



積分: 213

發表於 11-1-18 18:08 |只看該作者
My son is 0906. He is nearly 19 months now but he still cannot say anything. He can make three sounds "Da", "Bu", "Ma". That's all. Shall I worry or not? He understands basically everything we say and follow all the orders. But his speech development is soooo slow. People say, it is very common for BOYS don't speak until they pass their 2nd birthday.... What shall I do? Any comment/advice?


積分: 16519

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 環保接龍勳章

發表於 11-1-19 15:53 |只看該作者
Totally understand how you feel.

That's similar to my son. He is also 0906. He can make "ba", "ma", "ga" and "beep" and other "UFO language". He also can understand what we are talking about. Besides, he still has lots of saliva...sigh. Sometimes, I feel so depressed and worried.

People (even the doctor) said it's OK as long as he understands what we are talking about. So, we decided to observe for a few more months and if the situation continues when he's 2, I think I will bring him for an assessment. (As the result for the assessment may not be so accurate when the child is too young).

原帖由 jessicaso 於 11-1-18 18:08 發表
My son is 0906. He is nearly 19 months now but he still cannot say anything. He can make three sounds "Da", "Bu", "Ma". That's all. Shall I worry or not? He understands basically everything we s ...


積分: 377

發表於 11-1-19 16:45 |只看該作者
My son is 19 months now... he can only say che che (car), ma ma, ba ba, bye bye (not clear), 燈燈. He has to go back to the clinic at 2 years old to follow up the speech development. I comfort myself, he should be ok as many boys' speech development tends to be late. I know some of the boys start talking even at 3. So i am not that worry now. He also has lots of saliva dripping too... While, i worried my son who doesn't like to sit down and follow instruction. He is very very active. He goes to playgroup once a week but when i see all the kids of similar age follow instructions and my son just want to do what he likes. this part really bother me. Hope he will be fine.


積分: 2255

發表於 11-1-20 16:06 |只看該作者
我個仔都係..... 我都好擔心..!
原帖由 jessicaso 於 11-1-18 18:08 發表
My son is 0906. He is nearly 19 months now but he still cannot say anything. He can make three sounds "Da", "Bu", "Ma". That's all. Shall I worry or not? He understands basically everything we s ...


積分: 5524

發表於 11-2-23 17:10 |只看該作者
My one is not too good too.
But some said if he could climb up and down well, he will slow in speech development, as he spend most effort others.


積分: 842


發表於 11-2-23 17:24 |只看該作者
mine too.
Better after attending language class, willing to speak more, but yet "le le la la", or papa mama, car car train banana, clock....he can't even say his own name, so worry


積分: 377

發表於 11-3-1 09:36 |只看該作者
原帖由 麥兜MaMa 於 11-2-23 17:10 發表
My one is not too good too.
But some said if he could climb up and down well, he will slow in speech development, as he spend most effort others.

Really, haha... that's why my son can't speak much... becoz he climbs all the time, running around the house.. super active ah!


積分: 5226

發表於 11-3-15 00:33 |只看該作者
試下用食物(或任何他喜歡的東西)引下佢,唔開聲唔俾佢,我阿B係活動型,又係唔多開心,歲半先識叫媽咪,平時笑都係開大個口得個窿,Playgroup阿sir教我用食物引佢(佢好為食),如ar B有任何要求,唔開聲我地就扮唔明,而家佢識數1-10,一日嘈到黑,身邊d朋友都話佢突飛猛進ar


積分: 259

發表於 11-3-25 19:13 |只看該作者
試下同佢一齊唱歌仔, 男仔係慢d, 我好多mama都話個仔連mama都唔識講, 唔好太擔心


積分: 842


發表於 11-3-29 02:20 |只看該作者
we started language class last Nov and musc class in Feb, I can see improvement and these days he speaks more....we use the method the teachers do in language school, hold his hand and make him look at you and your lips and repeatedly say the word eg. "good morning", then he will see your lips and follow to pronounce with you...but need to repeat doing this every time, and now we can see he will try (he won't in the past) and amazingly he will speak that word when at the right time....so he can understand the words and now he can speak more. Though he still speak very little, but I am happy to see his improvement.


