




積分: 9305

發表於 10-3-16 14:04 |只看該作者
Hi mschu,

Your doc is right, there is no such thing as an endometrium being too thick for smooth implantation.

The wall of the uterus builds up and gets shed every month, that's why women have periods. As long as you are menstruating regularly, it is not a worry unless your doctor tells you otherwise.

Your last iui cycle was totally independent of your egg retrieval yesterday. The size of your follicles (17mm, 18mm) in your last iui had nothing to do with your uterine wall. The same reasoning applies to your ivf cycle. And when you do ivf, the process you have been through is closely monitored by your doctor. If your uterus is an issue for implantation, your doctor will advise you other alternative.

So, your eggs should be fertilized today; any news? Wish you some good-quality embryos. Relax and be happy to wait for the embryo transfer procedure. Good luck!

原帖由 mschu 於 10-3-15 19:10 發表
Hi cutecutetown

I just had my eggs extracted today. My question concerning ivf is as follows:

On the last ultrasound scan on last Saturday, I was told my uterus wall was 16.5mm thick. I then asked ...


積分: 9305

發表於 10-3-16 16:29 |只看該作者
It is quite common that sperm from TESE are not motile. A sperm that does not "swim around" may not be dead. There are ways in the lab to find sperm that are alive and these living sperm will be used during ICSI.

When living but immotile sperm of TESE is used for the ICSI procedure, fertilisation rate may sometimes be lower; however, as long as there are fertilised eggs and embryos for transfer, there is always a chance for pregnancy.

Success rate varies due to a lot of reasons or combinations of reasons, quoted percentages are often drawn from statistics and may not fit your particular case. At least to me, each couple is unique. Because your doctor lets you go ahead with IVF+ICSI even after your husband's TESE, that means you have a chance. Stay positive! You can always share your experience or doubts here if you feel lost.

原帖由 玫瑰野獸 於 10-3-15 20:34 發表
我先生有無精症,上月做左TESE, 胚胎專家係組織中抽左D SAMPLE只係找到兩三隻不動精蟲, 而家到我打針做IVF+ICSI, 用不動精蟲做ICSI係咪好難成功架?


積分: 377

發表於 10-3-16 18:19 |只看該作者
Hi Cutecutetown

Thanks for your professional advice. I think I may just be over-reactive in some ways. I will know my embryo results tomorrow. Yes, keep fingers crossed! :D

原帖由 cutecutetown 於 10-3-16 14:04 發表
Hi mschu,

Your doc is right, there is no such thing as an endometrium being too thick for smooth implantation.

The wall of the uterus builds up and gets shed every month, that's why women have perio ...


積分: 1022

發表於 10-3-16 19:34 |只看該作者

回覆 2# cutecutetown 的文章

想請教下,我抽了13粒卵,12粒受精,但其中有6粒是怪貽,即2條精子入了去一粒卵子,要丟掉...是什麼原因? 另外雪了3垃粒,其中一些有碎片,又代表什麼,很難中嗎?


積分: 2542

發表於 10-3-16 19:42 |只看該作者

我想問下, 做ivf之前,係唔係一定要做腹腔鏡呀?

事關我做左3次iui都唔得, 又未到高齡, 輸卵管又無塞, 打左針後卵泡夠大內膜夠厚,但偏偏唔知咩原因不孕. 醫生都估唔到係咩原因.



積分: 1814

發表於 10-3-17 13:18 |只看該作者
原帖由 cutecutetown 於 10-3-16 16:29 發表
It is quite common that sperm from TESE are not motile. A sperm that does not "swim around" may not be dead. There are ways in the lab to find sperm that are alive and these living sperm will be use ...



積分: 9305

發表於 10-3-17 14:12 |只看該作者
Hello Milly,
In normal fertilisation, only one sperm can go into the egg so that the resulting embryo/baby will have half the genetics from mom and half the genetics from dad. In the "abnormal" embryo as you described, 2 sperm has entered one egg; so the genetics is not correct. Therefore, these embryos are no good for transfer.

During human embryo development, at least for those seen in the lab, we quite often see fragmentation (碎片). The more the fragmentation, the lower potential of the embryo. Usually, if the fragmentation does not exceed 20-30%, the embryo still has a good potential to implant and make a baby.

It looks like you have already transferred 3 embryos into the uterus and have 3 surplus embryos frozen. In most ivf labs, we transfer the better-quality embryos and freeze the remaining good- or average-quality embryos.

原帖由 Milly18 於 10-3-16 19:34 發表
想請教下,我抽了13粒卵,12粒受精,但其中有6粒是怪貽,即2條精子入了去一粒卵子,要丟掉...是什麼原因? 另外雪了3垃粒,其中一些有碎片,又代表什麼,很難中嗎? ...


積分: 9305

發表於 10-3-17 16:02 |只看該作者
Not all the time, it depends on your doctor's decision. However, 腹腔鏡 does allow further investigation of your fallopian tubes (輸卵管) as well as the peritoneal cavity. It may provide more information to your "unexplained" infertility.

原帖由 Lumpy 於 10-3-16 19:42 發表

我想問下, 做ivf之前,係唔係一定要做腹腔鏡呀?

事關我做左3次iui都唔得, 又未到高齡, 輸卵管又無塞, 打左針後卵泡夠大內膜夠厚,但偏偏唔知咩原因不孕. 醫生都估唔到係咩原因.

謝謝你! ...


積分: 9305

發表於 10-3-17 16:44 |只看該作者
Whether the sperm is dead or simply not moving really depends on the cause(s) of the men's 無精症. I can only say that most of the time, the sperm is simply not moving. I am taking a wild guess that in your case, your husband's sperm is not moving; because if there is only dead sperm from TESE, your doctor will not even start your ovarian stimulation for ivf/icsi.

For a sperm to acquire motility, it has to pass through and mature in 輸精管. Roughly speaking, the maturing process takes ~70 days.

There is no way to tell what grade the embryo will be; an embryo is a "combo" of both an egg and a sperm. It is normal for you to feel anxious & nervous as there seems so many unknowns in front of you. But remember that as long as you produce some eggs and your husband's TESE has sperm, it is the ivf center's job to take care of fertilization and hopefully give you some embryos.

The ONE thing you can do now is to follow your doc's instructions and also try not to be overly nervous. I know you can do this, and because you can do it, you should not feel nervous, right? I hope you and your husband are giving support to each other. What I find over the years is that having a supportive spouse and a positive attitude help the whole process a lot, both physically and emotionally. If you don't mind sharing, let me/us know when it's about time for your egg retrieval. Good luck!

原帖由 玫瑰野獸 於 10-3-17 13:18 發表

多謝你的鼓勵!通常TESE抽出來的sperm係死or只是不動呢?用不動sperm做的胚胎一般會grade幾?(好多問題,因為我太緊張,我地只有這個chance...... ...


積分: 1814

發表於 10-3-18 15:20 |只看該作者
原帖由 cutecutetown 於 10-3-17 16:44 發表
Whether the sperm is dead or simply not moving really depends on the cause(s) of the men's 無精症. I can only say that most of the time, the sperm is simply not moving. I am taking a wild guess that ...

唔知幾時抽旦, 醫生話要等個驗血報告出來先知道, 請問胚胎專家會幾時將老公做TESE抽出的組織解凍和用營養液測試sperm呢?


積分: 9305

發表於 10-3-18 16:13 |只看該作者
Some labs will thaw on the day of your egg retrieval and some may thaw the day before.

原帖由 玫瑰野獸 於 10-3-18 15:20 發表

唔知幾時抽旦, 醫生話要等個驗血報告出來先知道, 請問胚胎專家會幾時將老公做TESE抽出的組織解凍和用營養液測試sperm呢?


積分: 1814

發表於 10-3-18 17:13 |只看該作者
原帖由 cutecutetown 於 10-3-18 16:13 發表
Some labs will thaw on the day of your egg retrieval and some may thaw the day before.

多謝你既回答, 令我放心一d, 如果是在我抽旦前thaw, 若找不到活丁丁, 是否我連旦都唔駛抽?


積分: 1814

發表於 10-3-18 17:27 |只看該作者
忘了說, 你好pro, 好好心地! 我地做ivf既一般都擔心呢樣個樣, 見到醫生又唔問得甘多甘清楚. 希望你可繼續幫助回答jm對ivf既疑問! 多謝!


積分: 1022

發表於 10-3-18 18:15 |只看該作者

回覆 7# cutecutetown 的文章

Thank you for yr detail explanation.

By the way, I want to ask if 尿道炎/陰道炎會影響bingo, 因為我ivf放胎後day3開始有尿道炎, 第一日流血和去vv時痛。現在ok,但成日急v,要去洗水間,又好似v極都有... 陰道有時有小小痕, 個肚成日魷處於急尿狀態... 姑娘只叫我飲多o的水,沒有開藥.... 請問我塞藥時會否把尿道炎的菌塞入....
第一次ivf fail了也是有尿道炎,上次有食抗生素.... 依家第2次ivf,好擔心。 謝謝解答。


積分: 9305

發表於 10-3-18 18:32 |只看該作者
Good question, this is something you may want to find out by asking your doctor, i.e. whether the lab will thaw before or after the egg retrieval. If the lab will thaw before egg retrieval, there is a very very small chance of cancelling the egg retrieval.

I can't really say for other ivf centers, although we should be practicing in similar ways. In my lab, when a man has a TESE done, we examine the samples to see if there are sperm. If none, case is closed. If yes, we will try to freeze. We always do a test-thaw to see if the sperm will survive the freeze-thaw process. Afterwards, we will inform the doctors so that they can plan ovarian stimulation for the woman.

Suppose the test-thaw result is very bad, then a "back-up" TESE procedure will also be arranged. If the frozen sperm really turn out dead on the day of egg retrieval, then we may still obtain fresh sperm by TESE on the same day.

原帖由 玫瑰野獸 於 10-3-18 17:13 發表

多謝你既回答, 令我放心一d, 如果是在我抽旦前thaw, 若找不到活丁丁, 是否我連旦都唔駛抽?


積分: 9305

發表於 10-3-18 18:36 |只看該作者
Thank you for your encouragement. I am glad to know you find this blog helpful.

原帖由 玫瑰野獸 於 10-3-18 17:27 發表
忘了說, 你好pro, 好好心地! 我地做ivf既一般都擔心呢樣個樣, 見到醫生又唔問得甘多甘清楚. 希望你可繼續幫助回答jm對ivf既疑問! 多謝!


積分: 9305

發表於 10-3-18 18:47 |只看該作者
尿道 & 陰道 are two separate structures although they are very close to each other. My suggestion is that you should try to seek advice from your fertility doc. first. He/she may tell you exactly what to do and prescribe some medication if needed.

If you really can't see your fertility doctor, go to your family doctor or a general doctor and tell him/her about your condition (pain and itchiness). It is very important also to tell this doctor that you have just had an ivf treatment with an embryo transfer done. Hopefully this doctor will be helpful.

Wish you well and take care.

原帖由 Milly18 於 10-3-18 18:15 發表
Thank you for yr detail explanation.

By the way, I want to ask if 尿道炎/陰道炎會影響bingo, 因為我ivf放胎後day3開始有尿道炎, 第一日流血和去vv時痛。現在ok,但成日急v,要去洗水間,又好似v極都有... 陰道有 ...


積分: 1022

發表於 10-3-18 19:01 |只看該作者

回覆 1# cutecutetown 的文章

Thanks for yr rapid reply. The nurse fm my IVF doctor said 尿道炎不會影響bingo, 因為是2個不同部位。她話唔使食吁藥,飲多o的水就ok。

另外上次我抽卵後有尿道炎,vv時流哂血, 醫生知道情況照放胎,只是給了些抗生素。吃了扎抗生素,第2日就好了。我上次問了2次醫生,醫生也告訴我不影響bingo.... 所以想問問其他專家意見...


積分: 673

發表於 10-3-18 22:06 |只看該作者
Hi Cutecutetown,
I have a similar case with sally2009wong..I am 33 years old, i have been trying to have baby for 2 years and have tried 2 times iui with different dr...both doctors concluded my case as unknown case..but i doubt if my problem would cause by pressure from work…with no clue, my friend suggested my husband to take an anti-sperm test where she found out the problem at her case. The result is good with NO anti-sperm. However, we figured the test for my husband was tested by blood but my fd’s case was tested by sperm. Please clarify if both are validate.

I know you don’t believe in Chinese medication, but any comment on acupuncture in your field? I lost, apart from seeking help from chinese acupuncture recently, I am not sure whether I should go for another iui/jump to ivf/just go with the flow.

1 more question about menstrual problem, I always have headache during my period probably due to inbalance hormone. Have you ever heard of green propolis would help to improve?

At last, I would like to thank for your kindly advice from sharing your time and suggestion among us. We are so lucky to have you here, your comments are very supportive.


積分: 1814

發表於 10-3-19 11:32 |只看該作者
原帖由 cutecutetown 於 10-3-18 18:32 發表
Good question, this is something you may want to find out by asking your doctor, i.e. whether the lab will thaw before or after the egg retrieval. If the lab will thaw before egg retrieval, there is ...

我個lab無同我地講有無試過做thaw test, 又無同我地安排做tese ”backup”, 只叫我地找個別人既sperm sample 做backup (不過我地唔想)! 我明天抽旦啦! 好擔心!



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