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發表於 15-1-15 16:01 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 breezy2012 於 15-1-15 16:03 編輯

Campervan 會唔會太aggressive? 你帶住小朋友, 不如租私家車, 再每晚搵b&b or motel 啦, 我5年前easter去, 都可以唔駛book定!

北島去南島搭船唔貴的, 而且好方便 point to point from Wellington to Picton (食 seafood chowder!) 我係Wellington還左車, 再係Picton租過架車, 會平過運埋架車去南島!

我去係搭 Air New Zealand, Auckland 入, Christchurch 出, open jaw 冇另外收費, 而且唔駛走回頭路!

My itin:

Auckland > Paihia > 90 mile beach + Cape Reinga (day tour from Paihia) > Waitomo > Rotorua > Lake Taupo > Wellington > Picton > Kaikoura > Hanmer Spring > Hokitika > Fox (and one more forget the name) Glacier > Lake Wanaka > Queenstown > Milford Sound > Lake Tekapo > Christchurch

我去左24日, 覺得南島美多了, 如果你打算南北島都玩, 咁就玩北島先啦, 唔係你會失望!


1) NZ 旅遊規劃得好好, 每個town都有特色, 如 Paihia - cruise tour, 90 mile beach + Cape Reinga; Waitomo 睇鐘乳洞; Rotorua 睇火山; Wellington is the Capital; Kaikoura - cruise tour to see whales and see stars; Hanmer Spring - hot spring; Hokitika - Pancake rocks; Glacier; Queenstown is really beautiful!!! Milford Sound 睇峽灣; Lake Tekapo 睇風!! (真係好大風架!)

2) Do not set strict itinerary, we drove at late afternoon till dark to save the sunlight to sightseeing. 有時 point to point 太遠, 我地會一路揸 until too tired, then find a motel to rest!

3) Milford Sound is over-rated, personally I think the view at the ship journey from North to South Island is a lot nicer!! So, don't sleep in the ship and miss it!!

4) On South Island, 因為好hilly, 所以要好好規劃route, 唔係好多地方可以drive across from west to east coast.

To sum, NZ is a wonderful place one must go at least once! And don't forget to eat the seafood esp. Mussels ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope these help!


