




積分: 26210

發表於 19-10-19 00:11 |只看該作者

今早開機, 電腦(ASUS) 即出現以下字句, 我不敢輕舉妄動, 連F1也不敢按, 有些檔未Backup,

請教教我應怎樣做? 謝謝.

SMART Failure Predicted on SATA6G_1 : WDC WD202ER2-0025HB0

WARNING: Please back-up your data and replace your hard disk drive.

A failure may be imminent and cause unpredictable fail.

Press F1 to Run SETUP


積分: 7559

發表於 19-10-21 16:34 |只看該作者
小圓圓 發表於 19-10-19 00:11
今早開機, 電腦(ASUS) 即出現以下字句, 我不敢輕舉妄動, 連F1也不敢按, 有些檔未Backup, 請教教我應怎樣做? ...

The warning message is more or less self explanatory. Ur WD hard drive will fail soon. Better off remove the hard drive, connect it to anther PC and copy / backup everything u need.

If u don't have another PC, boot up ur current PC as usual n use CD/DVD/flash drive n copy everything (if "F1 to Run Setup" is your only option, press <F1> and select "Exit without save" at the BIOS screen).

If you wanna do more to check ur hard drive, could either

1/ download WD Lifeguard tool to scan your hard drive, which will take more than an hour (depends on ur hard drive size n performance, could cost u more than five hrs). OR

2/ run <CMD> as Administrator and then run "chkdsk /r" to recover any bad sector.

Note that if your hard drive suffer mechanical or circuit board problems, method 1 or 2 could not help.

Now, what r u waiting for? Start backup ur data!

&quot;And liftoff, the final liftoff of Atlantis, shoulders of the space shuttle, America will continue the dream.&quot;

&quot;Liftoff for the final launch of Endeavor.  'xpending our knowledge, 'xpending our lives in space.&quot;

&quot;The final liftoff of Discovery, a tribute to the dedication, hard work and pride of America's space shuttle team.&quot;


積分: 56423

發表於 19-11-28 23:27 |只看該作者
Aardvark 發表於 19-10-21 16:34
The warning message is more or less self explanatory. Ur WD hard drive will fail soon. Better of ...


notebook win10 開機突然出
“aptio setup utility”


咩disable boot 試過無用
launch csm 直頭無呢個選項

試過出smart bad back up replace message但後來又唔見咗

又係去返 aptio setup utility個screen

係咪要拎去service centre 攪攪?



積分: 26210

發表於 20-2-25 22:50 |只看該作者
回覆 Aardvark 的帖子

電腦又壞, 今次無Failure既畫面, 一開機出現ASUS畫面, 最底下寫着"ress DEL or F2 to UEFI BIOS setting", 隨即自動入了UEFI BIOS Utility--EZ mode畫面, 之後就無法進入windows 10正常運作.

我試過載入最佳化設定, 但不可行. 請各位高人指教!


積分: 7559

發表於 20-2-26 21:17 |只看該作者
BKsquare 發表於 19-11-28 23:27
... 又係去返 aptio setup utility個screen ...
Missed ur query. U should have fit it, I guess. If not ...

Try remove mobo battery n let BIOS discharge. Replace it back n c if it fixed. Problem caused by ASUS itself.

Of course, if under warranty, contact ASUS would b a better option.

&quot;And liftoff, the final liftoff of Atlantis, shoulders of the space shuttle, America will continue the dream.&quot;

&quot;Liftoff for the final launch of Endeavor.  'xpending our knowledge, 'xpending our lives in space.&quot;

&quot;The final liftoff of Discovery, a tribute to the dedication, hard work and pride of America's space shuttle team.&quot;


積分: 7559

發表於 20-2-26 21:27 |只看該作者
小圓圓 發表於 20-2-25 22:50
...入了UEFI BIOS Utility--EZ mode...
Was ur hard drive appear under BIOS? Did u replace ur hard drive?
If both were -ve, ur hard drive has failed n u need a new hard disk.

If under warranty, contact ASUS for a new hard drive (but all ur data will be lost).

Or u could try unplug n reconnect ur hard drive n c if problem caused by loosen cable.

Good luck.

&quot;And liftoff, the final liftoff of Atlantis, shoulders of the space shuttle, America will continue the dream.&quot;

&quot;Liftoff for the final launch of Endeavor.  'xpending our knowledge, 'xpending our lives in space.&quot;

&quot;The final liftoff of Discovery, a tribute to the dedication, hard work and pride of America's space shuttle team.&quot;


積分: 26210

發表於 20-3-6 21:30 |只看該作者
回覆 Aardvark 的帖子

好多謝你回覆! 電腦問題仍在, mobo battery是指CMOS Battery?

附上的 BIOS 畫面是否有Hard disk資料? 我不懂看.

我沒有拆過Hard disk出來, 怎樣unplug hard drive? 你指拔去電腦的電源嗎?


積分: 26210

發表於 20-3-7 17:25 |只看該作者
回覆 Aardvark 的帖子

明明加左兩幅圖, 之後唔見左, 而家再加一次


積分: 7559

發表於 20-3-7 22:49 |只看該作者
小圓圓 發表於 20-3-6 21:30
Q1: mobo battery是指CMOS Battery?
Q2: 附上的 BIOS 畫面是否有Hard disk資料?
Q3: 我沒有拆過Hard disk出來, 怎樣unplug hard drive? 你指拔去電腦的電源嗎?
Q1: Yes. They r the same thing. Similar to below
But if yours still under warranty, better off seek help from service ctr.

Or u could reference to this video:

Q2: Ur pic didn't upload / can't b read.

Q3: No, not power cord.
But b4 reading below. Is ur notebook still under warranty (humm, did I ask the very same question b4)? If yes, go to the service ctr and ask for help as below may void your warranty.
Flipped ur notebook upside down. Unscrew n remove the bottom (check if there is any void label) n u should c a hard drive. Remove four screws securing the hard drive (check again if there is any void label) , unplug (void label?) the hard drive n then plug it back. Put back everything and reboot to see if problem persist.
Or u could reference to below video:

&quot;And liftoff, the final liftoff of Atlantis, shoulders of the space shuttle, America will continue the dream.&quot;

&quot;Liftoff for the final launch of Endeavor.  'xpending our knowledge, 'xpending our lives in space.&quot;

&quot;The final liftoff of Discovery, a tribute to the dedication, hard work and pride of America's space shuttle team.&quot;


積分: 7559

發表於 20-3-7 23:02 |只看該作者
小圓圓 發表於 20-3-7 17:25

Correct, hard drive missing. In the middle, SATA message, SATA6G_1: N/A (should show ur hard drive); SATA6G_2: DRW ... (ur DVD rom).

Click bottom right, "Advance Mode" | "Boot" | scroll down to "Boot Option #1" and on it's right, click it and then take a pick or c if there is any hard drive appears.
Or check this video at 1:00

&quot;And liftoff, the final liftoff of Atlantis, shoulders of the space shuttle, America will continue the dream.&quot;

&quot;Liftoff for the final launch of Endeavor.  'xpending our knowledge, 'xpending our lives in space.&quot;

&quot;The final liftoff of Discovery, a tribute to the dedication, hard work and pride of America's space shuttle team.&quot;


積分: 15382


發表於 20-3-8 09:50 |只看該作者
小圓圓 發表於 20-3-7 17:25
回覆 Aardvark 的帖子

明明加左兩幅圖, 之後唔見左, 而家再加一次

本帖最後由 kelkmk 於 20-3-8 09:54 編輯


華碩底板Bios右下角應該會見到你本身部機選擇咗嘅啟動裝置, 除非你disable咗你隻硬碟。


積分: 15382


發表於 20-3-8 09:56 |只看該作者
小圓圓 發表於 20-3-7 17:25
回覆 Aardvark 的帖子

明明加左兩幅圖, 之後唔見左, 而家再加一次



積分: 26210

發表於 20-3-13 18:46 |只看該作者
回覆 Aardvark 的帖子

我的是桌上電腦, 不是手提電腦, 是在電腦商場砌機, 已經三年了, 相信不會有保養.

好多謝你的指引, 我照着影片做, 但去到Advanced- PCH storage configuration, 就再無影片中的選項了(請參圖), 因此亦無法繼續下去.

另圖boot option只有一個選項, 我試過按F8, 但只有SATAxxxx一個選項, 無法搵番windows boot manger
4個SATA6G都是enabled, 但除左SATA6G_2外, 其他都是empty的


積分: 7559

發表於 20-3-13 21:40 |只看該作者
小圓圓 發表於 20-3-13 18:46
Yeap. Ur hard disk is, some how, missing.

If it's desktop, should will b more easy, er, literally.
1/ Unplug ur PC main power (2 prevent electric shock)
2/ Open the cover and u should a lot of ... stuff. Look for your hard drive (guess you should only have one).

Now, there are two cables connecting to the hard drive like below. One of left is a 5V power and right is for data transfer. Unplug both and then reconnect it.

Turn on ur PC and c if ur hard drive reappear.

If not, you'll need go to a computer store and buy a new hard drive and the reinstall everything like Windows, Office ... Hard drive brand like Segate or Western Digital (WD in short) are reliable n cheap (around $600 for a 4T hard drive). Mind you, your data in your old hard drive might not be able to recover ...

If ur hard drive reappear. Copy all your data / photos / video to a flash drive / USB. U hard drive might fail at any minute. Next, u'll still need to garb a new hard drive and reinstall everything ...

&quot;And liftoff, the final liftoff of Atlantis, shoulders of the space shuttle, America will continue the dream.&quot;

&quot;Liftoff for the final launch of Endeavor.  'xpending our knowledge, 'xpending our lives in space.&quot;

&quot;The final liftoff of Discovery, a tribute to the dedication, hard work and pride of America's space shuttle team.&quot;


