



積分: 2587

發表於 14-5-3 03:15 |只看該作者
Have any of you let your kids take the combined MMR shot or 3 separate (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) shots?
And when?

I'm a little nervous about letting my little one take the MMR shot!
A few of my friends and neighbors didn't let their kids take the 1st MMR shots til 2 or even before starting kindergarten, and they all let them take 3 separate shots instead of the combined one!

My older one took the combined MMR shot right after he turned 1 ten yrs ago, and he seemed to be fine. He is smart, but sometimes I'm not sure if he has a little attention problem.


積分: 1387

發表於 14-6-7 18:22 |只看該作者


原帖由 bee_happy 於 14-05-03 發表
Have any of you let your kids take the combined MMR shot or 3 separate (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) sho ...
Are there any separate shots in the States ? If so why not ? Combined shots are so risky ! i cannot find separate shots in Hongkong and i'm very hesitate to have my son taken the MMR vaccine now. I wonder if i can wait till he's 5 yrs or older.


積分: 1802

發表於 14-6-11 03:18 |只看該作者
my son just took the MMRV shot. (he is 1)
why not the combined one?


積分: 520

發表於 14-6-12 16:38 |只看該作者

回覆:MMR Vaccine

Thanks for bring up this topic!!
My twins are going to take it next month . Doctor asked me to think..
I\'m still thinking what to do.
I know some kids have bad reactions after taking combined shot ...


積分: 2587

發表於 14-6-14 16:49 |只看該作者
The manufacturer no longer makes the separate Measles, Mumps, and Rubella shots in US! I only know that the separate shots are available in Japan and some specific clinics in UK.

Both my kids had the combined MMR shots right at 1 year old and 2 years old. Thanks God that they both are fine!
However, I wouldn't let my kids to take the MMRV (4-in-1) shot as the possible seizure rate is higher.

If you worry, you can ask if your pedi can let you postpone it to 15 months or 18 months, and just take the MMR only and wait at least a month to take another vaccine. However, even if taking the MMR at 15 months is still on schedule, my previous pedi didn't like the idea and insisted to take it at 1 yr old!

Meanwhile, there are measles outbreaks pretty much every year. You'll be at bigger risk to catch the measles if you're traveling with your kid without vaccinating him/her.

When my older kid took it, I didn't know anything about the side-effects of the vaccines so I didn't hesitate to let him take all the vaccines right on schedule, and fortunately he's fine. However, now I heard more about the possible side-effects of the vaccines and worried more. While I delayed the MMR til 2 yo. for my younger one, I seldom took her out and I was pretty worried during the measles outbreak.

By the way, one of my friends let her kid take 5 shots (including the combined ones) at 1-yo well-check. She's just so optimistic and luckily her kid is completely fine too, except that he had a little fever after the shots.
I guess we just need to learn to be more optimistic like my friend!


