




積分: 6869

發表於 10-4-15 13:51 |只看該作者
有無人比 bun bun / yan yan 不止最低工資 $3580?如果是,為什麼?

我的c6 說,如果你只付 $3580 。(第一合約),bun bun / yan yan 不願意為你工作,是嗎?他說,至少有$ 4000,你的bun bun / yan yan 會願意為你工作。


積分: 32052

發表於 10-4-15 13:59 |只看該作者
me too~ 我都係$3580~ 最多做得好, 半年/1年出d bonus 比佢啫~~


積分: 5958

發表於 10-4-15 14:00 |只看該作者
yr c6 好豪喎~~
佢比家用你時, 你又咁同佢講呀ma
"如果你只付 $xxxx 我也不願意為你工作~~


積分: 3156


發表於 10-4-15 14:03 |只看該作者
吓!$3580 我都覺好多, 星加坡.台灣仲少呀, 又冇乜假期, 我地香港已經好高架


積分: 6869

發表於 10-4-15 14:08 |只看該作者
my c6 said 'why all the maids wanted to leave after few months?'

He said I give her too much to do and they find $3580 is too little to do all the work.
I only ask them to clean, cook (sometimes only) + wash, iron clothes (washing machine)
no need her to take care of my son as I am a full time mom.

My maid has come for 1 month and she told me that she wanted to resign! chi sin! I said to her 'yes, ok you can go'...and she asked me 'how come you are not angry with me?' Then I said, 'It's not my loss, I will get another maid or part time, you will lose your job and have a risk of not finding a job or getting another job that you don't like again...' then after few hours she told me that she wouldn't resign. chi sin!!

Shall I find another maid? Because I don't want to worry that she might find another job now and resign...

原帖由 JJ2601 於 10-4-15 14:03 發表
吓!$3580 我都覺好多, 星加坡.台灣仲少呀, 又冇乜假期, 我地香港已經好高架


積分: 6869

發表於 10-4-15 14:11 |只看該作者
my c6 is chi sin! he was happy with my maid's performance so far...(she has come for 1 month only), and he said if she is good, he will give her $3000 for bonus...every 6 months! chi sin!! I said I will only give $500 at most every 6 months!
he said $100 extra per month is nothing to them!!!

原帖由 Siuchoi 於 10-4-15 13:59 發表
me too~ 我都係$3580~ 最多做得好, 半年/1年出d bonus 比佢啫~~


積分: 6898

發表於 10-4-15 14:12 |只看該作者
so what's the initial reason for her to resign? money only? if so, don't worrly la, don't use her lor!


積分: 15132

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章

發表於 10-4-15 14:14 |只看該作者
原帖由 Edsie 於 10-4-15 13:51 發表
有無人比 bun bun / yan yan 不止最低工資 $3580?如果是,為什麼?

我的c6 說,如果你只付 $3580 。(第一合約),bun bun / yan yan 不願意為你工作,是嗎?他說,至少有$ 4000,你的bun bun / yan yan 會願意為你工作。


我囉...比 $3600...算唔算


積分: 5958

發表於 10-4-15 14:16 |只看該作者
原帖由 Edsie 於 10-4-15 14:08 發表
my c6 said 'why all the maids wanted to leave after few months?'

He said I give her too much to do and they find $3580 is too little to do all the work.
I only ask them to clean, cook (sometimes only ...

如果你係 full time mum, 而且自己 take care bb
日日黎同你清潔, iron chlothes, 2 hrs/day
你c6最 chi sin~~

[ 本帖最後由 chaklongma 於 10-4-15 14:25 編輯 ]


積分: 6869

發表於 10-4-15 14:18 |只看該作者
she came on 9 Mar 10 and we had holiday from 2-11 Mar and after we came back from holiday, her performance was not as good as before. So I had to ask her to redo her work again. She wasn't happy. So yesterday I asked her why her performance was not as good as before the holiday, then she said 'You make me NERVOUS as you say I do this and that wrong all the time.' then she said she wanted to resign.

shall I find another maid now or give her another chance? I don't want to give her 1 month notice $3580!!!! If she resigns, I will just let her stay here for 1 month and work for me (I am sure she will do mimimum of work!)

原帖由 yaulinda 於 10-4-15 14:12 發表
so what's the initial reason for her to resign? money only? if so, don't worrly la, don't use her lor!


積分: 6869

發表於 10-4-15 14:20 |只看該作者
I have tried local part time....very bad performance as well!!! (tried many of them!!) I asked her to come 5-6hrs per day, mon - fri....
I don't stay at home all the time to watch her of course as I need to take my son to school & to play..... so when I come home, I always find that she didn't do the work that I required...and even I gave her a list (to complete in 5 -6 hrs), she could never finish them!!!
very crazy! like even $60 per hour I pay, they still do a very bad job!!!!


原帖由 chaklongma 於 10-4-15 14:16 發表

如果你係 full time mum, 而且自己 take bb
日日黎同你清潔, iron chlothes, 2 hrs/day
你c6最 chi sin~~


積分: 26643


發表於 10-4-15 14:25 |只看該作者
樓主, 你C6的觀念不太正確
假如, 外面人人都係比6千, 你係咪都跟比6千? 不論最低工資? 不論佢表現?
想要多d人工, 唔該比performance我睇!

我工人好好, 我頭一張約都係跟當時最低工資, 只係另外按季醒bonus. 直到去年下旬, 我要搬得好遠, 佢放假要搭好遠車, 我就一次過計番按月佢應該要用嘅車錢, 同埋bonus, round up咗一之加比佢.

記住唔好未見表現就先多付, 男人的價值觀好奇怪, 好多時鐘意以錢為餌, 但請人一定要論功行賞至係有效.


積分: 26643


發表於 10-4-15 14:30 |只看該作者
原帖由 Edsie 於 10-4-15 14:08 發表
my c6 said 'why all the maids wanted to leave after few months?'

He said I give her too much to do and they find $3580 is too little to do all the work.
I only ask them to clean, cook (sometimes only ...

係因為你full time在家
你份工對d衰工人黎講, 係志在有人工收, 唔係志在打好你份工~


積分: 757


發表於 10-4-15 15:55 |只看該作者
原帖由 Edsie 於 10-4-15 14:11 發表
my c6 is chi sin! he was happy with my maid's performance so far...(she has come for 1 month only), and he said if she is good, he will give her $3000 for bonus...every 6 months! chi sin!! I said I ...

你係full time mum, 你都睇唔到佢既performance既而你C6知...咁...你個helper可能係靚女好識得點entertain你個C6....你要check緊D你個C6 lor....仲要加人工俾佢,最怪係你個helper話要走tim...即係可能有D野發生咗而妳又唔知la....

我覺得...都係換另一個會好D wor....


積分: 6869

發表於 10-4-15 16:16 |只看該作者
thank you for all your advice!

No, I also think her performance was ok before the holiday. And if you ask me, I will only give $500 at most to her every 6 months for bonus! and my c6 also thinks that her performance is no good now!!!

yes, I always argue with him that he is using $$$$ to ask the maid to stay!!!

My bun bun told me that she can't use her phone, and can only call her children on holiday. her children don't wake up so early and at night they sleep early. So I told her that's her problem not mine. And of course I told her that she is not allowed to use her phone during work hours. I said I don't care if u call after u finish your work at night, e.g. after 9.30pm!!!

She thinks that I am stupid or what? Of course I know when I am not at home, she will use her phone!!!

原帖由 小喵媽咪 於 10-4-15 15:55 發表

你係full time mum, 你都睇唔到佢既performance既而你C6知...咁...你個helper可能係靚女好識得點entertain你個C6....你要check緊D你個C6 lor....仲要加人工俾佢,最怪係你個helper話要走tim...即係可能有D野發生咗 ...


