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發表於 12-3-22 01:59 |只看該作者


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積分: 594

發表於 12-3-22 02:37 |只看該作者
囝囝爸 - I think you have some good points. And I really hope that you are right, that there are enough checks and balances in place to counteract with bad politics.

However, I doubt if it's even relevant to compare the former CEOs because they are in the same league. The former/exiting ones are just NORMAL mediocre politicians. The new breed seems to possess much higher order thinking skills and play by totally different game rules. Some people fear that the new game plan will significantly change the political eco system and hence the checks and balances that worked well before will no longer work in the same way in future. Fingers crossed...


積分: 1312

發表於 12-3-22 02:39 |只看該作者
如果普選, 我相信我的智慧會比好多選委高, 或比他們真, 因我沒有更大的利益負擔. 他們會埋沒良心去說去選. 你看台灣今之次選舉, 只差幾十萬票, 非常接近, 兩陣營都要正道而行, 如刻意抹黑, 無理攻訐, 講錯說話, 或與民意為背, 都會選失每一張票, 滴水成河, 茲事體大. 每一票都有其效用, 民意為先.

現在小圈子, 有一百幾十票的黨派, 又話共同投白票, 又話一同行事, 全冇自主自見. 如有七百萬票, 這些黨派所持實微不足道, 但現在他們多與民調背馳, 又能夠亞之亞咗, 以為可以舉足輕重, 任意而為.


積分: 67964

發表於 12-3-22 02:50 |只看該作者


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積分: 274

發表於 12-3-22 03:58 |只看該作者

..” Maybe the media should look seriously into the rootcause.” .. well said.

However, what is the case now! It’s disappointing to see media are 公器私用. We know SingTao owned by Ho, AppleDaily by Lai and HKEJ by Richard Li. I would challenge the critics on Leung from these media are driven by personal agenda/interest. However, I have no proof, so this can only be my doubt.

eko and myce,

I share completely your thought. While we already lost our high degree of autonomy, we cannot afford to lose our freedom and right. I think this is our bottomline.

Can share with you some of my thoughts…

(1) During the nomination period, the pro-Tang media sang loudly that Leung didn’t have the blessing from CPG; and the saying even claimed that CPG persuaded Leung to withdraw… My question: if Leung is an undercover communist, why CPG not support him to race for the CE post? I don’t understand. Someone is lying somehow. Is Leung really a communist? Or, Has CPG never stop Leung joining the race? Or, this is only a trick to stop the election committee to nominate Leung?

Regarding the accusation of Leung being an undercover communist, there is another big question I cannot figure out… Leung was said to be an undercover because people see this as the only reason he was appointed as 基本法諮詢委員會秘書長
in such a young age of 30s (HKEJ’s saying). Then, his enrolment would be before 1985. However, it is hard to imagine a communist member dares to criticize CPG publicly on the June-4 tragedy. Leung placed a public critic on HK papers in 1989… My question: Is CPG so open-minded to forgive a member who doesn’t obey to the code of conduct of the Party? Even, to support this extraordinary member to be the CE of HK? Is Leung really a communist? Or, the accusation is just a forge?

(2) Tang said Leung suggested to suppress HK’ers with riot cops. Later, Mr. Tin mentioned about draw help from PLA (the army). However, Tin also reinstated that he cannot remember if Leung has made such suggestions. My question: While there are meeting participants standing out to defence Leung, but Tang Camp can provide no proof? Why all the accusations are one-sided story without proof?

(3) Rumours said that CPG supports Leung because Leung agrees to roll out Act-23 etc. My question: If this is really the condition for the CPG’s greenlight, then Tang would have made his commitment in the very beginning as he has gained CPG’s support in day one? Donald Tsang has also made the same commitment for getting his CE post? This sounds ridiculous to me. But again, like the accusations, my doubt is supported with no ground.

I have too many unsolved questions.

Sigh… so sad to see HK trapped in such dark era. It’s so dark that illusions and truth are blurred. My stance in favour to Leung is not due to anti tycoon feeling, it’s driven by my cognitive thinking and judgement. But, I maybe wrong. We never know until the day comes.

eko and myce, do you have chance to watch the Commercial Radio interview with 羅康瑞www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAs8fMDUOck? If Law was not lying, then my chance of a winning bet is high.


積分: 37585

畀面勳章 大廚勳章

發表於 12-3-22 08:11 |只看該作者


原帖由 eko 於 12-03-22 發表
Good to have some rational discussions here, which is not often seen.

The biggest issue I sensed is ...
Well said

女人是很脆弱, 但媽媽卻很堅強:)


積分: 59321

2018復活節勳章 hashtag影視迷勳章 好媽媽勳章 畀面勳章 環保接龍勳章

發表於 12-3-22 08:25 |只看該作者


原帖由 heichunmum 於 12-03-22 發表
恕我坦言,我覺得就算即刻俾我地普選(首先假設每位香港市民都有「被選」的權),香港人也沒有足夠智慧去選 ...


積分: 1267

發表於 12-3-22 09:11 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 supericeice 於 12-3-22 09:11 編輯

回覆 heichunmum 的帖子

toally agreed with you.


積分: 594

發表於 12-3-22 10:22 |只看該作者
delimama - the media is rarely neutral by nature. Some are biased towards Tang and some are biased towards CY. We shouldn't draw conclusion based on a single school of thought.

You raised a lot of questions and those are valid questions no doubt. Likewise, there are lots of unanswered questions surrounding CY and those need time to be proved right or wrong, and some of the allegations are very serious and impact public interest.

I totally agree with you that we are entering a dark era, where the propaganda machine and the dirt digging machine are running too well, where the public is confused on what is a fiction and what is a fact, where too many stakeholders are involved including even the triads!! This is totally unacceptable! And it appears there is high pressure to force HK to pick one candidate regardless. If Beijing geniunely cares about the credibility and popularity of the future CE, HK should be given more time and another chance to consider other viable candidates. We shouldn't take any chances in such an important decision, a decision where its impacts will last 5 years and beyond, and any damage done will potentially be structural and hard to undo. Why the hurry to jump into an era of doubt and dark politics? If we do not use the chance to say no to dark politics and whoever used dirty politics win the election this time, I am afraid dark politics will become HK's mainstream politics in future. What we may need to pay back may outdo what we may gain. Let's be cautious and prudent!


積分: 40106

發表於 12-3-22 11:27 |只看該作者
對陳太講野有保留. 吔野叫"變色龍"? 呢啲係佢個人睇法,
每個人緊有人鐘意, 有人唔鐘意, 你順佢意就話你好囉, 你
逆佢意或唔SO佢, 唔埋堆, 就話你奸, 串, 得人驚囉. 如果見
你同啲啱傾嘅有計傾, 就唔抵得話你"變色龍". 因佢覺得你唔SO
佢,佢甘高高在上你都唔SO佢, 佢緊唔LIKE.
出黎做事大把呢啲人, 我都唔鐘意埋堆, 有時同啲高級啲嘅傾
多兩句就話你刷鞋, 平時辦野 所以幾好嘅人都有人
批評, 更何況世上根本無完美的人.
哈哈, 我說到尾都係果句 "支持CY!!!!"


積分: 28497


發表於 12-3-22 13:20 |只看該作者

The Real CY?

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Q2010  CY繼續努力  發表於 12-3-22 17:37


積分: 594

發表於 12-3-22 14:51 |只看該作者

制裁讉責? The style of a hardliner? Perhaps some Hong Kong people indeed need more clamp down and made to complain less?


積分: 24878

發表於 12-3-22 15:02 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 tsewong 於 12-3-22 16:24 編輯
eko 發表於 12-3-22 00:28
Be my guest...feel free to say the same thing to 陳方安生.

Personally I don't like Anson Chan. She was good at building an image of "conscience of Hong Kong", but what did she do?

She was the one responsible for the chaos of the removal of the Hong Kong airport, but she didn't say any word on that.

As the Chief Secretary, she needed to assist Mr. Tung to implement the policies, but she chose to resist and resign than really helped the Hong Kong ppl. She was the one who was familiar with the government and she could assist Mr. Tung. You may say that at least she resigned, but I don't think she has the heart or persistence in helping Hong Kong ppl with her experience / dedication.

She became the Legco councillor with high vote rate, but she didn't say much words for ppl after being the councillor. As least I don't recall any.

Except saying Hong Kong is bad, someone is bad... did she raise any key points to save Hong Kong ppl from the crisis? Sorry I don't recall any either.

So I really don't believe much on her words as she is now the gang of Mr. Lai (Apple Daily) and Mr. Martin Lee. Their positions are tilted towards US / anti-Communism rather than really thinking something to help build up a better Hong Kong.


積分: 22839

2024年龍年勳章 牛年勳章 環保接龍勳章

發表於 12-3-22 16:12 |只看該作者
tsewong 發表於 12-3-22 15:02
Personally I don't like Anson Chan. She was good at building an image of "conscience of Hong Kong" ...

Not to mention the some $100,000 "donation" she got from Jimmy Lai...


積分: 10600

發表於 12-3-22 16:17 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 peoplepower 於 12-3-22 16:17 編輯
heichunmum 發表於 12-3-22 02:50
但長毛都有人選未必人人有你般智慧,唐英年,又何嘗無市民因為佢派$3000而投俾佢?說到底,還是利益: ...



積分: 274

發表於 12-3-22 16:45 |只看該作者
eko, I understand your concern and also have the same reservation. But, I do have a bigger worry if the election is out ruled by blank votes.

CPG have promised HK with universal suffrage in 2017. If they see the current election becomes so out of control, what will they do for the 2017 U-S? What measures will they impose to regain the control... I can see nothing but nightmare.


積分: 59321

2018復活節勳章 hashtag影視迷勳章 好媽媽勳章 畀面勳章 環保接龍勳章

發表於 12-3-22 17:03 |只看該作者
YURICKY 發表於 12-3-22 13:20



積分: 594

發表於 12-3-22 17:43 |只看該作者
delimama, it's unlikely that CPG can do more than what they've done so far, unless they don't care to become an international laughingstock.

The high level of suspicious rigging and dirty politics this round will set the stage for future elections including 2017. This is a very bad beginning. If this "trial run" works out, the consequence can be dire. 沈旭暉's analysis is very insightful if you haven't seen it.

I've travelled around the world quite a bit so I've seen glimpses of what contaminated democracy can look like. Look no further than India where many politicians are backed by triad in certain cities and the election game is dead dirty. I hope the small number of people including me are proven to be overly skeptical. But better buy insurance to hedge the risks early than sorry.


積分: 67964

發表於 12-3-22 18:34 |只看該作者


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