




積分: 322

發表於 11-2-28 13:36 |只看該作者
主說: 你當愛你的仇敵, 如果你們也只愛那愛你的人, 那和外邦人有何不同呢? 那位有信仰又做到的. 可否分享下?


積分: 986

發表於 11-2-28 15:22 |只看該作者

回覆 1# kwokfung 的文章

我曾經都試過, 第一步踏出自已個關口, 確實係好難做得到, 唯有將自已既底線降底小小, 諗吓自已也是一個罪人既時候, 感覺就舒服的。


積分: 4598

發表於 11-2-28 21:23 |只看該作者

137:7 耶路撒冷遭難的日子,以東人說:拆毀!拆毀!直拆到根基!耶和華啊,求你記念這仇!
137:8 將要被滅的巴比倫城啊,報復你像你待我們的,那人便為有福!
137:9 拿你的嬰孩摔在磐石上的,那人便為有福!


積分: 782

發表於 11-3-2 00:01 |只看該作者
你話佢性格好難相處, 或講錯嘢得罪你, 果D就梗係可以啦,

但如果對方真係出賣你又點呢, 我到而家我都做唔到喎


積分: 35819

發表於 11-3-2 11:18 |只看該作者
有時自己是否被那人出賣都可以是出自主觀的判斷,對人的論斷。我們能肯定某人的心真的出賣我嗎?即使某人的謀殺罪名成立了,也有機會是冤枉的。 我們怎麼能知道得這麼准確無誤呢?! 所以神說:申冤在我,報復在我。 - 我不記得出自哪段聖經了。知道的請補充。

我想我在此常引用的 KNT 君的 Forgive and Judge 裡的思想方式都對我能愛仇敵有幫助。


積分: 35819

發表於 11-3-2 11:18 |只看該作者

Forgive and Judge from KNT

Just because I have forgiven someone for doing something wrong, it doesn't mean God will forgive it. because it is always a matter of whether it is against God's will, against His Law or not. If God has said it is wrong then something is wrong. we have no right to forgive it. If God does not forgive it, even it is done to us personally, we have no right to forgive it. We are not capable of judging anyone rightly because we sin also. And just because we forgive it doesn't mean God has to forgive it. We might forgive it for some reason that is not right, for example, that we think if we show mercy so God will be merciful to us. After all, Jesus says 'blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy'. But that does not include for everything, but only for reasons God is willing to show mercy. But God will not show mercy to anybody who does not accept Jesus Christ his Lord and savior and commit to follow him. and will not repent of the sin. So, they have to first be willing to repent, then they have to follow Jesus Christ and then they have to obey God from then on or repent when they fail to. Anybody who believes in God, but doesn't repent of their sins is going to be lost. and they are not forgiven for anything. However, God still expects us to bring the sins of others to their attention if needed. So when it really comes down to forgiving, we are told to forgive someone because God is forgiving in nature and we should be like Him. A forgiving nature doesn't mean He forgives people for everything. And he doesn't forgive every one. So, we shouldn't either. On the opposite side of that we are also told not to judge other people for things that are out of God's judgement. For example, if we think it is wrong to sing with musical instructments and if we see somebody else sing with musical instruments we shouldn't just say ,'Oh, that is wrong' and judge them for it because God doesn't say that it is wrong . We are commanded to sing with the spirit and understanding when we sing. I can do it with musical instrument or without. It will only be alright if we are children of God, disciple of Jesus. Otherwise, doing right things will not help us. When I am accusing someone or holding somebody accountable it is only because God said it is wrong. It has nothing to do with me, my righteousness or lack of it. Pointing their sin out to them doesn't mean I am judging them because God has said it was wrong. It 's not my judgement; it is God's judgement. And then, on the other hand, just because I decide to forgive him does not mean I will be forgiven. That doesn't mean God will forgive either them or me. I still have to repent of my sin and that person still has to repent of their sin. You point sin out to them for their good, not for your benefit other than it is the right thing to do. When Jesus said make sure that when you look at somebody that first remove the beam in your eye before worrying about the spec in theirs, he was using a metaphor involving the eyes. In other words, your vision will be distorted with a beam sticking in your eye, so how can you possibly be able to help someone with their sin. Your sin is an obstacle and anytime you do not repent of your sins you will have this obstacle to first remove before being able to point out the sins of others. After you do so, you might find that they have not sinned. In the above example of singing, you might find out that singing with or without instruments is all acceptable to God and so you should not judge. That would be like removing the beam from your eye. Now you can see properly and notice that your friend does not have a spec after all.


積分: 4598

發表於 11-3-2 11:57 |只看該作者

回覆 5# 858D 的文章




假如一個人得罪你好多﹐害得你好慘﹐神無要求你見到佢時要蓮子蓉咁嘅面口兼且心都甜埋。神要我地愛仇敵係在行動上 -- 你見到個仇人時你心中在淌血﹐你會唔會將你心中仇恨嘅情感化做思想嘅行動﹐在心中打佢殺佢十次百次﹖甚至會唔會化做實質行動走去鬧佢丙佢劈佢﹖定係假如你見到呢位仇敵有危難﹐你會願意用行動去幫助佢﹖為佢禱告﹐求神赦免佢﹖


積分: 322

發表於 11-5-24 13:48 |只看該作者
事实上, 佢不接受, 不对话, 继续用卑劣的手法争权夺利.
我只好求主保佑, 和祷告.


積分: 25892

發表於 11-5-24 14:08 |只看該作者
對於仇敵, 有時真係無能為力, 但我會為佢禱告, 求神寬恕; 我亦為自己o既怒氣求神赦免, 因怒氣有可能產生恨意、報復o既罪性.....

『生氣卻不要犯罪,不可含怒到日落,也不可給魔鬼留地步。』《弗:26 - 27》


