




積分: 617

發表於 05-10-12 15:48 |只看該作者

Re: Help! The bun got pregnant!!!!




積分: 3655

發表於 05-10-12 17:28 |只看該作者

Re: Help! The bun got pregnant!!!!


不如你聯絡下 cat_house,睇下佢既經驗對你brother 有無幫助。你唔好信晒勞工處,佢地淨係會話比你聽,乜都比晒個工人,但又唔炒得,佢地係唔會幫到你嫁。你諗下,如果法律有漏洞,勞工處會唔會話你去利用個漏洞!多地聽下人地既經驗。



積分: 7287

發表於 05-10-12 17:45 |只看該作者

Re: Help! The bun got pregnant!!!!

我都覺得唔好益個衰野,我覺得佢玩到咁寸,就算你比咗錢佢都未必肯走,講真,有得食有得住,錢又袋埋,你耐佢乜野河,所以我都同意裝cam留意佢一舉一動,仲要比張checklist要佢每日做妥晒d野﹝當然要reasonable,唔可以抹window o個d危險野啦,如果唔係佢整到,又屈鬼你阿哥,就真係有yun無路訴﹞,如果做唔妥,就出warning letter,labour law我唔熟,但係之前聽人講好似話出咗3封warning letter就乜都唔駛保﹝大肚我唔知係咪﹞,仲之要佢一日做到黑,等佢以為收錢唔駛做,唔好便宜佢呀...


積分: 92832

2024年龍年勳章 2018復活節勳章 15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 畀面勳章 認識瑞士牛牛第一回 最關心BB問題熱投勳章 開心吸收勳章

發表於 05-10-12 19:38 |只看該作者

Re: Help! The bun got pregnant!!!!

我都讚成唔好咁便宜個賤人 :tongue: 同佢淚斗淚,睇佢冇人冇物,大住個肚忍得幾耐


積分: 34919

發表於 05-10-12 22:09 |只看該作者

Re: Help! The bun got pregnant!!!!

tssm 寫道:


叫你阿哥首先全屋裝鏡頭,每日都錄低個工人既工作,如有發現佢吞卜,即出warning letter,如果佢乍死話做唔到野,就叫佢出示醫生證明囉,睇一次醫生都好貴,睇下佢睇得幾多次,記得提你阿哥,佢係唔使負責佢產科既醫藥費的,你阿哥只要每月出糧比佢,其餘既錢就千其唔好出.


如果個工人係咁既態度, 我都會同佢鬥, 反正小朋友都大大地.


積分: 395

發表於 05-10-12 23:14 |只看該作者

Re: Help! The bun got pregnant!!!!

無錯!玩殘佢,每日要佢做足十六個鐘,勞工處話工人每天要有8小休息 (無話連續), 咪叫佢半夜一點休息零晨五點起身, 然後下晝再俾埋嗰四粒鐘佢囉! 至於食物方面,我地只雖要提供「食物」, 無話一定要有飯有魚有菜, 白麵包都係食物,咪日日買磅方包佢送滚水囉!(我上個工人上勞工處告我話我要佢食公仔麵, 個半月食十次到,跟住個調解員話法列只喺話僱主要提供「食物」, 無話セ嘢食物,公仔麵都係食物! 無arm食就自己買外賣如要開爐煮嘢自己食$100一次!至於睡房咪唔好俾佢開冷氣/暖氣,掉咗張床褥囉,我地要提供床無話床褥喎!佢D衫要用手洗,如偷用洗衣機嘅一百蚊一機!偷食食物就逐樣計,唔好俾佢坐底,要佢企足十六個鐘!每日要佢在家揼釘仲要話俾佢聽呢個中國人嘅避忌!不但要佢落街買嘢每次買一樣!佢唔可以做粗重嘢嘛!有無車要洗?一日洗3次囉!玩殘佢囉! 有無木地板?逐件木打臘囉等佢踎多D,將衣櫃D衫倒曬出嚟全部再摺過!叫你brother唔好話做唔出一於同佢反轉豬肚!
With lots of loves....... Kristin :-D


積分: 197

發表於 05-10-13 00:00 |只看該作者

Re: Help! The bun got pregnant!!!!

CherylMommy, 比你笑c我啦. 不過真係好好橋. 我會提意個僱主要將呢個plan有意的比個工人知道, 睇怕個工人聽到都嚇到腳軟. 懂得見好就收吧.
講開又講, 我自己都面對往工人在年尾回鄉怕佢大肚番來的問題, 如今在香港做外佣僱主真係無保障.

CherylMommy 寫道:
無錯!玩殘佢,每日要佢做足十六個鐘,勞工處話工人每天要有8小休息 (無話連續), 咪叫佢半夜一點休息零晨五點起身, 然後下晝再俾埋嗰四粒鐘佢囉! 至於食物方面,我地只雖要提供「食物」, 無話一定要有飯有魚有菜, 白麵包都係食物,咪日日買磅方包佢送滚水囉!(我上個工人上勞工處告我話我要佢食公仔麵, 個半月食十次到,跟住個調解員話法列只喺話僱主要提供「食物」, 無話セ嘢食物,公仔麵都係食物! 無arm食就自己買外賣如要開爐煮嘢自己食$100一次!至於睡房咪唔好俾佢開冷氣/暖氣,掉咗張床褥囉,我地要提供床無話床褥喎!佢D衫要用手洗,如偷用洗衣機嘅一百蚊一機!偷食食物就逐樣計,唔好俾佢坐底,要佢企足十六個鐘!每日要佢在家揼釘仲要話俾佢聽呢個中國人嘅避忌!不但要佢落街買嘢每次買一樣!佢唔可以做粗重嘢嘛!有無車要洗?一日洗3次囉!玩殘佢囉! 有無木地板?逐件木打臘囉等佢踎多D,將衣櫃D衫倒曬出嚟全部再摺過!叫你brother唔好話做唔出一於同佢反轉豬肚!


積分: 395

發表於 05-10-13 01:22 |只看該作者

Re: Help! The bun got pregnant!!!!

With lots of loves....... Kristin :-D


積分: 1869

發表於 05-10-13 08:54 |只看該作者

Re: Help! The bun got pregnant!!!!


[quote]點解D工人甘衰, 但都無人幫我地D苦主呢


積分: 7287

發表於 05-10-13 09:14 |只看該作者

Re: Help! The bun got pregnant!!!!





積分: 2724

發表於 05-10-13 09:25 |只看該作者

Re: Help! The bun got pregnant!!!!


其實您哥哥有没有人可以backup, I mean to check her work during the day time until she has gave birth to her child. 如他可以安排,那一定要同這個 ”天下弟一大賤” 玩到底,其間如有任何風吹草動,我們這一群 ”飽受蹂躪” 的醒目;萬能苦主一定可以想辦法對付 ”牠”.


Have the labour law ready at the time your brother explain to her what they are going to do...such as give her $300 food allowance per month (as stated in the contract) but then she is not allow to eat any food stuff in the house, no cooking for her own food etc etc.

Replace her mattress with a picec of wood board and have her to hand wash all her own clothing are great idea - these are lawful; at least not stated in the contract. Cut everything not requested by law.

[size=x-large]其他媽咪的好提議,真是笑c我 but 又好 work wor.又上了一當保貴的課.我想我們會 ”光明’ 地支持你及您哥哥.


積分: 4108

發表於 05-10-13 10:00 |只看該作者

Re: Help! The bun got pregnant!!!!

我都比你笑c. I'd also consider the following points:
1. No matter what, install a camera first.
2. 日日買磅方包/公仔麵佢送滚水, 唔好俾佢開爐煮嘢自己食. Or , no food provided but only give $300 each month. If you find her steal your food, call police and kick her out immediately.
3. 掉咗張床褥 (good point), if she buy for herself, not allow worker to move in the new mattress.
4. Knock off the door of her room. If you wake up in the midnight, make as much noise as you can outside her room. My husband said he will consider move into the room as well (since no door)such that he will share the room with her. See if she can bear it.
5. Prepare a worklist, ask her to complete all tasks everyday. Check it everyday, if anything found not done (even properly), give her warning letter.

Threaten her that if she is dismissed for whatever reason, her working visa will be expired soon. And then if her tummy grow at the stage that can't get on the flight, she will need to give birth here in HK at foreigner's fee. She will not gain anything at the end.

新丁媽咪 寫道:
CherylMommy, 比你笑c我啦. 不過真係好好橋. 我會提意個僱主要將呢個plan有意的比個工人知道, 睇怕個工人聽到都嚇到腳軟. 懂得見好就收吧.
講開又講, 我自己都面對往工人在年尾回鄉怕佢大肚番來的問題, 如今在香港做外佣僱主真係無保障.

CherylMommy 寫道:
無錯!玩殘佢,每日要佢做足十六個鐘,勞工處話工人每天要有8小休息 (無話連續), 咪叫佢半夜一點休息零晨五點起身, 然後下晝再俾埋嗰四粒鐘佢囉! 至於食物方面,我地只雖要提供「食物」, 無話一定要有飯有魚有菜, 白麵包都係食物,咪日日買磅方包佢送滚水囉!(我上個工人上勞工處告我話我要佢食公仔麵, 個半月食十次到,跟住個調解員話法列只喺話僱主要提供「食物」, 無話セ嘢食物,公仔麵都係食物! 無arm食就自己買外賣如要開爐煮嘢自己食$100一次!至於睡房咪唔好俾佢開冷氣/暖氣,掉咗張床褥囉,我地要提供床無話床褥喎!佢D衫要用手洗,如偷用洗衣機嘅一百蚊一機!偷食食物就逐樣計,唔好俾佢坐底,要佢企足十六個鐘!每日要佢在家揼釘仲要話俾佢聽呢個中國人嘅避忌!不但要佢落街買嘢每次買一樣!佢唔可以做粗重嘢嘛!有無車要洗?一日洗3次囉!玩殘佢囉! 有無木地板?逐件木打臘囉等佢踎多D,將衣櫃D衫倒曬出嚟全部再摺過!叫你brother唔好話做唔出一於同佢反轉豬肚!


積分: 7287

發表於 05-10-13 10:45 |只看該作者

Re: Help! The bun got pregnant!!!!



積分: 395

發表於 05-10-13 10:54 |只看該作者

Re: Help! The bun got pregnant!!!!

1. 裝眼仔先尤其係厨房睇住有無偷食或加料
2. 日日買磅方包/公仔麵好D,$5一日乘30日都係百五蚊,仲乜要益佢,
4. 如果張合約話個賓係小孩同房咁佢一陣又報警喎如果要同男僱主同房,費事俾佢屈,一陣訓着咗佢放男僱主隻手係佢度影埋相告你哋添呀!
With lots of loves....... Kristin :-D


積分: 2989


發表於 05-10-13 11:04 |只看該作者

Re: Help! The bun got pregnant!!!!



積分: 4108

發表於 05-10-13 11:09 |只看該作者

Re: Help! The bun got pregnant!!!!

BTW, remember to retrieve the key from her. Not allow her to leave home without permission. Let her out only on day off.

Lock the home phone with password.


積分: 731

發表於 05-10-13 14:24 |只看該作者

Re: Help! The bun got pregnant!!!!

Thanks for all your support to my brother and I am glad and proud to be a BK member. CherylMommy, your suggestions are great and very funny indeed. In fact, I have discussed all your suggestions with my brother:

1) Installing web-cam to spot her errors. Since my brother is a teacher and has no time to watch her during the day. If we use video-tape recorder, it means that he has to spend another hour in the night after the maid sleep to spot her errors, he cannot afford these hours cos he need lot of sleep hours. In fact, my brother knows well that she always “tun pok” in the daytime. Let me share her routine job now. My brother and sister-in-law usually leave home by 7am. The kids are attending PM class in same school and leave home at ~12pm. The maid will take them to school by MTR. It takes around 30-45mins for 1 way. She doesn’t cook lunch for kids cos she takes long time to cook and the food is nasty and kids prefer to buy lunch box. The maid will back by around 3pm (don know where she goes during the 2 hours from 1-3pm). The family will be back by around 7pm and have dinner and family time on their own. The maid mainly responsible for household chaos and prepare the dinner. She was alone and free from 1-7pm on weekdays. The family usually goes out on Sat and Sun for interest classes (for kids) and church services (for the family). They will only take afternoon nap even they are at home during weekends. I suppose there’s no better job in HK (or in the world) than that. Even so, can u imagine the house is so dirty that you can see cockroaches running across the living room in the daytime? So my brother said she can’t be lazier than now and so he does not bother to watch for her errors.
2) Re the food arrangement, since she is the one who buy food and prepare dinner for the family, if I give her $300 for not allowing her to eat our food, do u think that she will spend her money to buy food or she will steal money from the petty cash pool or “dai fu tau” more to get her food. You know, maids usually eat not much, this action will only mean she can earn $300 more a month.
3) To have someone supervise her at home. The only person available in my family is my mom but my brother is not dare to ask for her help any more cos she complained this maid for over 2 years and my brother still renewed her contract. My mom has made clear that she won’t help in this issue unless my nice/ nephew (i.e her grandkids) are in danger. My mom said “your brother deserves this”.
4) For other 淚斗淚 and 玩殘佢 actions like throw away the mattress, call her in the night etc., I am afraid that my brother’s family will lose more than the maid. She used to call police in the mid night whenever she feels my brother is doing something different or harmful to her. Although she may be warned by police for false reporting, it already caused a big hassle to the family for no sleep in that night. On the other hand, she can have plenty of sleep in the daytime when she is alone. To an extreme, she can even claim sick leave, she can easily get the doctor cert. cos she is pregnant.

After all, I think our ERs will be the loser in anyway. We have to work and earn our livings in the daytime, we won’t bother to have another battle with the maid who “tun pok” in the daytime and save the energy to deal with u in the night. On the other hand, as working couples, we really need someone to take care the household chaos and kids for us. The worse thing is the Labour Law protect them to such an extent that it is so easily to be abused.

Thanks for your patience to read through the long message


積分: 1178

發表於 05-10-13 14:53 |只看該作者

Re: Help! The bun got pregnant!!!!


You and your brother are too nice. In your case, I really think that your brother should "show some color" to the maid. Otherwise, other maids may follow exactly what she is doing and other mothers here will be the next victims.

I have the following suggestions:
(1) If your mother does not want to help, hire a local domestic helper to be a "police." You can schedule some housework to the maid and ask the local domestic helper to monitor.

(2) For money for buying food. If you can catch her steal your money, that is probably a good news. You can send her to the police station right away! If you simply want to implement the food arrangement other mom suggested, from now on, she can only do shopping in the Park'N shop. Buy an octopus to her and allow her to use the octopus to check out only. You can trace every single penny she spends then.

(3) The maid calls the police because she knows your brother finds it very disturbing and takes it as her advantage. If I were him, I would call the police by myself whenever I suspect her stealing money etc. Just to show her that I have to right to call the police too. On the other hand, give her a warning letter whenever she asks the police to come without a very good reason. I would in fact report to the police that my life may be in danger since the maid always thinks I am not treating her well and I am afraid that she will try to hurt me.


積分: 4108

發表於 05-10-13 14:54 |只看該作者

Re: Help! The bun got pregnant!!!!

I am sorry to tell that the comfort zone for your brother is just too much. He needs to change some of his habit to deal with this bitch. If he consider it is "a big hassle to the family" for no sleep in "that" night, and don't dare to spend some time to watch the video, I don't think he can do anything to the bitch. Then it is better to let it be and wait until the bitch give birth to the baby. Your brother may then need to take care of her baby after birth due to his 怕事.

Your mom is right and “your brother deserves this”.
Sorry to say so but that's the truth.


積分: 6443

發表於 05-10-13 14:59 |只看該作者

Re: Help! The bun got pregnant!!!!

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