




積分: 900

發表於 04-6-10 05:38 |只看該作者


唔係叫大家買呢間公司o既保單, 而係佢地o既股票, 公司足足做o左4個月o既分析, 得到一個好正面的預測, 我相信對香港金融業又有另一番新浪潮!

不得不提, 香港金融市場, 或多或少已經帶有一些9月立局選舉政治氣氛, 投資時考慮方向要多一點留意時間上問題, 特別期貨及窩輪

注意: 投資帶有風險, 價格可升可跌
我們應該感恩 神的話語令人清醒


積分: 2734

發表於 04-6-10 10:06 |只看該作者

Re: 我全力推介平安保險

I will subscribe, too. But if P/E is not reasonable, I may give up my subscription.


積分: 298

發表於 04-6-10 12:42 |只看該作者

Re: 我全力推介平安保險

聽講這隻都幾好, 話6月24日上市. 幾時填表?
政治氣氛: please indicate to us, what will be the effect on the trend toward the market price of this share.


積分: 298

發表於 04-6-10 12:44 |只看該作者

Re: 我全力推介平安保險

Please bear with me :

What is the meaning of "/E not reasonable"? Depends on what factors be regarded as reasonable?


積分: 11405


發表於 04-6-10 16:50 |只看該作者

Re: 我全力推介平安保險

我都聽過呢隻係掂既, 亦聽聞響佢上前最好放晒中壽(因中壽股價會受影響), 唔知係咪呢?


積分: 900

發表於 04-6-11 04:04 |只看該作者

Re: 我全力推介平安保險

阿早.... 一般投資我的比重會較看重佢隻股集資目的同方向, 如果一些散戶在同類型股份比較, 平安同中壽, 反而我會選擇中壽, 不過兩隻都有不同因素吸引的優質股票, 所以如果資金不足, 可考慮用孖展抽新股, 舊股又可保留~

我們應該感恩 神的話語令人清醒


積分: 11405


發表於 04-6-11 13:01 |只看該作者

Re: 我全力推介平安保險

Thanks mjzz!


積分: 2734

發表於 04-6-11 17:31 |只看該作者

Re: 我全力推介平安保險


P/E ratio = price earnings ratio

方程式 = 股價 / 每股盈利

若答案 = 10 ,意思是回本期 = 10 年

I just copy from a website. But sometimes higher P/E ratio may show that the stock's prospect is good.
I am afraid of bearing high risk. For me, high dividend is a MUST in the investment, though I am quite conservative.....


積分: 4008

發表於 04-6-12 08:42 |只看該作者

Re: 我全力推介平安保險

Do u really want a piece of Ping An? (Quoted from Quamnet - I am not saying I am pro Quamnet, I just received its email & would like to share with u all here) - In short, its P/E is quite high & same story as China Insurance, beware!

IPO stories are always interesting, largely because they reflect the lengths to which those doing the selling will go in order to foist their offerings on buyers.

In the case of Ping An's plan to go public in HK, The Standard reported that the $9.59-$11.88 price range represented what lead manager Goldman Sachs called an "embedded value" of 1.98 to 2.23 times.

False Precision

First, note the false precision implied by the two decimal points, as if that lends an air of scientific legitimacy to calculations that are by nature scenario-driven guessing. Business valuations are based on a large number of assumptions, most of which usually turn out wildly wrong due to the simple reality that the future is generally somewhat unpredictable.

Valuations tend to be made using numerous growth and cash flow predictions with key variables including interest rates, market share, pricing power, internal cost structure, and so on and so on, looking three or five or ten years into the future. Valuations are frequently revised as new information becomes available, leaving the original predictions forgotten, as if the new revisions were any more accurate, those revisions of course themselves subject to future revision.

That's not to say one should not try to develop a reasonably informed picture of potential developments, but going beyond simple scenarios such as fast versus moderate versus slow growth is often no more than an attempt to justify the salaries of those who slaved away in b-school finance classes only to find grade school math more than sufficient.

So really, why the added "precision"?

Metric or Imperial?

Second, note this "embedded value" term, which represents both NAV and the estimated value - again, a bit of a joke - of the business. Goldman is apparently promoting this new yardstick instead of more familiar ones like P/E and P/B.

The point of a yardstick is to allow a common way to measure whatever needs to be measured. If you are used to measuring things in feet, being told to use meters is confusing enough. Now imagine you have to measure your height but using "percentage of Yao Ming" as the barometer. Doable, but hardly meaningful unless you were a basketball scout, and even then wouldn't simple feet be a superior measure? What we really want to know is the height, and in a form that means something to us.

Thus this introduction of a new yardstick does nothing to improve our ability to judge that which needs to be judged.

Using a More Familiar Yardstick

To put the figures back into a form relevant for most investors, the top end HK$72 billion initial market cap on the 6 billion shares to be outstanding works out to a historical P/E of 33.4369 times (check out that Goldman-like precision!). Ping An is expected to make a profit this year around Rmb 2.7 billion, or HK$2.54 billion, for a forward P/E of about 29 times. I don't know what the NAV is, so I can't give you a P/B, but we'll let Quam's analysts crunch more of the numbers for you when they become available.

I don't know how to interpret a 2.23 embedded value score, but I can say that with P/Es around 30 times, Ping An is certainly not cheap. For comparison, established financial powerhouse HSBC's P/E is 18x. And HSBC clearly deserves the premium.

Peace for a Price

Even analysts cited by the press agreed it will be an expensive IPO. But don't you love the rationale for buying it anyway? One broker said, "I think the stock will benefit from the positive market sentiment as it is approaching the mid year window-dressing period."

Forget fundamentals! The market's in a good mood! And mutual fund managers will want it in their portfolios for window-dressing reasons!

Just the day before, the SCMP reported on the rise and fall of Pearl Oriental. Remember that one? Once the darling of the market? How many portfolios is it in now?

You have to realize that while initial hype may lead to a share being popular, in the end it has to prove itself worthy of the popularity. In other words, it has to be earned. And that means - in the case of stocks, anyway - fundamentals.

Other Considerations

Ping An is suffering the same sort of problems as China Life with its high guaranteed returns on earlier policies and inability to reinvest at better rates due to the low interest rate environment. Rates may have bottomed, but that doesn't mean they're going through the roof anytime soon, or to levels where Ping An and China Life can break even on those earlier policies.

Meanwhile, one has to wonder if some of the shenanigans over at China Life won't be repeated at Ping An. No reason to think they will, but weak internal controls is surely not a problem limited only to China's industry leader.

Yes, China is a huge, growing market. But folks seem to forget that with higher reward potential comes higher risk of loss. I'm not against investing in Chinese companies, but at least make a decision based on relevant, established value measures and not just because some big names (Lee Shau-kee, Thomas Kwok) are rumored to be interested, or because "the market's looking cheery!", or because "it's the great Chinese market!"

Ping An may be an insurance company, but that doesn't mean your investment is an assured winner.


積分: 900

發表於 04-6-12 15:44 |只看該作者

Re: 我全力推介平安保險

Jsmami, 呢個都唔係最新news, 不過相信你都有玩開股票, 是嗎?

如果根據佢負債比率及市場前瞻性, 佢的確有隱憂, 而且以往高息保證取消後, 的確帶來不少負面消息, 而現今分析員都好少只計算首5年情況, 而是有一套約8~15年計劃書, 當中加入了不少定點扣位及特發因素評估在內, 平安佢有咁多負面消息, 但卻有不同財團看中, 是由於平安發展空間有好大, 而且可能日後在港有一番新動作....

大家吹水當玩o下啦, 我認為投資呢個項目, 首三天會有不少於11%升調, 當然啦.... 入唔入貨大家自己工思, 有咩事做蟹唔好插我~

另外上次有人pm問我係唔係在和黃工作, 唔使問... no ! 賺到好走啦~
我們應該感恩 神的話語令人清醒
?? 該用戶已被刪除

發表於 04-6-12 16:08 |只看該作者

Re: 我全力推介平安保險

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積分: 25536

發表於 04-6-14 13:07 |只看該作者

Re: 我全力推介平安保險



積分: 6186

發表於 04-6-14 21:52 |只看該作者

Re: 我全力推介平安保險

danielboy 寫道:

hsbc :-P
阿女係我心肝小寶貝.希望佢大左開開心心,無憂無慮. 佢快樂就是我快樂.


積分: 900

發表於 04-6-15 02:52 |只看該作者

Re: 我全力推介平安保險

?? 寫道:

投資o既o野多數自己決定, 所謂打死無怨... :-P

如果有多餘錢, 對隻股票有信心, 咪放下先囉~ 當年我第一次買股票係買"怡和", 即使佢地走佬時, 我都有賺好多.... 因為買了放埋一邊....

我而家投機取巧多過長遠觀望, 一般到了止賺位出貨後, 都會等佢(股票)在市場調整後再入市....

至於再入市, 我一般都係玩"即日鮮", 不過小心會玩出火, 我其中一次經驗係941發生"單向收費"事件, 2小時輸了12萬幾... 呢d就係風險!
我們應該感恩 神的話語令人清醒


積分: 2734

發表於 04-6-15 09:35 |只看該作者

Re: 我全力推介平安保險



積分: 12235


發表於 04-6-15 12:37 |只看該作者

Re: 我全力推介平安保險

不過都好難抽, 唔知要入幾多手先實抽到呢??我朋友話入5000股就實抽到, 係唔係呢??
(~'.'~)  (^.^ )*^-^*


積分: 900

發表於 04-6-17 01:56 |只看該作者

Re: 我全力推介平安保險

有網友問會唔會擔心平安首日會好似中集咁跌.... 首先我會咁睇, 投資o既o野唔係升就係跌, 冇話包生仔, 而且大家入票抽都係婆仔數(即使用100萬去抽), 所以唔會有咩大影響, 第二係中集係船運業, 亦屬周期性業務, 所以市場分析第一會睇佢集資時屬於需求量屬高或低? 原因好早前都有講, 船運業未有任何特別利好消息, 所以佢表現平常係預o左, 第三係證券行睇到轉貨人士多, 受影響唔止中集, 佢地都係吐現轉排平安, 因為明天係入票最後一日, 而且中集同平安兩者背景, 公司規模同上市目標完全不同, 點可能相比? 最重要係今日另一隻上市的 - 騰訊控股 - 都有跟隨大市上升, 所以我認為中集係個別問題....

每次我都係咁講, [size=medium]投機性項目有一定風險, 是否參與係自己決定, 不要因人講佢講就跟風入市......
我們應該感恩 神的話語令人清醒


積分: 12235


發表於 04-6-17 11:20 |只看該作者

Re: 我全力推介平安保險

(~'.'~)  (^.^ )*^-^*


積分: 298

發表於 04-6-24 16:57 |只看該作者

Re: 我全力推介平安保險

May be this stock could be for long-term according to its business nature. Today is the its first day in stock market, the price is $10.4, the price of the stock is $10.3. So we all hold for a while. May be there should be chance for 10% or even 20% up. "蒙牛" got such 20% up.(even thought they are entirely different business nature, so on and so on). I think its potential should be better than 蒙牛.


積分: 4001


發表於 04-6-26 10:31 |只看該作者

Re: 我全力推介平安保險

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