
吉利汽車 家庭理財 105 20-9-2 20:52
  Agree - 大户會輪流炒不同的板塊
吉利汽車 家庭理財 105 20-9-2 20:52
  But very expensive now....
銀行轉出實體股 家庭理財 13 20-7-22 23:34
  回覆 kenyuen 的帖子 Yes, I did the same before
請問Calgary vs Edmonton, 邊度好住d 國家地區媽媽會 1 20-7-19 15:24
  I prefer Calgary
有無媽媽嚟緊會移民Calgary? 國家地區媽媽會 37 21-10-16 20:43
  回覆 cds10v 的帖子 Weather should be ok for me. I lived in Montreal for 6 years and tasted the cold ...
有無媽媽嚟緊會移民Calgary? 國家地區媽媽會 37 21-10-16 20:43
  Anyone planning the move to Calgary? Will go with my son and now searching the secondary school info ...