




積分: 1443

發表於 07-6-28 12:25 |只看該作者

Re: 用驗孕棒check 到bingo 後, 要點做?

No-I'm only seeing a GP today, to get my referral letter for my first ultrasound Don't think if they can see anything yet on ultrasound


積分: 16090

發表於 07-6-28 12:41 |只看該作者

Re: 用驗孕棒check 到bingo 後, 要點做?



積分: 203

發表於 07-6-28 18:48 |只看該作者

Re: 用驗孕棒check 到bingo 後, 要點做?


Welcome to the gang!

bigbeetle, CLK-MB, AI927,
你哋有冇好似我咁, 去洗手間時第一時間会潛意式睇吓有冇見紅㗎? 唔知係咪要咁驚3個月先安定D呢? 而家每過1日又安心1日 ....

尤其是我, 要番office 工, 成日下午好sleepy, 真係会走入toilet 眠一眠! So looking forward to coming long weekend!


積分: 1443

發表於 07-6-28 18:54 |只看該作者

Re: 用驗孕棒check 到bingo 後, 要點做?

Yaya, everytime i felt some wetness down there, I'd rush to the toilet and crossed my fingers not to see something i shouldnt be seeing...very stressful. Are you going to see the doctor tomorrow?


積分: 3099

發表於 07-6-28 20:11 |只看該作者

Re: 用驗孕棒check 到bingo 後, 要點做?



積分: 16090

發表於 07-6-29 09:03 |只看該作者

Re: 用驗孕棒check 到bingo 後, 要點做?

我又係成日去洗手間喇...仲會望下自己有無流啡呀, 有無咩奇怪野咁囉. 我諗聽得太多..所以下意識會留意多d.

尋日我打左電話去 book 婦產科醫生呀..但要等到七月二十日先有得睇呀! 大家覺得會唔會太遲呢?

恭喜晒呀~ 我同你一樣係5月28日黎last period. 咁你係day 幾排卵呀? 要知埋邊日先可以計到幾多 week 呀.


積分: 3099

發表於 07-6-29 22:53 |只看該作者

Re: 用驗孕棒check 到bingo 後, 要點做?

不過,今天打了去book doctor,我都要七月十九日先有得看,其實不是太遲,個護士話我現在只得4 weeks....到七月十九日就剛剛好,因為到時7 weeks多,才可以用u/s照到野!
CLK-MB 寫道:
我又係成日去洗手間喇...仲會望下自己有無流啡呀, 有無咩奇怪野咁囉. 我諗聽得太多..所以下意識會留意多d.

尋日我打左電話去 book 婦產科醫生呀..但要等到七月二十日先有得睇呀! 大家覺得會唔會太遲呢?

恭喜晒呀~ 我同你一樣係5月28日黎last period. 咁你係day 幾排卵呀? 要知埋邊日先可以計到幾多 week 呀.


積分: 203

發表於 07-6-30 09:52 |只看該作者

Re: 用驗孕棒check 到bingo 後, 要點做?

Morning CLK-MB, bigbeetle & AI927,

I am scared again this morning. It's my day 34, I still tend to use David preg tester to test morning urine ... more for fun now. But it horrifies me that the tester is showing no positive signal..... I tried twice this morning - same case. And even yesterday, while there was the fade pink line, but it's even paler than 2 or 3 days ago.

Shouldn't the HCG be increasing everyday so that the line should become more and more apparent? I also used the last preg tester from my doctor this morning .... and nothing is shown.

Could my case be false positive? But then my period has never been so late. Any of you have experience to share? I am so worried now.



積分: 139

發表於 07-6-30 10:26 |只看該作者

Re: 用驗孕棒check 到bingo 後, 要點做?

I use 「曼xxx」this morning to test,there was a straight line, but htat was not very dark, bingo?

me too, 我上次m是在5月28日來,咁我的預產期會是幾時,要點樣計? I don't know my ovulation day........

thanks for your help.


積分: 116

發表於 07-6-30 10:53 |只看該作者

Re: 用驗孕棒check 到bingo 後, 要點做?

ice cream,

預產期是按你 last m date 再加 9個月 and 7日, 如你 last m date is 5月28日, 加9個月即2月, 再加7日, 由於2月只有28日, so, 果7日要加到3月了, therefore你o既預產期可能是3月7日了.

各位剛bingo o既 sister 唔洗o甘擔心,
要relax d, 對bb都好d, 只要樣樣小心, 唔好再同老公 do do, 好快就過3個月o架.

我第一次有bb時都產過, 可能因為我仲有 do do 啦! 之後有o左囡囡時好乖, 但都試過見啡, 我立即call 婦科dr, 佢立即改期見我先, 只不過係子宮收縮先會o甘, 而家囡囡見兩歲半, 我亦等緊bingo, 我上個月6月4日m, 呢排都有d唔舒服, 希望可以仲啦! 因為如果中, 預產期會好近我birthday, o甘bb可能同我同日生日啦!


積分: 1443

發表於 07-6-30 12:16 |只看該作者

Re: 用驗孕棒check 到bingo 後, 要點做?

Dear Sanmama,
If you use a pregnancy stick, it should be much darker than before. Don't use an ovulation stick to test, it doesn't work for everyone. Theoretically the hcg should double every 36-48hours, and it's a problem is it doesn't. Hey I suggest you seeing your doctor ASAP and run a blood test. You can also walk in for a blood test (if that's available in HK). Let me know what your hcg is.
Also, try not to be afraid because stress can only worsen the situation. DO you still feel symptoms, eg. breast tenderness?


積分: 203

發表於 07-6-30 18:11 |只看該作者

Re: 用驗孕棒check 到bingo 後, 要點做?


I went to the gynaecologist this morning. Actually he could do nothing. Tried ultrasound but too early to detect the embryo. However, he explained that it could be "chemcial pregnancy"

If you are interested, you can go to Q10 of the following link:

Of which if it is really the case, the doctor said the blood test will not help either. It will most probably come up with positive pregnancy result reflecting I was really pregnant ... but then it was a chemical preg (ie very early miscarriage).

But my only hope was: my period is still not here. There is still a chance.

My own gynae doctor is not in town over this long weekend ... I will have to bear with it these few days and see what recommendation he can further give me next week.



積分: 1443

發表於 07-6-30 20:51 |只看該作者

Re: 用驗孕棒check 到bingo 後, 要點做?

Remember I told you I had a miscarriage 2 cycles ago? It was a chemical pregnancy. I think it meant the fertilised egg didnt implant properly. It happens 1 in 3 prehnancies thus has nothing to do with you. I remember i was tested faintly + at home and got a hcg count of 25 (indicating I was barely pregnant). The doc said I had to run another test 3 days later to see if the hcg goes up. Unfortunately, my m came the day before the test. If I hadn't tested at home, I wouldn't have known that I was briefly pregnant and would have just thought that my m came 2 weeks late.
The sticks are very accurate. If you don't get a positive tomorrow morning, your hcg has probably dropped to the undetectable level (<25) and you should get your m in a couple days.
I understand how devastating this experience is and I still couldn't get it over with. But let the time does his bits and try again soon. You shouldn't have to wait to try again. Please, be strong. Your bb is waiting for you soon as you are ready to try again.


積分: 3099

發表於 07-6-30 22:06 |只看該作者

Re: 用驗孕棒check 到bingo 後, 要點做?

CKL-MB & ice_cream:


積分: 203

發表於 07-7-1 11:32 |只看該作者

Re: 用驗孕棒check 到bingo 後, 要點做?


Thanks for your kind words and sharing of your past situation. Indeed my period came last night so no more false hope. I was very nervous last night but when m came ... it's sort of a relief, no more second guessing .... of course I am very unhappy ... but it's much better than not growing towards later in 1st trimester and I had to go through all the D&C.

I am sorry for I cannot join you guys anymore in this journey but hope everything will go right!!

May I know whether you went to the doctor after you realised you had chemical preg? Did you have to go to doctor to check whether the uterus is clean for next preg? Is there any reason for having chem preg?


積分: 1443

發表於 07-7-1 16:52 |只看該作者

Re: 用驗孕棒check 到bingo 後, 要點做?

I did goto the Emergency because I was having a bad bad cramp and I felt waves of dizziness. My hubby took me to the ED to make sure I did not have an ectopic pregnancy. Well, if you don't feel unbearable pain I suppose you don't have to see a doctor. Bear in mind that if you didn't check the pregnancy test, you would have just thought your m came 1 week late, right?
Chemical pregnancy happens 1 in 3 pregnancies. It was said to have no specific reason. Don't be put off, women are said to be more infertile 3 cycles following a miscarriage. I'm not sure how true that is. Bottom line is, don't give up and we'll see you here again real soon!!!


積分: 139

發表於 07-7-1 18:53 |只看該作者

Re: 用驗孕棒check 到bingo 後, 要點做?

AI927& CLK-MB,
未去睇醫生呀. Plan to go the following week, do you know any good doctor in MK?
依然好緊張, 需唔需要快D睇醫生呢?


積分: 16090

發表於 07-7-3 16:21 |只看該作者
原文章由 ice_cream 於 07-7-1 18:53 發表
AI927& CLK-MB,
未去睇醫生呀. Plan to go the following week, do you know any good doctor in MK?
依然好緊張, 需唔需要快D睇醫生呢?

我上星期六去左睇家庭醫生..咁再驗多一次...confirm 係有左喇. 佢仲寫埋紙比我...但我諗緊幾時比公司呀.

婦產科我就約左7月20日先有得睇. 希望唔太遲喇. 我就搵左陳煥堂醫生(Joseph Chan), 係朋友介紹既. 佢產所係養和醫院.


積分: 2108

發表於 07-7-3 22:19 |只看該作者
原文章由 ice_cream 於 07-7-1 18:53 發表
AI927& CLK-MB,
未去睇醫生呀. Plan to go the following week, do you know any good doctor in MK?
依然好緊張, 需唔需要快D睇醫生呢?

Ice ceam. I know a doctor in MK is really good and easy to book. If you need it, let me know.


積分: 139

發表於 07-7-5 07:15 |只看該作者
dear all,
thank you very much. I plan to go to Dr. So in MK this sat. talk to you all later. Wishing you all a healthy pregnancy.



