




積分: 118

發表於 04-9-15 23:37 |顯示全部帖子

1 breastfeed per day

My daughter is one yr old now. I normally only breastfed her once (before bed and a little bit in the middle of the nite) everyday since she was 9 months old. i would like to know is it possible to change to more than 1 meal now?


積分: 118

發表於 04-9-18 17:28 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 1 breastfeed per day

can any body help?


積分: 8236

發表於 04-9-18 18:15 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 1 breastfeed per day

I think you can just feed her whenever you want to.
You may feed on demand or arrange a feeding schedule for your daughter.
Your worry may be if you can have enough for your daughter if you increase more meals. It should be no problem.
Hope can help.


積分: 118

發表於 04-9-19 00:44 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 1 breastfeed per day



積分: 16315

版主 好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章

發表於 04-9-19 12:56 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 1 breastfeed per day


一歲的寶寶仍可吃到母乳, 已是難得啊! 因為要寶寶跟媽媽互相配合到才行的. 努力啊!

我想了解一下, 你要安排寶寶每天吃一餐母乳的原因, 我相信你是有一些考慮, 又或者是想有更多的安排, 但在安排上遇到一些限制, 可以分享一下嗎?

期望可以了解多一些時, 大家更能一起為你分擔.
【母乳餵哺資料庫】 保 守 著 大 家 的 母 乳 路 ! 無 論 順 逆 , 願 大 家 都 以 喜 樂 和 盼 望 的 心 迎 接 喜 與 憂 ! 加 油 啊 ! 因 為 我 們 在 這 裡 耕 耘 的 路 上 , 有 的 是 扶 持 和 關 顧 啊 ! 願 【母乳餵哺區】 是 母 乳 家 庭 的 加 油 站 !


積分: 118

發表於 04-9-19 23:04 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 1 breastfeed per day

I only feed her before she sleeps every night and when she wakes up in the middle of the night. The main reason why i haven't wean her off is that she still wakes up in the middle of the night often and breastfeeding is the quickest way to put her sleep again. And also i do enjoy feeding her.
I have part-time teaching in day time, so that i cannot feed her.
And in these two days, she rejected to have her bottle milk. Really got no idea. I fed her breastmilk today, it seems that there is still some left after she finished her meal. but i think she just had drop by drop and not mouthful.
I even doubt the quantity of my evening meal now... as my breast does not swell as before....

so.. what is your opinion? thanks for helping and sharing



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