
點解要賣自住樓? 待查文章 3120 11-1-30 22:19
  thank you! Any chance 95% mortgage?
近期 - 按揭offer 樓市動向 42 10-7-22 14:23
  Any contact can be shared? thank you.
點解要賣自住樓? 待查文章 3120 11-1-30 22:19
  Hi Kenneth, 請指教: 我30+, 老公40, 2個BB三歲以下. 月入約$35K(但不是每月平均) 本來住新界千呎單位, 今 ...
想租何文田 (34校網) 樓市動向 7 10-4-21 15:43
點去運用呢d $$再去投資呢? 樓市動向 26 10-4-21 02:05
  請問你係咪有相熟經紀? 買時連租約嗎? 怕遇上走數租客, 有水位d盤比熟人選先. ...
有幾多人賣左樓 租屋住?? 樓市動向 25 10-4-21 08:00
  thank you. But the place I want to buy has only few choices,放盤少
有幾多人賣左樓 租屋住?? 樓市動向 25 10-4-21 08:00
  請問 '呢頭賣, 呢頭買' 係咪好難安排搬屋 (要成功放賣先有首期)? 我唔想租1-2個月又搬... ...
點去運用呢d $$再去投資呢? 樓市動向 26 10-4-21 02:05
  I have similar question. 2M cash, need to buy a new flat at 4M, should borrow how much (?%) from ban ...
想租農圃道十八或帝庭? 樓市動向 7 10-4-13 09:23
  同眼光, 不過我想買, 有識之士可否比D意見, 那裡保值些?
學行鞋 嬰兒用品 9 09-9-4 17:56
  jack & xxx okay, but you can also check 'Shoe box', this shop has bb shoes quite soft
有冇同bb 影造型相 嬰兒用品 10 09-8-24 22:58
  cowind, "芝" 幾靚, 係咪megastore佈景最得? 揀相要再上去? THANKS
仲有無$130森永大仔? 嬰兒用品 2 09-8-11 16:25
  thank you
你地有冇帶6個月以上bb去影樓影相呀? 嬰兒用品 18 09-7-13 17:40
  We've tried BabyQstudio and studio 123, BQ is small but only service one family at one time, backgro ...
深圳書城邊間多兒童圖書及點去最方便? 嬰兒用品 6 09-4-16 09:46
  坐地鐵少年宮站, lots of books & posters
開刀生,請陪月陪幾耐好? 懷孕前後 6 09-4-7 09:22
  agree, but sometimes you can take more rest without helper as she may 'affect' your timetable.
邊度買chicco 二合一沐浴露最平? 嬰兒用品 8 09-4-6 00:11
  new version is 750ml (old one is 1000ml), so price is increased.
hubbies初生裝尿片好唔好用? 嬰兒用品 11 09-3-29 02:52
  agree, you can also try Pamper swaddlers for breastfeed bb, soft and high waist line.
真係好羨慕d媽媽生第2胎 懷孕前後 50 09-4-2 17:11
  My little son just born in Feb, my elder girl is 16 months now, she loves brother so so much (always ...
想係仁安生BB, 又想餵人奶 母乳餵哺 3 09-3-30 16:45
  If you insist on breastfeed, nurse can call your room number once bb crying for milk (so you must al ...
你地有無驗B型鏈球菌? 懷孕前後 11 09-3-23 00:41
  if bb inflected, it would have chance of 腦膜炎. My bb just born on Feb 24, I checked this in week 3 ...