




積分: 11300

2024年龍年勳章 虎到金來勳章 牛年勳章 畀面勳章

發表於 11-4-14 09:30 |只看該作者
First of all sorry for not typing in Chineses (as I don't know how to). I just need a place to express my anger and depression!

I don't understand why my 99 always does stuff in a strange way! For example:
1. Buy some 9 month old clothes for my son who is only 1 month old (adjusted age, 4kg) and want him to wear it now. --> I pretended to put it on my son and told her that it is obviously too big for him.
2. When she helps to change the diaper, she always gets a small bucket of water (when it is poo poo) and dips the used "wet tissue" in it, rinses it, squeezes out the water and re-use on my son's "pat pat". ---> I dont think it is hygenic so I told her she can use as many wet tissue as she want. I told her that the bacteria can cause her "grey nails" that she should stop doing so. She said she didn't touch the poop and she believes it's ok. I hate that little bucket in our bathroom, I feel it just help to spread the bacteria.

I understand that I am the mother and has my right to "correct" them. Just that we are living under the same roof and I am not their daughter that it's so difficult to "correct" them all the time. I know it's not their responsibility to help. They are just kind enough to help. They also help us to do the laundry for which I am very grateful. At the moment we just can't move out and I don't want to complain to my husband all the time. I feel like I am becoming crazy.

Some background of myself: I have twins that were born 3-month early that the younger one is still in hospital. I am pumping breast milk for every 3 hours so there is enough milk supply for both babies; I wake up at night to feed the older one; I also need to go to the hospital everyday to see the younger one. That's why my 62 and 99 help to look after my older one during day time. I wish I don't need to sleep and can look after my son for 24 hours.


積分: 24705


發表於 11-4-14 09:59 |只看該作者
Now, what you should do is: RELAX!!!!!


gk678  一矢中的!  發表於 11-4-14 13:00


積分: 214

發表於 11-4-14 10:46 |只看該作者
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積分: 3052

叻叻勳章 睛靈勳章

發表於 11-4-14 11:01 |只看該作者
o.......放鬆d, 唔好咁唔開心, 另外希望細b可以快d出院, 咁到時仔可以睇住99~~~


積分: 3786

發表於 11-4-14 11:30 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 A.C.C. 於 11-4-14 11:31 編輯

嗯, 你奶奶嘅做法"gets a small bucket of water (when it is poo poo) and dips the used "wet tissue", 其實係好多老一輩都會做架, 我請過3個鐘點湊B, 加埋我自己阿媽, 4個人都係鍾意用盆仔洗pat pat
原因係佢地覺得濕巾好浪費, 平心而論, 如果只用濕巾, 一次要3~4塊, 一日5~6次便便......濕巾$100/3包, 一個禮拜就用完, 計落其實又好貴.
而且老一輩唔習慣濕巾乾洗, 佢地覺得用水先乾淨, 呢D觀念好難改.
另外, 奶奶迫BB著大size嘅衫, 你覺得好煩, 但係亦可能係你奶奶一番好意, 可能佢下意識希望個孫快高長大呢?


積分: 221

發表於 11-4-14 11:47 |只看該作者


積分: 4455

發表於 11-4-14 13:00 |只看該作者
understand you just need a place to vent. but as all sis point out - just RELAX~~

honestly, what your 99 did is really not a big deal. I like to buy bigger clothes for kids as well. my God mother bought 80 clothes for my new-born, and i think it is ok. old people want the kids to 快高長大, that is good intention esp your kids are born pre-mature.

re the bucket thing - really a lot of people do it that way - as long as you wash the bucket and put it in a proper place, there wont be germs. dont worry :)

hope your baby can go home soon~~


積分: 4455

發表於 11-4-14 13:00 |只看該作者
understand you just need a place to vent. but as all sis point out - just RELAX~~

honestly, what your 99 did is really not a big deal. I like to buy bigger clothes for kids as well. my God mother bought 80 clothes for my new-born, and i think it is ok. old people want the kids to 快高長大, that is good intention esp your kids are born pre-mature.

re the bucket thing - really a lot of people do it that way - as long as you wash the bucket and put it in a proper place, there wont be germs. dont worry :)

hope your baby can go home soon~~


積分: 4455

發表於 11-4-14 13:00 |只看該作者
understand you just need a place to vent. but as all sis point out - just RELAX~~

honestly, what your 99 did is really not a big deal. I like to buy bigger clothes for kids as well. my God mother bought 80 clothes for my new-born, and i think it is ok. old people want the kids to 快高長大, that is good intention esp your kids are born pre-mature.

re the bucket thing - really a lot of people do it that way - as long as you wash the bucket and put it in a proper place, there wont be germs. dont worry :)

hope your baby can go home soon~~


積分: 4455

發表於 11-4-14 13:00 |只看該作者
understand you just need a place to vent. but as all sis point out - just RELAX~~

honestly, what your 99 did is really not a big deal. I like to buy bigger clothes for kids as well. my God mother bought 80 clothes for my new-born, and i think it is ok. old people want the kids to 快高長大, that is good intention esp your kids are born pre-mature.

re the bucket thing - really a lot of people do it that way - as long as you wash the bucket and put it in a proper place, there wont be germs. dont worry :)

hope your baby can go home soon~~


積分: 1462

發表於 11-4-14 13:12 |只看該作者
hi,123 mummy!!
i suggest u buy some cotton like cc lok to replaace the used wet tissue!!maybe they will be more acceptable!!
as u got a twin and one is still in the hospital, it's very grateful u got 99's help!!we can't tell 99 to follow our instruction...just relax!!
but if 99 is doing something which is considered seriously wrong, just stop her!!but don't argue with her...later on, communicate well with ur husband...and let ur husband to tell 99....something is told to 99 better by her son!!
when i got depression, i just tell them to my friends,esp fds made in hospital!!


積分: 7533

發表於 11-4-14 14:06 |只看該作者
我奶奶其實好鍚兩個孫,成日買野比佢地,但d taste同眼光就.......唔知係唔係老人家個個都係咁,買野會預大好多,佢地買d衫都多數太大,我奶奶係bb初生時買咗兩件背心話比佢地開咗冷氣時著,到而家我都冇比佢地著,因為太大了,應該兩歲就可以著架啦!咁咪收起先囉!有時D衫太醜樣或老土,我就只會等6299黎先比佢地著,等老人家開心吓,但出街就NO啦!
至於用濕紙巾抺patpat,我初時好堅持用,但自從一個月後就轉用盤仔加棉花,因為老公同奶奶好衛生,每張濕紙巾只抺一下,一次換片用6-7張,一日兩個b可以用一包80片,一個月只係用濕紙巾就差唔多$1000,最後都係轉用棉花加暖水,每月只係用2xx,同埋bb patpat真係好d冇紅.而我做法係買咗個有兩隔嘅保鮮盒,一邊放乾棉花,一邊就要換片時先裝水,先濕棉花再一張限張平放放係個盒蓋上,咁就好方便衛生.有時老人家嘅野你同佢宛轉d講,大家好受d而老公又唔會難做,大家都會開心d.


積分: 10378

發表於 11-4-14 18:31 |只看該作者
hi, 123mummy,
my 99 do the same as your's. the best thing you can do is 睇開d.
#1 - my 99 always said we should buy bigger clothes for BB as BB grow big very soon, you will find it very true soon. My B worn clothes for 9months/ 12months old Baby when he was 3 months old. so don't get mad about the big clothes, they will be fit very soon.
#2 - my 99 "instructed" our maid to use a 紗巾 & water to wash BB's patpat after poo poo. I also felt it is not hygenic, as I worry my maid still need to get BB dressed using her hands (which just dipped in the dilute poo poo water). But my 99 just never listen to me and said it is the best way, better than using wet tissue paper. so we can only perform it in a "one country two system" way. When my 99 is absent, we do it our way. But so far (2.5 years now), my son didn't get sick with any illness that I worried. So I think if every other related habits are hygenic, (e.g. bucket is properly clean afterward, hands are clean soon afterward) it is ok lar.
finally, wish that your twins 快高長大, 身體健康, 細孖 快些出院.


積分: 11300

2024年龍年勳章 虎到金來勳章 牛年勳章 畀面勳章

發表於 11-4-29 17:57 |只看該作者
Thank you for all of your reply! Was quite busy in the last two weeks as my younger baby was discharged few days ago! The hospital stay was like forever, but I am so glad that it finally comes to an end.

Now I feel much better after hearing what you said about the cotton, water and bucket! True that it wasn't a too big deal after all. I will add oil to take care of my babies and get along with my 62 and 99. :D

Thanks everyone!


