Full time mom... - MountainView的日誌 - Baby Kingdom - 親子王國 香港 討論區

Full time mom...

已有 514 次閱讀 08-12-24 16:47

From a busy and stressful director post to being consultant to my previous employer (10 yrs in US and HK!), I decided to quit and become a full time mom this year. 2008 is the busiest year, really!!

I enjoy teaching my 2-yrs old everyday, see him picking up more words and phrases daily, I never get such satisfaction from my career before. He finally starts nursery in Dec, tough in the beginning, of course. Now, he finally can sing a song (barely) that we all understand!! If he can do it earlier, we probably can get in KV or SC, etc. Anyway, small boy can go to York next year, may not be too bad I guess.

Once this little one goes to school (just few hours), I can spend my times with my P4 boy. Just transferred to a new school this year, he picks up quite well and did good in first test. Looking forward to the first exam in Jan, I am sure he will be OK too. BTW, he participated in speech festival this year for the first time, not bad, he got 83, 1 more mark to be the 3rd, not bad for being first time participant, I guess.

Lastly, QC boy is doing great too. I no longer need to urge him to study, drive him here and there for activities, etc. He takes care all hwks himself and participates in school activities that he likes. I just want him to enjoy secondary school life as much as he can, no pressure on exams, just do his best!
BTW, it was his third time in speech festival this year, finally, he got 89, 2nd in the group, Not bad at all. We still have room for improvement though. Besides, I only trained him a few days this time, experience counts!

I enjoy teaching children and so I am also a part time teacher starting last month. I did training/teaching before but teaching children is just totally different - they just like my own kids...

Wow, why I would have time to write today? Because it is Xmas time --- Merry Xmas to you all (if you happen to see my blog....) and good luck to all students in upcoming exam after Xmas.






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