




積分: 12633

發表於 09-5-27 18:28 |只看該作者

Re What I want from them :-
1. To warn bully off piglet.
2. To avoid piglet from getting hurt.
3. To get it in ts heads that the bully is bullying not playing
4. To state to the ts that there is bullying so they have to handle it properly not to cont to be ts.
5. To tell them that I am very concerned about this repeated bullying.


積分: 12633

發表於 09-5-27 18:32 |只看該作者

Did I tell you that piglet needs to have an op re tosilitis and sleep apnea ?
Needs to remove tonsils and adenoid (which is blocking air flow, at back of nose)
So will have an op end of June, no shouting for some time, no fries, no "hot gas" food, no bumping of wound.

So no swimming, no sports games, only allow mild activity.

Plan to go for some courses re building gundam, building models, etc.


積分: 12633

發表於 09-5-27 18:34 |只看該作者

Your books are in TCS, can collect on Friday morning. Pls ask maid to call big pig first. Will pm mobile no and my a/c no.

Big pig moved to mezz floor of TCS, no longer using ground floor, sublet to a friend doing industrial safety business, lots of masks on G/F of TCS now.


Where / when do you want to collect your 1 book on Story Ferris Wheel ? Its now in my office. But I'm off on Monday.


積分: 20862

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章 BK Milk勳章

發表於 09-5-28 01:02 |只看該作者

So you confirm to go ahead with the op la..... no need to ask for second opinion?

I think piglet won't get bored cos he has piles of Lego to play in summer holiday.

原帖由 Bluestar 於 09-5-27 18:32 發表

Did I tell you that piglet needs to have an op re tosilitis and sleep apnea ?
Needs to remove tonsils and adenoid (which is blocking air flow, at back of nose)
So will have an op end of June, no ...

[ 本帖最後由 kittylock 於 09-5-28 01:05 編輯 ]


積分: 20862

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章 BK Milk勳章

發表於 09-5-28 01:04 |只看該作者
Will go for ice-skating and watch Terminator 2018 tmr. Then we'll attend a rice dumplings workshop in the afternoon.


積分: 20862

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章 BK Milk勳章

發表於 09-5-28 01:27 |只看該作者
Bullies are cunning. They will bully the weak when/where no one notice and even deny it and tell lies if found.

Bullies may not be scared when they're warned. On the other hand, they may be angry with the one being bullied cos they think he is the golden finger.

Teachers may not be able to control the situation. Better work it out together with the bullly's parents to let them know what's going on. See if they can put pressure on the bad kid to stop the bully (provided they belive their son is the one who bully others).

原帖由 Bluestar 於 09-5-27 18:28 發表

Re What I want from them :-
1. To warn bully off piglet.
2. To avoid piglet from getting hurt.
3. To get it in ts heads that the bully is bullying not playing
4. To state to the ts that there ...


積分: 1158

發表於 09-5-28 16:16 |只看該作者
Hi BS, KL,

The 2Ts and disciplinary T are hiding the bully problem. They have to know 紙包不住火. The bully problem may develop to an extent where it's not controllable anymore. The 2Ts + d T are so unwise.

But what I care about more is piglet. He has to learn to protect himself. He will still be the target as the root of the bully problem -- the bully-- has not been sorted out. The bully feels that he is being 照住 by the Ts.

KL's suggestion may work, I think. The Ts do not want to deal with the bully problem. I doubt they would have talked with the bully's parents as they do not admit the bully incidents. On the other hand, I believe the great majority DSS' parents are concerned parents. They would care much about their kids. No such concerned parents would like to see their kids to become bullies. Talking to the bully's parents may draw their attention on their son's behaviour at school. Or at the least, their son should be more "careful" when he plays next time. They are sort of being pre-warned. There have been at least 3 "accidents" in the row i.e the tripping on the floor, missing watch, basketball dropped on head. It's hard for one to believe such were accidents if one more happens again in the future.

原帖由 kittylock 於 09-5-28 01:27 發表
Bullies are cunning. They will bully the weak when/where no one notice and even deny it and tell lies if found.

Bullies may not be scared when they're warned. On the other hand, they may be angry wit ...


積分: 1158

發表於 09-5-28 16:27 |只看該作者
Hi BS,

Will you consider to take a longer annual leave to accompany piglet? So, you will have a very relaxing summer lu...= lots of sleeping, 7X24 air-conditioned, lots of indoors activities, stay home, TV games, internet shopping, lego, snacks, reading, ....

Last year, my son broke his arm. We also had a very relaxing summer. No heat, no pain, no rain, just gain (weight). Ha, ha....

No need to join building gundam courses for piglet, save some money la... Just invite my son and Kv to play with him. I can also send my daughter to supervise the boys there. Honestly, she is bossy enough to take up such a job.

原帖由 Bluestar 於 09-5-27 18:32 發表

Did I tell you that piglet needs to have an op re tosilitis and sleep apnea ?
Needs to remove tonsils and adenoid (which is blocking air flow, at back of nose)
So will have an op end of June, no ...

[ 本帖最後由 Gordon_No_4 於 09-5-28 16:34 編輯 ]


積分: 12633

發表於 09-5-28 16:35 |只看該作者
Hi, GN4,

Didn't expect you to be at home.

Well, I think all ts prefer to do less work, if they admit that there is bullying, then they need to do more work.

The bully boasted to piglet that he is not scared of his mum, will even scold her (which I really doubt, should be just boasting, the mum as I said is also a pr t perhaps in Tung Wah Gp).

Anyway, the mum should know something is going on, this should be the 2nd time that the ts have approached her (last time was Nov when I compl that several kids hit piglet), if she is really pro, then she will know that her kid is up to somethiing. If she doesn't, then no use to talk to her. Also, no grounds to meet her, the ts will not likely arrange.

I think, for now, I've state my points, even if the ts do not agree / do not face the music, they know that I am after their aXXes. If they don't monitor well and if piglet has any complaints, I will be after their aXXes again.

The ts handle everything badly, their logic is quite ?-( most of the time (eg they try to use peer pressure to control classrm behaviour, and claim that to be a fair way, but if a kid didn't do anything wrong and gets punished cos somebody else assigned to the gp chatted in class, say, to that kid it is not fair).

[ 本帖最後由 Bluestar 於 09-5-28 16:37 編輯 ]


積分: 12633

發表於 09-5-28 16:40 |只看該作者

Your girl be the supervisor = v good idea woh. She will have a big headache.
But where ?

Actually the Gundam course is in YMCA centre in Hin Keng Estate (Tai Wai). Also a few more sc and tech and elec courses. V cheap, medium convenience (yanyan knows that area cos she prev worked there 1x yrs ago when she 1st came to HK).


積分: 12633

發表於 09-5-28 16:45 |只看該作者

Re summer leave

I always take leave in summer hols. During last few yrs, during those yrs we went to SF I took ~20 calandar days' leave, (counted by calendar days and I have a lot of stock) and during other yrs I took leave on eg 135 to take piglet to various courses. This yr I should be taking leave now and then, not really loooong leave, just popping in and out of office, and of home.

Need a week for Sing too.


積分: 12633

發表於 09-5-28 16:48 |只看該作者

The ts counted 3 times :
Nov (definitely a case)
end Apr (tripping)
this time (doubted cos bully didn't own up and ts preferred to stay in cozy inability to do anything !)

And they never admitted to bullying this time,
just used a lot of PROBABLIES.

Wonder whether they really believe what they are saying.


積分: 12633

發表於 09-5-28 16:52 |只看該作者
KL, GN4,

I prefer NOT to say anything to bully directly, cos some parents are long-loai enough to throw accusations around that I am bullying their beloved kid.

But the bully is scared of yanyan. Hides behind other kids when he sees yanyan around.
Coward !

Have told piglet to yell loudly if and when bully tries to do anything to him. And daily I ask him whether / what bully and the ts have done that day, just in case they try to victimise him.

Also told piglet to be good in school, cos the ts are sure to find fault.

And 1 good outcome : piglet is ready to fight academically, study hard to beat the bully in that direction. Turn negative feelings into positive power. Hope it works.


Piglet is on leave until next Tues.
Did some Chin proverb homework with him, quite diff !
Trying to revise by doing homework and corr dilligently, otherwise no time for revision, 10 June = T2 exam.

[ 本帖最後由 Bluestar 於 09-5-28 16:55 編輯 ]


積分: 3715

發表於 09-5-29 10:54 |只看該作者

Pls teach me how to check the shipping cost at Amazon...My son would like to order some DVD ...

Do you know the difference of buying from the other buyer instead of from Amazon, seems the other buyer price is cheaper....than Amazon's price. BUT they are all at Amazon's website.


積分: 20862

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章 BK Milk勳章

發表於 09-5-29 13:11 |只看該作者

Here's the shipping rate table of US amazon.

Standard Shipping Rates to Asia & Pacific Islands
Product Category Per Shipment Per Item
Books, VHS videotapes$4.99$4.99
CDs, DVDs, Music Cassettes, Vinyl, Pre-Denominated Gift Cards $4.99$3.99
Any combination of the above items Highest applicable per-shipment chargeAs above

I haven't tried to buy from other buyers cos they won't ship to HK usually.

原帖由 lamsuetwai 於 09-5-29 10:54 發表

Pls teach me how to check the shipping cost at Amazon...My son would like to order some DVD ...

Do you know the difference of buying from the other buyer instead of from Amazon, seems the other ...

[ 本帖最後由 kittylock 於 09-5-29 14:21 編輯 ]


積分: 4008

發表於 09-6-1 01:37 |只看該作者
I haven't come to BK for a while but I am quite concerned about piglet. I think u r getting nowhere with those ts. Got a few suggestions, not sure if u have tried them b4.

1. Ask yr hubby to raise the subject to school if u agree that the ts may feel some diff in pressure. Men appear to be calmer & firmer & people take them more seriously. Nothing personal against u, but I feel that our world works this way somehow.

2. Lodge a complaint in writing & demand a written reply from the school principal. If what happened to piglet is not considered as bullying, ask them the school policy on classifying & handling bullying at school such as calling witnesses, warning & disciplinary action incl. expulsion from school. Get them to expect a 2nd letter from u to spell out your evidences of bullying on piglet & call for action on the principal on that boy.

3. Bring the case to the attention of the boy's parents. No matter what, u have every right to share your observation & seek their cooperation "nicely". Try to tame that boy from several fronts.

4. Train piglet defence tactics. Be confident & brave, smart & likeable (by others). Mingle with those who can fend out bullying (e.g. those whom ts listen to & are brave enough to speak up like those who told u what happened). The incidence of black out when asked to present school work may also turn piglet into a target for bullying. This can't be changed overnight & suggest u to work at that as well. Is there something that piglet is v good at that can draw other kids to him? How abt your resources / info on Lego! Bring the Lego magazine to school, share some websites etc. Get him to find some common ground with kids & build up his circle of comrades.

5. PTA. Speak to the committee & ask around if there is bullying in school. Voice out your concern & seek help from them if appropriate.

If I were u, after speaking to the ts, I will go to the school for some days & be visible to both the ts & the boy. Tell them that u r watching. Good luck.

I did sign up my son for some activities with Caritas on Caine Rd & a community centre in my neighborhood. He has done YMCA & ESF sports camp b4 & is asking for ESF & OMaths this summer! I find that activities are either offered on a certain day (e.g. Monday) across several weeks or the whole week which makes it diff to mix & match! So my kids' summer this time is more of the former! Hope he likes them. I didn't find the Arts Carnival this year attractive, maybe too used to it already. I only bought the Mudull concert. Any holiday plan? I may go somewhere towards end of Aug when my hubby is free & the swine flu dies down.

Advice needed for Charlotte. I got her school report on Sat. To my surprise, teachers said she did really well in her class (top 1 or 2). I want to help her get into Rachel's school. Rachel does so well, any chance to help me check it out from her teachers or principal when & how they consider new applicants? U remember Charlotte's twin cousins got into the kindy but their mummy was pre-warned that their chance of getting into primary is v slim (they only recognize the chinese word of "people" out of 40 words taught). I wished it was Charlotte who got the place since K1! BTW, Justin's piano gets better. I should say he is more interested in it after changing teacher!

[ 本帖最後由 Jsmami 於 09-6-1 09:41 編輯 ]


積分: 20862

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章 BK Milk勳章

發表於 09-6-2 10:24 |只看該作者
Seems quiet ... busy preparing exam for kids?


Charlotte is superb!

Is she studying in SPX now? K3?

Re: ESF sports camp, Kv had also joined it during summer holiday of K1 and K2. But he had no interest in it afterwards.....


Have you bought the Lego fire station on red hot Fri in Sogo? I got there on Sun and still found a lot of stock.


I bought a Lego backpack on the last day of sale in Sogo. Just 10% off. (org $328, now $295)

[ 本帖最後由 kittylock 於 09-6-2 10:38 編輯 ]


積分: 12633

發表於 09-6-2 13:56 |只看該作者

Tks for your concern, also for your suggestions.

1. Big Pig is = or worse than the ts -- he told piglet to forgive the bully, and make friends with him woh, similar to what the ts wanted to say.
I am NOT a Christian, I don't give the left side of my face after somebody spanked me on the right.

2. P is no use. He is only a marketing man. Heard this morning that a classmate left the school very recently cos mum complained that there were too many mistakes in the exam papers should improve, P said, we are like that ga la. Mum was so angry that she considered to have wasted too much time on the school, and quitted this school in May (normally one will wait till summer hols, but this mum was too fed up).

3. Trying the step up approach. But the ts are really ..... too inexp and too ostrich, and tends to "help" their pet students. I wil try to show up more often between now and term end. Had the chance this morning (student health check), and will go to school tom afternoon.
Female t was there this morning, didn't come over to chat, mutual dislike I guess.

4. Chatted with another parent. She said many kids in the class were quite naughty. Anyway, that bully had always been hitting other kids, just that the other kids didn't complain to mum, perhaps becos they hit back and both were punished in school. I would just love to know what conduct grade that bully has !

5. The parent also said, the school has to observe certain ISO benchmarks. So if piglet gets a ? grade for say conduct, I can ask for assessment criteria. Didn't know that before.

6. PTA is also useless, just a gesture of false democracy, only deals with student benefits eg schoolbus charges, choice of lunch box caterer. Otherwise no function.


Surprisingly, piglet wasn't asked to attend exercise clinic to reduce weight. Just nurse rambled on re proper diet and food.
Kids over 10Y need to have blood pressure taken, also fat kids need to leave wee-wee to check for glucose / diabetes.

[ 本帖最後由 Bluestar 於 09-6-2 14:04 編輯 ]


積分: 12633

發表於 09-6-2 14:05 |只看該作者

Nice Lego bag, haven't seen it before. But expensive woh.

[ 本帖最後由 Bluestar 於 09-6-2 16:31 編輯 ]


積分: 20862

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章 BK Milk勳章

發表於 09-6-2 14:20 |只看該作者

I find the new style Lego school bag is more lighter and less bulky. They're good looking too.

choices as below:

Product Features
  • FUNCTION: 16.5 x 13 x 7 dimensions appropriately sized for older children
  • FUNCTION: Durable 610D Cordura fabric with printed 210D lining PVC free
  • FUNCTION: Large main front compartments combine for 1900 cubic inch capacity
  • FUNCTION: Interior organization panel detachable key fob
  • FUNCTION: Side mesh water bottle pockets and heavy-duty zippers components

原帖由 Bluestar 於 09-6-2 14:05 發表

Nice Lego bag, hasn't seen it before. But expensive woh.

[ 本帖最後由 kittylock 於 09-6-2 16:33 編輯 ]


