15 發表

VVV good - now we can really have our HG la !

Maybe we can check what Josxxxx has in stock for sale and get what we need for the kids, instead of having to hop around looking for reliable selle ...

[ 本帖最後由 kittylock 於 09-4-18 11:43 編輯 ]


積分: 12633

發表於 09-4-17 15:01 |只看該作者
Re : Piglet's 2d1n camp with school, and my yanyan

The School circular said the kids need to wear summer PE polo-shirt + jeans, so I put out the only pair of jeans which still fits, and told yanyan to let piglet wear school PE shirt. Yanyan had to take piglet to school by 1:30pm.

At ~1:20pm I called yanyan to see whether they've reached school or not. They were already there, and I asked yanyan whether piglet was wearing school PE upper. She said, piglet said there was no need to wear school PE upper, and instead wore a grey T-shirt.

I seldom scold yanyan cos she could operate on auto-gear, and I tell her in advance when there are specific things she should / should not do. Also she can and does call me (mobile) if and when something comes up.

But I was quite furious this time, cos I told her 3 times (last week, last night and this morning) to let piglet wear school PE upper. She said yes. And if she or piglet had doubts they could always call me and ask, but they never did this morning.

She also tried to put the blame on piglet, said piglet said they don't need to put on school PE upper. So I just X her again,
1. she often (usually for useless things) would call me on my mobile to tell / ask me this and that.
2. I told her several times so why does she listen to piglet.
3. if they are in doubt, should a) do what I say not what piglet says, b) call me to check......

She didn't expect me to flare up and X her like that cos I seldom do it to her. But she knows that I won't hesitate to X anybody cos I usually scold piglet for not doing homework / not putting in 100% effort / .....

Wonder if she will feel v bad about it (??) and decide not to work for me ? Cos she is not a mild person just that (I know) she pretends to be a good maid haha. Well when she does what I tell her to I don't care, but when she steps on my tail I will definitely scold her !

But on the other hand she really works on auto-gear, so apart from being lazy sometimes (need to INSTRUCT her specifically to do this or that, but she will still do it) and piglet doesn't want her to go cos she cooks well and my mum is willing to tolerate her cos yanyan knows what she wants, ...etc a lot of similar reasons, I will still renew contract at the end of this year. :tongue:


積分: 1158

發表於 09-4-17 15:48 |只看該作者
Yes, 天下烏鴉一樣黑! Everytime, whenever I ask my maid why she didn't do something, she just use my kids as excuses. Have to X X X ... them on the spot!!

原帖由 Bluestar 於 09-4-17 15:01 發表
She also tried to put the blame on piglet, said piglet said they don't need to put on school PE upper. So I just X her again,


積分: 20862

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章 BK Milk勳章

發表於 09-4-17 15:53 |只看該作者
Can't agree more!

Every time I XX my maid, she would turn black face to me and 駁咀駁舌, seems that she's always right!!

原帖由 Gordon_No_4 於 09-4-17 15:48 發表
Yes, 天下烏鴉一樣黑! Everytime, whenever I ask my maid why she didn't do something, she just use my kids as excuses. Have to X X X ... them on the spot!!


積分: 1158

發表於 09-4-17 16:07 |只看該作者
My son had a fever after lunch. So, just fetched him back and saw the doctor. Days ago, his sister got tonsil inflammation. Not sure, if he has caught the virus/germs from his sister.

Hi KL,

Kv never upsets you. His performance is so good!

I am quite pleased with my son's assessment results this term. But I do not expect very high marks in the first place. As long as the teacher put stickers on his papers, I know the results should be OK or above average la. Out of the 3 papers, he got 2 stickers. So, 我已經收貨啦!

I had similar worries when my daughter did her 中文作句 exam in p1 p2. She thought out something big but she was unable to put it down correctly. (e.g. 錯字,錯句法,etc). Technically, I could teach her the exam technique by writing sometime simple and naive, in order to score higher. However, I didn't. Because I believe sound and creative ideas in writing are more important than the other attributes. Over these few days, it has proved that I have been correct on this. My daughter is now very interested in writing.

So take it easy towards Kv's 作句. As long as he is self-motivated to do so, let him go. He will run and fly later.


積分: 20862

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章 BK Milk勳章

發表於 09-4-17 16:24 |只看該作者

Thank you for the comfort!

Glad to know that Cyrxx has shown great improvement in the assessment.

I think listening, comprehension, rebuild sentences, fill in the blanks, punctuations etc are not that difficult if you have sufficient training on papers. However, composition is not the same case.... you have to be creative in mind and able to write what you think in a sensible way. Sometines Kv would write 白話 and marks were deducted.

原帖由 Gordon_No_4 於 09-4-17 16:07 發表
My son had a fever after lunch. So, just fetched him back and saw the doctor. Days ago, his sister got tonsil inflammation. Not sure, if he has caught the virus/germs from his sister.

Hi KL,

Kv n ...

[ 本帖最後由 kittylock 於 09-4-17 16:25 編輯 ]


積分: 12633

發表於 09-4-17 17:10 |只看該作者

Next time we meet, I'll show you one of piglet's recent "compo" masterpieces.
Really no eye see.

白話 : 起馬
錯別字 : 妙 (should be 抄)
CONTENT : 二十乘二十三等如四百六十字 (I guess this was to occupy more space and count more characters !)
(total content = ~120 characters)

+ um住良心擦(老師)鞋 !


積分: 20862

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章 BK Milk勳章

發表於 09-4-17 17:19 |只看該作者

Tell you a even more worse case:

Kv put a "目" instead of "日" to the word "春" for 2 times in the same exam papres!

Results: 4 marks were dedcuted

原帖由 Bluestar 於 09-4-17 17:10 發表

Next time we meet, I'll show you one of piglet's recent "compo" masterpieces.
Really no eye see.

白話 : 起馬
錯別字 : 妙 (should be 抄)
CONTENT : 二十乘二十三等如四百六十字 (I guess this was to ...


積分: 1158

發表於 09-4-17 19:26 |只看該作者

原帖由 Bluestar 於 09-4-17 17:10 發表



積分: 1158

發表於 09-4-17 19:31 |只看該作者
Kv's consistent errors in one test is understandable. I am sure he will not commit the same error next time.

For my boy, even though he makes a mistakes and then does his correction, he will definitely commit the same mistake next time and has to do recorrections again!! 死未?

原帖由 kittylock 於 09-4-17 17:19 發表

Tell you a even more worse case:

Kv put a "目" instead of "日" to the word "春" for 2 times in the same exam papres!

Results: 4 marks were dedcuted


積分: 20862

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章 BK Milk勳章

發表於 09-4-17 22:27 |只看該作者

Got a question from Kv's hw but can't find the solution. Anyone has idea how to solve the problem?


I've tried several times and still can't make it...

Note: The problem has been solved by W la!

[ 本帖最後由 kittylock 於 09-4-18 12:15 編輯 ]


積分: 4008

發表於 09-4-17 22:47 |只看該作者
So funny watching BS, KL & GN4 X'ing your maids! I don't know why. Suddenly mine seems quite considerate these 2 days. All depends on their mood, I suppose!

Kv's results are not bad at all. My son's chin writing is even worse. He likes to write many words, but without substance! Still very baby. I am the one to blame. He reads so few chin books. Is Kv still taking Oly Mths?

[ 本帖最後由 Jsmami 於 09-4-18 09:29 編輯 ]


積分: 20862

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章 BK Milk勳章

發表於 09-4-17 23:20 |只看該作者

Actually I seldom X my maid cos my bottom line is set at low level....

No, Kv doesn't take any O-math by now.

原帖由 Jsmami 於 09-4-17 22:47 發表
So funny watching BS, KL & GN4 X'ing your maids! I don't know why. Suddenly mine seems quite considerate these 2 days. All depends on their mood, I suppose!

Kv's results are not bad at all. ...

[ 本帖最後由 kittylock 於 09-4-18 08:50 編輯 ]


