



積分: 2587

發表於 14-6-21 08:31 |顯示全部帖子
One of my friends' kids went back to HK to study when the older one was 3. His wife stay with the kids in HK, and he worked and stayed in HK more than 50% of his times. The rest of the times he stayed in US by himself. His company let him worked from HK and they also have office in HK.

Their kids study at one of the most well-known traditional schools in HK. They don't plan to come back to US probably til high school (or even college). His younger brother came to US for high school and got into an Ivy League college, so he thought that's good for their kids to study in HK til at least junior high school.

They are Christians and they (the couples) trust each other when they're not together.


積分: 2587

發表於 14-6-24 09:06 |顯示全部帖子
If you really care about them learning Chinese, you can send them to a school which offers bilingual program. There are both public and private schools which offer bilingual program in Bay Area CA.

For me, I only care about my kids can speak and understand Cantonese/Chinese. But I do have friends sending their kids to the bilingual program and they teach Chinese very intensively.


積分: 2587

發表於 14-7-7 15:32 |顯示全部帖子
My ex-coworker's eldest son speak perfect Mandarin Chinese although he's a Caucasian born and raised in US! At a home gathering with other coworkers, I heard that a guy spoke Mandarin, but there was no Chinese there except for that coworker's wife. His wife kept speaking Chinese to their eldest son at home and sent him to Chinese school every Fri evening. He was 14 at that time. They also visited grandparents in Taiwan every summer. However, their 2 younger kids can't speak much Chinese.


