



積分: 128

發表於 11-1-5 11:37 |只看該作者
直資最大的優勢是可以自行收生, 很多時都是8裏挑1. 聽校長講今年大約有1400人應考150個位, 差不多10 裏挑1. 據我所知, 學校對有讀寫障礙的學童沒有太大的持援, 全校只有2位"人仕"有相關的資歷. 這樣對有讀寫障礙的學童不太有利, 有些學校拿取了相關的政府資源照顧這些學童, 可能更適合.

原帖由 km1357 於 11-1-4 11:28 發表

之前我都有果度問過如果小朋友有讀寫障礙, 培僑有無支援? 不過無人答, 可能無人知.
現今要搵間成績好既學校唔難, 要搵間有包容既學校就真係唔易. ...


積分: 21311

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章

發表於 11-1-5 12:07 |只看該作者
原帖由 NormalGuy 於 11-1-5 11:37 發表
直資最大的優勢是可以自行收生, 很多時都是8裏挑1. 聽校長講今年大約有1400人應考150個位, 差不多10 裏挑1. 據我所知, 學校對有讀寫障礙的學童沒有太大的持援, 全校只有2位"人仕"有相關的資歷. 這樣對有讀寫障礙的學 ...

家下d"直資"基本上已經同"有教無類"相違背, 只會揀叻同家庭環境好既學生, 真係無言.....


積分: 6662

發表於 11-1-10 22:26 |只看該作者


積分: 19

發表於 11-1-11 13:15 |只看該作者
原帖由 km1357 於 5-1-2011 12:07 發表

家下d"直資"基本上已經同"有教無類"相違背, 只會揀叻同家庭環境好既學生, 真係無言.....



積分: 38

發表於 11-11-22 14:33 |只看該作者


積分: 7661


發表於 11-11-22 15:46 |只看該作者


積分: 7661


發表於 11-11-23 21:59 |只看該作者


積分: 173

發表於 11-11-24 23:26 |只看該作者


積分: 49

發表於 11-12-7 15:18 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 markwongplus 於 12-9-19 15:48 編輯

My son is a student studying in Pui Kiu College since Grade 1. From what I observe, the school has been doing well to enhance the students' study with courage and passion. For example, my son is requested to run projects and presentations regularly through a variety of activities. Every time he is so exicted to work with other classmates for the best project idea and the presentation details as well. He spends a lot times and obivously enjoys it very much. When he has a hurdle or problem, the teacher will guide him with advice and help. I can see that he really absorbs the knowledge and skill gradually without any harsh study experience.

My son is comfortable to speak both English and Putonghua at home or school. The school offers him the language environment. He is asked to speak and to practice two languages during school hours. One point I like much is he now gets used to read books each day which gives him a large advantage to accelerate his capability in language and learning development. My wife and I are so glad to see his change.

Some parents might have a concern of the school background. As I know, it is all about the school providing a wide range of opportunties for its students to develop their knowledge of China. The students learn a plenty of traditional Chinese cultures with hands on experience. The school encourages the students to value, appreciate, respect and be proud of their own civilization like Chinese music, dance, writing, innovation, custom, history, etc. I don't see any problem with that. In fact, I believe this is a wonderful life experience for all the students.

Same like other good schools, the school admission of Pui Kiu College is getting tough now. From what I have been told by the other parents, too many want to enrol but only a small number of children can be accepted. Getting in is no longer an easy job. To apply or not for Pui Kiu Colllege is a matter of personal choice. It is a parent's decision. For me, I have no regrets sending my boy to study in such school.


積分: 18576


發表於 11-12-7 18:29 |只看該作者


原帖由 markwongplus 於 11-12-07 發表
本帖最後由 markwongplus 於 11-12-7 18:00 編輯

My son is a student studying in Pui Kiu College sin ...

I love all the ways of learning U mention
I wish my kid can get an offer at PKC next school year
What should I prepare?


積分: 18576


發表於 11-12-7 18:44 |只看該作者


原帖由 markwongplus 於 11-12-07 發表
本帖最後由 markwongplus 於 11-12-7 18:00 編輯

My son is a student studying in Pui Kiu College sin ...

I love all the ways of learning U mention
I wish my kid can get an offer at PKC next school year
What should I prepare?


積分: 49

發表於 11-12-9 14:33 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 markwongplus 於 11-12-10 10:44 編輯

回覆 bonniec2000 的帖子

The school tuition fee of Pui Kiu College is roughly HKD22,000 annually. To compare the quality and facilities the school offers, the charge 2,100/month is not exspensive. For other schools, you might have to spend at least 3,300 or above monthly to just keep up with the same school quality. To save 1200/month, I can provide my child more budgets and opportunities to learn something different or extra from school such as chess, piano, swimming, computer, etc. I can also buy a large number of books for my kid to read. My kid loves reading at home.


積分: 49

發表於 11-12-9 15:29 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 markwongplus 於 11-12-9 17:20 編輯

回覆 virgokaren 的帖子

There are a lots of stuff you can do to prepare your kid for the coming school years.

For me, I always believe reading is the best way to make your kid stand out of the crowd. Please let your kid reads, bring him/her to library each week. Let the child reads in English and Chinese. It doesn't matter what sort or what subject of the book. Just read. The more the child reads, the better he/her will be.

As a parent, you need to show a good example to your child how to behave like a polite person. Your child will see and learn from you. You are the perfect model. So you had better watch your own behavior at home.

Offer your child an English TV progam 20-30mins a day. He/She will pick up the English a lilttle by little. The child will soon get used to listen to English and most likely prefer watching English programs. It will help your child in English learning.

I also suggest that bringing your kid to a park nearby your house or let him/her joins a playgroup is good to develop the human skills. Your child will learn to get along well with the other naturally. He/She will learn the rules dealing with other kids.

With all the above, it will improve the possibility of studying at a good school for your kid. Good luck.

Finally, always search the websites and listen to the other for advice. I am sure there are many great ideas you can take as reference.


積分: 18576


發表於 11-12-11 19:16 |只看該作者


原帖由 markwongplus 於 11-12-09 發表
本帖最後由 markwongplus 於 11-12-9 17:20 編輯

回覆 virgokaren 的帖子
Thank you for your advise, I will follow your instructions and try our best.


