



積分: 1438


發表於 09-9-10 12:05 |只看該作者
My baby is due this end of sept and his daddy is American while i am a hk citizen. We will be eventually moving back to the states. We will be applying baby's us citizen after he is born in HK so he will be having double identity. But the question is, me and my boyfriend are not yet married and it will not be happening in the near future, let say in the first year of baby.

So i am wondering if there is anything i have to prepare for the application? Also, we are thinking whether to give baby a chines name since he maybe studying in local grammar school for a while, if so, does it have to be appear on the US passport as well since that will be on baby's birth cert.

Another question, since we are not married yet, if i have to bring baby back to the states on my own after my boyfriend get back to the states to prepare our arrival, could it be any difficulties for me consider i got a US travel visa which valid for 10 years.

I know it is a whole lot of questions, but hope there will be some moms can help me out~

Many thanks.


積分: 482

發表於 09-9-11 08:25 |只看該作者
BB of US citizen is US citizen. but since your bb is born out of wedlock, you'd better research on uscis how to apply for its citizenship.

I gave my bb a chinese name, why not? but what appears on her birth cert is the eng transliteration, not chinese characters anyway. it will be her middle name.

I'd imagine there may be some difficulty coz it's not convincing that you go travel in the US yourself with a bb. You have to show you have no intention to stay in the US, just travelling. well, and depends on what immigration officer you meet.

sorry I cannot be of more help.


積分: 1438


發表於 09-9-11 10:50 |只看該作者
Thanks a lot, it helps a lot already. As for the Chinese name, I wonder, since baby is going to born in HK, so the name on the birth cert will be chinese as well right? That is actually something i am still thinking. His daddy doesn't want to get him a chinese name, saying he will be back in the states sooner or later and its not really that necessary. And of course, he doesn't know any Chinese, so it will be only me and my family thinking about that name, maybe that is the thing making him not feeling like having a chinese name for him.

As for the going back to states thing, so that mean i have to get married with him before i get back there and that will be easier? Or would it be easier to have my bf coming back to HK and get back to the states together with us? So he can take his son and i will be going through the immi. on my own, so things will be easier?

I know things are more complicated without the wedlock when it comes to getting a baby back to the states.....oh well.....


積分: 482

發表於 09-9-12 05:05 |只看該作者
For the Chinese name, oh yes, I forgot to say my baby was born in the US so the situation is different.
I'd think whether to give chinese name is a personal choice, depends on you two and your family.

It seems there are 3 kinds of visa you can use when go to the US.

1. travel visa (B2)
most convenient, but you cannot stay longer than a certain period and legally you should not use this if you go to the US for good.

2. Fiance visa (K1)
you apply for this to go to the US and get married with a US citizen within 90 days.
Application waiting time about 6-12 months.

3. Spouse visa (K3)
when you get married in HK, you apply for this to go to the US
Application wait time is longer than K1.

So it really depends on when you'll go to the US, how long you'll stay there, etc


積分: 3787


發表於 09-9-12 05:25 |只看該作者
1. 如果你唔係us citizen, 而你又未同男友結婚, 你個仔唔會係us citizen, 直接有document正明你男友係爸爸, 同埋要由爸爸申請佢做us citizen, 當中, 會先拎green card先..再過幾年再入直..
2. 如係美國生, 唔理係點, 你個仔都會係us citizen, 呢樣你要諗諗,不如係usa生.
3. 出世紙..未結婚..爸爸名唔會係出世紙..個仔會跟左媽媽姓.
4, even你同左男友register左先係hk生, 你個仔都係唔會係us citizen架, 要父母兩人都係us citizen, 仔女係外地出世, 先有資格申請直接做us citizen.
5.如你同男友都冇諗住結婚, 咁佢用咩理由申請你地去美國住呢?
6. 如你想同個仔去美國, 你個仔都要申請hk passport同拎美國visa先入到境架. 當係visitors.


積分: 482

發表於 09-9-12 08:09 |只看該作者
I agree with Carrie210 that you need to prove your bf is the baby's biological father and he is the one to apply for its citizenship.
but I don't think it needs to get green card first. it will be citizen and get US passport right away.

"要父母兩人都係us citizen, 仔女係外地出世, 先有資格申請直接做us citizen." <-- no, 1 parent is US citizen is OK. refer to link below

http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site ... M10000045f3d6a1RCRD

not sure about the birth cert thing. In my memory, you can put father's name even not married.


積分: 1438


發表於 09-9-12 12:55 |只看該作者

I am not sure about the Visa, coz i already got a travel one which last for 10 years, but then i am thinking, is it harder for me to get a green card if i use the travel visa to go to the states and then get married with my bf in the states since it is not the "acceptable" process to work things out?

But if the other types of visa takes so long to get, that means i will have to do it real earlier to make sure things are going to track.....right?

I know baby can still be us citizen, the only thing to do is, daddy go and apply him to become the citizen then he will get the us passport right away. As for the birth cert, I am not sure about the US gov, but for the hk immi., they changed the policy for long, even the parents are not married, under either side of the baby's parents' willingness, you can add the name of the daddy in it. This is because there is no more section which have to state the status of the parents while back then, it will listed as "married couple", that i confirmed since i checked with the immi.

I don't have enough time to go back the the states to give birth for the baby....he is due this end of sept...and i don't have insurance in the states, so it will by far more expensive than giving it in hk if you also consider the cost of accommodation, tickets for the whole family....

Anyway, thanks so much for all the info.


積分: 171539

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發表於 09-9-13 16:30 |只看該作者

我認為而家問題係你同男友有冇計劃結婚?因為政策成日收改,4年前我個朋友係Student visa 再改H-1B,之後佢喺度結婚,唔駛返香港先,但佢要等綠咭出先可以搵工做,結婚移民3年後就可以申請入籍~但呢個case係4年幾前,唔知而家係咪一樣~

另外,你有旅行簽證,但都有居留限制,你唔可以長期居留,而且你要同bb一齊嚟都有少少問題,因為你要同佢申請簽證,領事有權相信你會長期居留唔批你bb簽證,而且初生bb頭一年都好多檢查,每一個月都要去見醫生同打針,如果你喺呢度冇保險cover都好貴,就算你同男友結婚,好多公司要加配偶同子女入medical plan都要等最少一個月,呢一個月內睇醫生都要自己俾~

even bb爸爸係美國公民,你要証明佢係bb爸爸,我唔清楚你地未婚會對申請bb國籍同去美國有幾大影響,但如果你地唔結婚或唔打算結婚,你男友要申請你正式居留係有難度,again,旅行簽証都有限制,你就算有簽証,immi 都有權唔俾你入境,當然原因有好多,但如果你有心居留,travel visa唔係長久解決辦法~

至於你話bb中文名,你可以照寫喺香港出世紙度,英文拼音你可以選擇唔加中文名拼音,例如中文名係陳大文,英文拼音可以係Chan David, 唔駛一定係Chan Tai Man,而且護照都冇中文,你鍾意改唔改中文名都得,有中文名可以方便bb如果留港讀書,喺美國中文名多數都你屋企人叫,同埋如果做工係會接觸華人,多數都會喺咭片印埋中文名~


積分: 482

發表於 09-9-14 03:44 |只看該作者
"is it harder for me to get a green card if i use the travel visa to go to the states and then get married with my bf in the states since it is not the "acceptable" process to work things out?" <---- it is a bit harder coz you need to explain why you get married on travel visa. They may ask you a lot of questions during the interview. however, many ppl do that and I've seen quite some successful cases...

Your case is more complicated though coz you have a bb so they know you actually have the intention to get married and stay on travel visa. I'm not sure if you can hide the fact that you have bb.

so depends whether you want to take a risk or not.

In terms of wait time of getting GC and becoming citizen, it is the same as using other visas.

Other visas do take time to apply. that's why I said you should consider when you and bb will go to the US.

結婚移民3年後就可以申請入籍 <--- this is true now

even bb爸爸係美國公民,你要証明佢係bb爸爸,我唔清楚你地未婚會對申請bb國籍同去美國有幾大影響,
<--- 申請bb國籍and bb去美國should be easy as long as you prove your bb is the bb of your US citizen bf. The more difficult thing is you, not bb.

但如果你地唔結婚或唔打算結婚,你男友要申請你正式居留係有難度, <--- true, basically it is impossible

[ 本帖最後由 Nula 於 09-9-14 03:48 編輯 ]


積分: 7794

發表於 09-9-16 03:13 |只看該作者
Just wanna add some detail.
In HK, they do ask you who is the father even though, you are not married. so be aware of it. In US, you don't need to put father's name if you are not married, baby's last name will be the same as mother's maiden name.

For HK birth certificate, do the way what rose-mag said.. Your baby chinese name does not need to match up with English. like Chan Tai Man in chinese, on the English version can be Kevin Chan. That is not necessary to match it up, unless you insist to do it. If that is the case, Chinese translation will be the Middle name (better) if your lil one will live in US for good.

What documentation to prove that your son is your bf's son, that is the question from US embassy. so DNA test is the thing you need if your bf is not going to come back to marry you before your child born. Even you got married after your child born, it does not consider your child as US citizen.

I do have friends use Travel visa to come to US and married in US, she returned to HK, and wait for the I-130, only takes 9 months, she arrived in US with green card.

Only one of the parents (mom or dad) is US citizen, the baby can be citizen as well.

HK and US are Dual nationality.. so that is good for your baby. Just the difficult for him/ her to get US citizenship if you don't have DNA tested.
If you get married with your bf, you can submit your N-400 after 3 years you "received your greencard", not after 3 years of your marriage." hope you would not mess up".

Good luck and safe labor!! ^o^


積分: 1438


發表於 09-9-16 11:42 |只看該作者
Thanks everyone for the info.
well, we do plan to get marry, that is for sure, it is just a matter of time. And for getting back to US, we are not going to get back once the baby is born since there are too many things and checkup to do as you guys said, so most likely, we are going to stay here for a year or so before getting back to US. But since i heard a lot of people said it took so long to get the green card and everything is so complicated in my case, so i just want to see if theres anything i could do now to make it easier in the future.

I think we will finally not putting a chinese name in baby's birth cert but still give him a chinese name inofically. My bf said he will be applying baby's nationality, so i shouldnt be worry about that. But i do wonder if there is a deadline for baby to apply or you can do it anytime you like after the baby is born?

As for me....oh well....let see when we are going to get married....i bet it is not the best time to talk about this with him right now since there are just too many things to get done before baby is born...

thanks again everyone for all the info. baby should be coming in these two weeks....hope everything will be fine and i won't have a super long labor....will let you guys know about it~

Many thanks


積分: 482

發表於 09-9-17 05:17 |只看該作者
Marrying a US citizen does not take that long to get GC actually. I got married in Nov and interview in June i.e. 7 months. (I came to the US by fiance visa)

If you plan to come to the US one year later, there is time for you to apply for fiance visa. It is the appropriate way, of coz it is more work than the travel visa though. Also, if you use travel visa and get married, you do not have to leave the US while you wait for GC interview.

I don't recommend the spouse visa as it takes longer... unless you wanna get married in HK.

I'm not sure but I presume the deadline for baby to apply for citizenship is 18 years old. It's better to apply for it soon anyway so that baby can get US passport to go to the US.

sure you have a lot to prepare for bb's arrival. Don't worry too much - you can deal with this after bb is born, even after bb is 3 months old. good luck!


積分: 1438


發表於 09-9-17 08:47 |只看該作者
Thanks a lot Nula, hope things will be turing out smooth and fine...

I think we are not going to get married in HK, since getting married in HK is not considered legal for the US citizen, so getting married in HK will do us nothing good unless we are marrying before baby is born, but since we are not, so i bet there will be no difference to marrying in US.

If the deadline for baby to apply is 18 yrs, then, i will be chilling out a bit now since things are not that rush....

Oh, btw, this is nothing related to the nationality, but i want to ask if u have ur baby get the Hep B shot when they are born....
my boyfriend and i researched online fore info of what shots baby will have to take, and came across the Hep B and realized there is actually no good for baby.....but tons of risks and drawbacks....since you wont get Hep B unless you get blood contact or having unprotected sex with those who are infected, and drugs users and hookers are considered high risk group. So babies are very unlikely to get it. So just wondering if you guys get baby that shots or not...
and want to see if there will be anything the gov try to push on you if you are not going to inject baby with the Hep B vaccine...
thanks for sharing...


積分: 482

發表於 09-9-19 09:20 |只看該作者
In fact I didn't do any research on vaccines like you did. I just follow the guidelines and the norm. I think hep B is given at birth in HK too.

Recently I read a article from a baby magazine that reassures us vaccines have no toxic ingredients and won't cause autism/other disease. only slight discomfort, if any.

My baby did not have any reaction to the hep B vaccine at birth and 2 months.

Having said that, the article says some parents do want an alternative vaccine schedule. I don't think they will push you to take it as long as you insist.


積分: 7794

發表於 09-9-19 21:04 |只看該作者
as a nurse.. I just want to add some information on it..
In hk, you need to request "not to given Hep B vaccin" and you have to take the risk and responsible for that, as infant will have blood test just within 1 day old if you wanna take the risk.
Also, if you do not do vaccin, you may not able to take your infant back to US, as people whom emigrate to US, need update immunization.
Also, if you are going to let your child to study at daycare/ or regular school (no matter PS or private), you must have all immunization update, unless you are going to do home schooling.
That is a very strict guideline for vaccin (except Hep B and A). hope that you will let your child to take others, as if DOH in hk states that infant needs those shots, that is because HK is high risk with those illness. you sure do not want to put your lil one on risk.. (as you do so much research on the report).
When you go to Hospital for labor, just state clear what you want and you don't want, you may need to sign some more paper which to protect the hospital from getting the lawsuit from you. ok? hope you won't get upset with that.
原帖由 Julichi 於 09-9-16 07:47 PM 發表
Thanks a lot Nula, hope things will be turing out smooth and fine...

I think we are not going to get married in HK, since getting married in HK is not considered legal for the US citizen, so getting ...


