之前住御龍居附近,冇車去九龍塘。你要去紅磡 or 旺角轉火車。尖沙咀(經紅磡)/旺角(next to Carmel on the hill)/土瓜灣(俊民苑)有小巴都方便同好近。但去佐敦/西九方向車很疏,但我很喜歡附近的寧願。附近有愛民和何文田廣場領滙商場。窩山只經過沒住過,感覺不知在那裡買餸,日用品等等。建議用一個下午走走兩個地方,walking distance between the two. Both shopping malls I mentioned have property agency you can check with them for professional suggestions of your need.
Btw, 何文田體育館 close to Oi Man estate. There\'s kid\'s playroom inside, there\'s another sport complex closed by but no playroom. Oi Man plaza is old but renovated recently, not many shops there but spacious for kids to run. OI Man estate itself has a lot of open area for kids to ride bicycle.