原文章由 monkichi 於 07-11-15 10:11 發表
你係因為唔可以o係 office 泵奶而想停餵? 定係覺得餵到 1 歲已經夠, 想停??
如果你仍然享受抱住 bb 餵奶的情形, 我會鼓勵你繼續 bf.
我餵大囝時, o係佢 16 個月大開始無再o係 office 泵奶, 只係每朝返工前, 放工 ...
I want to stop bf too even my son is only 6+ months old. I want to stop bf because I am a "少奶". As my son is 6+ months old, I need to bf and then feed him formula before sleep. Otherwise, he will wake up 2 times sometime even 3 times at night. This makes me really tired and sleepy. It is not good for him and for me.
However, he absolutly refuses milk bottle. I need to feed little by little with a spoon.
Any good advise for me to change bf to bottle feeding smoothly?