




積分: 519

發表於 10-7-21 22:08 |只看該作者
I bought once a small clone troopers set.
No ATTE walker, price keep going up, crazy

Surprise to get these bday present from classmate:

Luckily we didn't buy any at Whampao that day, got the 8093 Plo Koon's starfighter. But we received the 2nd set of the 7590 Toy story Motor action and 2x Megablock Gundam, thinking what I should do with it...

原帖由 Bluestar 於 10-7-20 14:59 發表


You must have bought a lot from him / he expects that you will be buying a lot.

Jun got AT-TE ?
Lego Racers (2010 new ones) are already in the market la.


積分: 20862

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章 BK Milk勳章

發表於 10-7-22 10:33 |只看該作者
Went to book fair with Kv yesterday.

To my surprise, the first day at Children's book hall was not crowded..... actually it was a bit 冷清, may be all people rushed to see "lan mo" in Hall 1 :mrgreen:

Remember to bring your 新雅書迷卡 if you have cos further 5% willl be offered for all 山邊 or 新雅books purchased.

Bought mainly Chinese detecitve stories and Pan Lloyd supp exercises.

Kv had a surprise in 《白貓黑貓》 counter cos he saw the authors 馬星原 and 方舒眉. He also took pictures with them and got their autograph.

馬星原 even drew the 白貓黑貓 cartoon characters addressed to Kv in the inner page of the book.


積分: 1158

發表於 10-7-23 23:46 |只看該作者
Hi buddies,

I haven't visited BK for quite some time. How are you all? I have quitted that insane job --- slept 4 to 5 hours each day, 7 days a week. Shed some pounds and "chan" (aged) a lot... I regain my life interests -- toys & books, just now.

What's hot now? Any must-buy at the book fair this year? But may not be able to go this weekend. See if I can go there next week then.

Hi BS,

I am now working in your neighbourhood. Let's go out for lunch next week. I remember that I owe you money for books. But I can't remember what books are those...

Hi Kitty,

Kv is always a wonderboy!! He never let you down. You and your hubby have done a good job!!


積分: 12633

發表於 10-7-24 23:09 |只看該作者
原帖由 junjunmama 於 10-7-21 22:08 發表
I bought once a small clone troopers set.
No ATTE walker, price keep going up, crazy

Surprise to get these bday present from classmate:

Luckily we ...


Very funny - we got that Racers set with cardboard road from USA in 2003 from Target, at a v cheap px. Wonder where Jun's classmate got them from, maybe the parents dug it out from their storage. We still have it but a few pcs of the cardboard tracks are misplaced.


Piglet n I went to bk fair yesterday, bought some things, incl piglet's schoolbooks (TSA). And from Reading Ppl (they have a double size booth this yr.) Jing Ying is a good source - 1 set at less 30%, 3 sets at less 40%.
Synergy - Hall One less 40%, Hall Three less 30%.
Page One - most things less 30%.
So should at least go for less 30% before you buy anything.


Welcome to WC. See you next week. I am on leave until next Sat so lunch in early Aug la. Yes UOI for some Chin books (Siu Bing) from ong ago, and Pirates Advent Calendar. How did the Aust exam go from little twin and how heavy is he nowadays ? Piglet is 71 kg !! (158 lbs)


積分: 519

發表於 10-7-26 11:24 |只看該作者
I was surprise to receive the racer set, happy!


積分: 1158

發表於 10-7-26 23:06 |只看該作者
Hi BS, my dearest creditor,

Good ar. Let's have lunch when you are back.
Little twin brother is very fat. He grows horizontally more than vertically. I guess he has 100 pounds now. We motivate him to cut his snack. If he does not eat snack a day, we will give him $10. He can use the money to buy spinning tops.. He is a crazy fans of spinning tops these days.

Re Aust exam, results just average. He lacks self motivation. Yes, I have to return them to you when I see you next time. Thanks very much.

My daughter was awarded the outstanding student award this year. She did it because she got the self-motivation.. So, 2 different persons, 2 different personalities. One is happy soul and the other is a hard working machine.. The God is fair!!


積分: 31232

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章 環保接龍勳章

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