




積分: 9297

發表於 11-4-4 22:54 |只看該作者
回覆 bbbabybb 的帖子

Dear bbbabybb,

1) Most day-2 embryos are at 2- to 4-cell stage; the cleavage speed of your embryos is just right.

2) I am not completely sure about the blue pills you have. They are probably not for ovulation. My closest guess is that you will be using your natural cycle and the blue pills are actually helping to "build" your endometrium.

3) Will you cough before/after ET? Depending on how badly you cough, it should not affect embryo implantation. However, when you are not doing ivf, do you take any medication for your allergy, what kind?



積分: 9297

發表於 11-4-4 23:07 |只看該作者
回覆 SamBBBB 的帖子

Hello SamBBBB,

In your 1st ivf, how many eggs were collected to begin with? Did you have any embryo(s) for transfer, e.g. on which day, how many, cell division stage, grade? Any info will help.

Similar questions with your 2nd ivf. When the embryos were thawed for FET, for the 3 (1st FET) and 1 (2nd FET) embryos transferred, what cell stage?



積分: 3250

發表於 11-4-4 23:31 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 bbbabybb 於 11-4-4 23:42 編輯
cutecutetown 發表於 11-4-4 22:54
回覆 bbbabybb 的帖子

Dear bbbabybb,

剛剛確定失敗那次, 放胎前後都有咳. 放胎後咳得比較嚴重, 咳到連無咳的時間胸骨都會痛及有時會喘氣, 但醫生話放胎後唔可以食氣管敏感藥(因有類固醇). 如果咳得咁嚴重會否影響著床嗎? 平時當有咳才要食藥氣管敏感藥, 無咳就不需要食. 現在準備每日食善存及睇中醫, 到放雪胎時就只食善存, 希望増加抵抗力會有幫助.
如果那隻藥只增厚子宮內膜並未能夠控制排卵, 以我所知要排卵後才可放雪胎, 掌握放雪胎時間會比較難嗎? 抑或無排卵只要子宮內膜夠厚都可放雪胎? 如要排卵後才放雪胎, 有否其他方法可增厚子宮內膜亦可控制排卵呢?
5w 胎囊 0.97cm
6w 胎囊 1.87cm 胎長 0.48cm (閃閃)
8w2d 胎長 1.9cm
10w2d 胎長 3.7cm


積分: 708

發表於 11-4-4 23:41 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 SamBBBB 於 11-4-4 23:49 編輯

Dear cutecutetown

In all the IVF and FET, the embryos were grown and transferred on the 3rd day after retrieval.

In the 1st ivf (Jan2010), 21 eggs were retrieved but only 12 fertilized (not using ICSI). Only 2 embryos were transferred in the ET with 1 grade B and 1 grade C, but all others can't be freezed becos grading is no good.

In 2nd IVF (Oct2011), 16 eggs were retrieved and 13 fertilized using ICSI (2 grade A, 3 grade B, 4 grade B- and 4 Grade C). 3 embryos were transferred (1x 8-cell grade 2, 2 x 8-cell grade 1-) and 10 were freezed.

In the 1st FET, 5 embryos thawed but only 3 can be used (1 x 5-cell grade 2, 1 x 2-cell grade 2- and 1 x 2-cell grade 2).
This was done on the 26th day counting from my menstuation start day.

In the 2nd FET, 5 embryos thawed but only 1 can be used (3-cell grade 3) and this was done on the th 18th day counting from my menstuation start day.


積分: 9297

發表於 11-4-5 22:13 |只看該作者
回覆 bbbabybb 的帖子

Dear bbbabybb,

I don't know if the heavy coughing may cause more uterine contractions which would not be good for implantation. How do you usually sooth your cough when you cough badly, other than the corticosteroid (類固醇)? Will cough drops help, or mint candy?

If you have regular menstrual cycles most of the time, then the blue pills alone will help the endometrial lining while you probably need to see your doctor again some time around your normal ovulation. At that clinic visit your doctor will probably check your blood level to estimate ovulation timing, and some may even do an ultrasound to see the growth of the follicle which will eventually be ovulated. If, on the other hand, a hormonal assisted cycle is used, you will be given another hormonal medicine around or after day 14 to mimic a menstrual cycle; embryos will still be transferred a few days later after this second medication is started. Both methods are equally effective in preparing the womb for implantation.



積分: 1651


發表於 11-4-5 22:25 |只看該作者
其實放左胎,幾耐後可以去toilet?有成功bingo的jm share一下嗎?


積分: 9297

發表於 11-4-5 22:45 |只看該作者
回覆 SamBBBB 的帖子

Dear SamBBBB,

Although the further details you gave were still far from complete, I believe you have given what you have known, and it helped somewhat in estimating the overall picture.

In your 1st cycle, no good embryo and therefore failed. In your 2nd cycle, you had 3 good embryos, which were transferred back to your womb; in retrospect, they were the best embryos in among all, but unfortunately still failed. The remainder "average" embryos were frozen, but it looks like they didn't survive thawing very well. These embryos did not implant.

So, back to your original message, it's likely the embryo quality not very good and failing implantation. It is a litte frustrating given your age and the number of eggs you could give in both ivf trials. Did your doctor try to help you sorting out the reason(s)? It's totally impossible, and unfair, to leave you wondering on your own. Do you have PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), high BMI (body mass index), or have you done any investigation on e.g. endometriosis, hydrosalpinges? What direction of advice or suggestion do you want me to perhaps lead you to?



積分: 1651


發表於 11-4-5 22:53 |只看該作者
cutecutetown 發表於 11-4-5 22:45
回覆 SamBBBB 的帖子

Dear SamBBBB,

Hi cutecutetown,

Seems that you are very professional and experience. Can you please help to advice after placing the embryo into the uterus, how long can go to toilet? Can go toilet at once or need to wait for at least an hour or even longer? People mention it matters but it really matters?

thanks ar...


積分: 3250

發表於 11-4-5 23:00 |只看該作者
cutecutetown 發表於 11-4-5 22:13
回覆 bbbabybb 的帖子

Dear bbbabybb,



我已明白, 下次會好好跟醫生商量怎做比較好. 我平時cycle係28-30日, 如果cycle沒被打亂都是30日, 應該5月中就可放雪胎.
我已試過好多方法(e.g.飲蜜糖水, 羅漢果水, 搽薄荷膏等), 連藥都轉過好多種, 就只有這種藥有效. 天氣已經開始回暖, 如果唔會時熱時凍, 氣管敏感應該唔會發作. 到放胎時真的有氣管敏感, 唯有只食止咳藥舒緩下.
5w 胎囊 0.97cm
6w 胎囊 1.87cm 胎長 0.48cm (閃閃)
8w2d 胎長 1.9cm
10w2d 胎長 3.7cm


積分: 9297

發表於 11-4-5 23:12 |只看該作者
miffycat 發表於 11-4-5 22:25
其實放左胎,幾耐後可以去toilet?有成功bingo的jm share一下嗎? ...

Every now and then this same question comes up in this thread.

Generally, 去大小便 should not affect anything. Remember, the reproductive tract and the digestive tract are two separate systems.

Practically, urination alone should not matter once the ET procedure is done. i.e. emptying your full bladder is very ok even 3-5 minutes after ET. Some doctors suggest 15-30 minutes so you feel "safe", not really proven science. Some doctors may help release some urine for you with a catheter, but you may be warned for a small chance of urinary tract infection (very very small chance indeed).

On the other hand, just my personal feeling only and again not proven science, defecation usually involves more forces by you. I think the best is to empty your bowel before the ET; if this is not possible and you really have the urge to go, still try to give yourself 15-30 minutes before heading to the toilet. I know some people do have more bowel movement than usual when they get nervous (and therefore the urge to defecate). In those cases, try something relaxing during and after ET, e.g. listening to some music, while you are waiting for that 15-30 minutes to pass.



積分: 708

發表於 11-4-6 00:20 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 SamBBBB 於 11-4-6 00:24 編輯

回覆 cutecutetown 的帖子

Thanks very much, cutecutetown.

And I do agree with your opinion that I should get further advice from the doctor. Though I asked my doctor if anything we could do for my several failures previously. But he said nothing further we could do but to try more times. I have normaly BMI and the main problem is the blocked turbal disease that caused infertility.

My husband and I are thinking about looking for another doctor or hospital to see if any further advice we can get.

This is quite annoying to us that the doctor said nothing we can do but to try more. I do read some articles saying several failures in IVFs may lower the success rate in my case. I am considering to do one more HSG which I have done before in 2008. The result is the blocked tubes at both sides, the dye can't get through both ends. Laparoscopy was also performed in 2009 after the HSG before the IVFs trying to see if any need to remove the tubes. The doctor said no need to remove and only clean up the adhesions around the tubes.

Now, I am thinking if it's worth enough to do one more HSG to see the "NOW" situation and check any need of removal of both tubes in order to increase my ivf sucess rate. May I know your suggestion in my situation?


積分: 304

發表於 11-4-6 10:35 |只看該作者
Dear cutecutetown,

I’ve transfered 2 embryos (both grade 2 cell 8) last Fri. My tummy is quite big and I feel quite hot and I have constipation in day 3 days after the transfer. When I went to toilet on day 3, I pushed it out quite hard. Do u think it will affect my implantation and my embryos may have fell out? Sorry, it sounds stupid but I just keep thinking about it and regret that I should not push it so bad. After that “push” I don’t feel as hot as before. Today I find my tummy is smaller than before and have some “water-like” liquid come out this morning. Do you think I may be failed again this time?


積分: 159

發表於 11-4-6 15:06 |只看該作者
Hi cutecutetown,

I'm doing IVF and have Oocyte pick-up today. I have 2 eggs (one from each ovary), both over 19mm. But the doctor can only retrieve one, but can't get another egg. Any common reason for that? Would it be possible that no egg is contained in that 卵泡? or the doctor is not skillful enough?


積分: 9297

發表於 11-4-6 17:34 |只看該作者
回覆 bbbabybb 的帖子

Dear bbbabybb,

I assume your 止咳藥 is one of those that doesn't require a prescription and in effect, very mild and contains no corticosteroid. You may consider taking the minimum dose of 止咳藥 (e.g. one pill only per day) on the day before FET, the day of FET, and perhaps 2 more days after ET, regardless of whether you cough or not.



積分: 3250

發表於 11-4-6 19:13 |只看該作者
cutecutetown 發表於 11-4-6 17:34
回覆 bbbabybb 的帖子

Dear bbbabybb,

Dear cutecutetown,

Thank you for your advice.

5w 胎囊 0.97cm
6w 胎囊 1.87cm 胎長 0.48cm (閃閃)
8w2d 胎長 1.9cm
10w2d 胎長 3.7cm


積分: 9297

發表於 11-4-7 13:48 |只看該作者
回覆 SamBBBB 的帖子

Dear SamBBBB,

You probably won't need another HSG. Talking some basic history, IVF was first used to help women with blocked tubes; remember we go directly to the ovaries to get eggs and put embryos back to the womb. So, we really need NOT to be too concerned about the tubes.

Unless your tubes are hydrosalpinges (i.e. the tubes are pathologically swollen with fluids inside), their removal will not help or harm your ivf success chance.

Seeking another doctor for further advice is an option, if you really consider it. However, make sure you consult an IVF specialist; private GP or even a gynaecologist is not very helpful.



積分: 9297

發表於 11-4-7 14:09 |只看該作者
回覆 parker123 的帖子

Dear parker123,

Probably not, because there had been some time in between your ET and the defecation.

The "hot" you felt while constipated could be some germs the body was fighting to get rid of. In a way, getting the germs out might not be a bad idea because the germs might lead to infection or a fever, making the whole system not very ideal for implantation.

Whether "pushing too hard" or not could be very subjective. Since you are relieved and things can't be un-done, I wouldn't be too bothered. In terms of success vs failure, there should be no reliable sign or physical sign (e.g. bigger or smaller tummy). The "water-like" liquid could be either your cervical secretion or residual medication (the vaginal medication you use daily?); many IVF women using vaginal support have various degree of "water-like", "gel-like" substance seeping onto their underpants. Will you have your bingo test due in about a week? Be patient and this week will zoom by almost too quickly.

Good luck,


積分: 9297

發表於 11-4-7 14:11 |只看該作者
回覆 chocomania 的帖子

hello chocomania,

Common reason is that the follicle is cystic (i.e. fluid-only structure with no egg inside). Trust your doctor.



積分: 7594

發表於 11-4-7 18:23 |只看該作者
I have done my first ivf, after 225u gonalF for 7 days, I have 11 eggs retrieved, 7 mature, icsi done but to our disappointment, only 2 eggs fertilized: hence
one embryo gd2, 6 cells, and one gd 2-, 5 cells were transferred and day2.
I am 41 and my FSH recently is 5.2. Sperm analysis normal.
1. My fertilization rate is unusually low? It probably indicate poor egg quality? Is it a batch problem?
2. Is it normal for d2 to develop into 5 and 6 cells? Is it a good thing or bad thing cos I read some article stating too fast growing is also a bad sign.


積分: 708

發表於 11-4-7 21:36 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 SamBBBB 於 11-4-7 21:37 編輯

Thx so much, cutecutetown.



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