




積分: 6299

發表於 09-12-22 12:32 |只看該作者
我見好多人去沙巴, 都考慮過, 後來因為工人屋企係保和島, 成日聽佢地講話好正, 所以十一月時去左10日, 最後兩晚住宿霧.

非常正嘅一次旅程, 我覺得可以向大家推介. 我地去左:

沙灘執貝殼, 海星, 海參, 睇蟹仔, 而且海灘好靚, 我老公係夏威夷讀書, 佢話保和島拍得住
Loboc遊船河, 睇歌舞 (聽講Loay遊河, 晚上有螢火蟲, 但我地冇去)
去左騎馬, 擠水牛奶, 騎農場車 (tractor)
我個女係工人屋企住左一個星期, 餵羊, 追雞仔, 睇星睇螢火虫, 重去埋幼稚園返學

本來想收成採果,但我地去時唔係季節, 希望下次有機會.


積分: 9654

發表於 09-12-22 13:16 |只看該作者
小B係29/04出世,3.1kg07May ~ 3.33kg19May ~ 4.08kg04Jun ~ 5.05kg09Jul ~ 6.64kg, 61cm height, 39.5cm head10Sep ~ 8.16kg, 65.5cm height, 42.5cm head05Nov ~ 8.85kg, 70cm height, 44cm head06May ~ 10.24kg, 45.9cm head


積分: 13683

發表於 09-12-22 13:22 |只看該作者

any idear? banks ? or we can just exchange money upon arrival?



積分: 7855

好媽媽勳章 BK猜猜猜慶中秋 BK Milk勳章

發表於 09-12-22 16:01 |只看該作者
你講到好吸引喎, 想點坐咩AIRLINES, 同埋有咩酒店可以推薦一下.


原帖由 elmostoney 於 09-12-22 12:32 發表
我見好多人去沙巴, 都考慮過, 後來因為工人屋企係保和島, 成日聽佢地講話好正, 所以十一月時去左10日, 最後兩晚住宿霧.

非常正嘅一次旅程, 我覺得可以向大家推介. 我地去左:

沙灘執貝殼, 海星, 海參, ...


積分: 3071

發表於 09-12-22 17:03 |只看該作者

I will go, with my daughter, to Bohol in Chinese New Year. Would you please tell me where I can 騎馬, 擠水牛奶, 騎農場車 (tractor)?

Did you buy distilled water for drinking and teeth brushing?

Any good driver/boatman recommended?

Many thanks.

原帖由 elmostoney 於 09-12-22 12:32 發表
我見好多人去沙巴, 都考慮過, 後來因為工人屋企係保和島, 成日聽佢地講話好正, 所以十一月時去左10日, 最後兩晚住宿霧.

非常正嘅一次旅程, 我覺得可以向大家推介. 我地去左:

沙灘執貝殼, 海星, 海參, ...


積分: 6735

發表於 09-12-25 22:55 |只看該作者

你有冇好的 boatman 介紹 ??

原帖由 elmostoney 於 09-12-22 12:32 發表
我見好多人去沙巴, 都考慮過, 後來因為工人屋企係保和島, 成日聽佢地講話好正, 所以十一月時去左10日, 最後兩晚住宿霧.

非常正嘅一次旅程, 我覺得可以向大家推介. 我地去左:

沙灘執貝殼, 海星, 海參, ...


積分: 6299

發表於 09-12-31 15:17 |只看該作者
sorry, 好多日冇上來.

我地十一月去, 係淡季, 機票平, 我地搭cebu airline去manila, 再轉菲律賓 airline去tagbilaran, 回程搭cebu pacific, 係cebu 返hk, 來回$1000有找. 其實去程都可以搭cebu pacific, 不過半夜出發, 我帶住兩個細路, 細仔唔夠2歲, 所以唔想咁去法, 太辛苦.

保和島東面有一個國營開放比人參觀嘅農場, 叫ubay agri-park, 就係係一個叫ubay的地方, 個度其實唔係旅遊景點, 不過我帶個女去體驗姐. 我地就係個度騎馬, 唔洗$, 不過我地比左小費, 個度有溫室, 可惜又係just harvest, 去到都冇野睇, 有個博士出來同我地解釋水牛d野, 又介紹佢地個蚯蚓farm如何做有機肥料, 幾教育性, 不過條路唔好, 唔遠嘅路程都變幾遠. 我地去到個日之前兩日just harvest哂d芒果, 如果唔係我地可以幫手收割.

我地都係出島, 去pamilican island睇海豚, 冇時間去balicasag, 上左pamilican島, 可能少d遊人去, pamilican冇咁commercial. 我工人同人租左架電單車去左島另一面同d漁民買海鮮, 我地又係海對出叫人幫我地撈左d海膽食, 不過味道麻麻, 但係個日真係好正. 我工人個仔好叻, 係海到係咁捉左d三~四吋嘅海參上來, 成十幾條, 見到d三吋左右嘅蟹仔, 又捉埋返來. 連和虫都捉埋.

我地book 左loboc children's choir, 好似都幾有名, 成日都去表演, 06年都來過hk. 佢地表演得好好, 連我個仔未夠2歲都冇話要走, 坐定定係到睇.

我冇好boatman介紹, 都係我工人個細佬幫我book. 佢地話朝早去pamilican基本上一定見到海豚, 係多定少, 總之一路圍住個島,又留意下其他觀豚船, 跟下佢地就得.

食野我去過楚留香, 麻麻. 最好食係island city mall 入面間prawn farm. tagbilaran有間燒雞店, 裏面所有野都係雞裝飾, 我覺得麻麻地, 反而係ubay食左一間燒雞店, 連魚都燒得好食, 我地請埋司機食, 叫左三份餐再加一個燒魚都係hk$100有找, 地方乾淨.

edith so, 唔洗擔心衛生, 食水可到埗後買bottled drinking water, 如果你住panglao, d水真係會有salty味, 我都係用bottled water 刷牙, 如果你住tagbilaran就ok, 又或住d貴d酒店, d水都可以刷牙. 基本上bohol衛生唔錯, 呢樣野我好impressed. 買日常用品, 去island city mall, 有超市, 好似外國walmart咁大, 物都有, 我之前叫工人check過哂, 連diaper, milk都費事帶咁多日, 去到先再買.

如果你地嘅小朋友大d, 可以考慮去davao, 我d太細, 好多係空中飛來飛去嘅玩意, 唔啱我地, 我大女都係得三歲半.

我地打算easter 再去, 到時啱啱係收割季節.

[ 本帖最後由 elmostoney 於 09-12-31 15:22 編輯 ]


積分: 6299

發表於 09-12-31 15:37 |只看該作者
bohol's tourism is not so well developed, so hotel choices are limited. They seem to have the average and below standard, then the high standard - nothing in between. I stayed in 3 hotels - flushing meadow (next to bohol bee farm), Peacock Garden near tagbilaran and Regents Park (near Alona, but not beach front).

I don't like the Alona beachfront properties so much. The area is very crowded with a lot of small hotels. However, it could be a good area to station yourself if you plan to do a lot of island hopping.

Panglao Island has 2 halves - Panglao and Dauis. Bohol Bee Farm and Flushing Meadows are in Dauis. they are seafront properties on a cliff - so not much of sandy beaches. View is still nice, but if you are looking for sandy beach, bohol beach club has the longest stretch of private white sandy beach.

Peacock Garden has great views from a hill, very private and nice - but also very pricey.

我覺得bohol d酒店, 如果$1000左右或以下, 全部都好似香港d渡假屋咁, 最多係d裝修同傢具靚d與否. 要住到成千三四蚊以上先似一間我地心目中嘅酒店, 唔同泰國, 住八百幾至千鬆d已經幾靚, 呢樣野要有心理準備.


積分: 6299

發表於 09-12-31 15:42 |只看該作者
the biggest expenses in bohol, other than the hotel and meals (meals are cheap) - is hiring a car and boat. you can expect to pay around 2500 pesos a day for a 7-person minivan including driver. boat hiring will depend on the size of the boat. hiring a boat enough for 14 ~16 persons is around 4000 pesos from early morning (5:30AM) to around 2 pm. one or two additional hour will set you back 3 or 4 hundreds pesos.a smaller boat will cost less. other expenses are cheap. going to loboc river cruise including a so-so buffet lunch is 350 pesos per person.

[ 本帖最後由 elmostoney 於 09-12-31 22:39 編輯 ]


積分: 3071

發表於 09-12-31 15:48 |只看該作者
Hi elmostoney,

Thanks a lot for your detailed explanations.

For the farm you went, is prior appointment required or we can just walk in? Is it far from Alona Beach?

原帖由 elmostoney 於 09-12-31 15:17 發表
sorry, 好多日冇上來.

我地十一月去, 係淡季, 機票平, 我地搭cebu airline去manila, 再轉菲律賓 airline去tagbilaran, 回程搭cebu pacific, 係cebu 返hk, 來回$1000有找. 其實去程都可以搭cebu pacific, 不過半夜 ...


積分: 6299

發表於 09-12-31 22:46 |只看該作者
hi edith

u need to plan for 2 hours going to ubay from alona. it is not because of the distance, but because of the road condition so the car cannot go fast. we went from catigbian where my helper lives, so the drive was a bit over an hour.

there is no need to make an appointment. you may want to email or call them ahead to find out more. the people were sooo friendly. they milk the buffalos in the morning and use the milk to make cheese and cake. they make cheese in the morning and bake cake in the afternoon. i talked them into allowing us to go in the kitchen to see what they do. unfortunately, the time for making cheese and baking were both over. milking demonstration is 3 pm. the staff outside will tell you that it is just a demo and you can't milk the buffalos. once you get there, just ask the people again. they will let you. to make sure you don't miss anything, best to call ahead.


積分: 6299

發表於 09-12-31 22:49 |只看該作者
if you want to see a real bee farm, you can call bohol bee farm and ask them if they let you visit their REAL bee farm. bohol bee farm is a tourist spot and they just set up a bit of everything to show the tourists. i think it is enough for young kids. their REAL bee farm is near catigbian, about an hour away.


積分: 6299

發表於 09-12-31 22:55 |只看該作者
actually, one of the reasons why we liked bohol so much was my daughter's homestay at my helper's place. the night we got there, they roasted a whole pig. the following day was my helper's nephew birthday. we saw them slaughtering one goat, one big pig and a couple of chickens. about 80 people turned up for the celebration. it was quite fun. the place is beautiful, tranquil, clean and nice. it is very different from the small farm properties in China.


積分: 3071

發表於 10-1-4 14:42 |只看該作者

Million thanks.


