




積分: 20862

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章 BK Milk勳章

發表於 08-1-8 16:40 |只看該作者

I think little kids (below 6) may not know/understand the gags of 呆爸.

Should be OK at 3pm on 27/1....

Actually I can pass the books to you before that date. Confirm with you later la.

[ 本文章最後由 kittylock 於 08-1-8 17:54 編輯 ]


積分: 20862

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章 BK Milk勳章

發表於 08-1-8 16:44 |只看該作者
I find Kumon Chin is good too!

Kv is in level 2A now. He can write and pronoun the pin-yin in good accent though he is quite reluctant to do the papers (cos there's a lot of writing works).

原文章由 GloriaChung 於 08-1-8 16:38 發表
I have started KUMON Chinese for bee. No more KUMON Maths. Waste of time.

KUMON Chinese seems more impressive.

[ 本文章最後由 kittylock 於 08-1-8 17:55 編輯 ]


積分: 3732

發表於 08-1-8 16:49 |只看該作者
見您哋講開 wii, 想問吓您哋贊唔贊成買遊戲機比小朋友, e.g. PSP, NDS etc. 自己諗咗好耐都唔知好唔好買. 事緣我好多朋友 ge 仔女都有遊戲機, 如果同佢哋出街, 每個小朋友都有一部, Jason 都會好羡慕其他小朋友有遊戲機, 或者去佢哋屋企又有 wii, 有時覺得佢好似好可憐咁. 雖然佢冇(未)要我買, 但如果佢想我買一部比佢, 咁我應該點好呢


積分: 2282

發表於 08-1-8 17:05 |只看該作者

Actually, the Wii and NDS is bought by my hubby. My girl knows nothing about them.

Rachel will play the NDS only when we are on the plane. We don't prefer the NDS since the screen is too small.

As for the Wii, the TV screen compare to NDS is so big and the games are quite good. When we first bought the Wii games, we found the recognising people is good for kid...can train their reaction. Then we bought the Wii sports, both the table tennis, bowling and tennis are good. Afterwards we bought the Cooking mama and the latest is the Wii-Fit. We played these during the long holidays, etc. Christmas, Saturday/Sunday but not on weekdays.

It is suitable both for adults and kids. e.g. during christmas, we hold a christmas party at our home and Rachel's grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousin enjoyed playing the Wii Fit very much. They look forward to the Lunar New Year and play again.

原文章由 Small_Cloud 於 08-1-8 16:49 發表
見您哋講開 wii, 想問吓您哋贊唔贊成買遊戲機比小朋友, e.g. PSP, NDS etc. 自己諗咗好耐都唔知好唔好買. 事緣我好多朋友 ge 仔女都有遊戲機, 如果同佢哋出街, 每個小朋友都有一部, Jason 都會好羡慕其他小朋友有遊 ...

[ 本文章最後由 Ramomo 於 08-1-8 17:08 編輯 ]


積分: 6599

發表於 08-1-8 17:16 |只看該作者
:-P KL

Yes, I find the KUMON Chinese CDs good in content. The illustrations are nice too. Should be appealing to kids.

Kv is so advanced in all aspects. :-P Have you ever checked his IQ? I bet that he might be over 130.
Buzz.. Buzzz... Buzzing Bee Let kids read more 讓孩子多閱讀! CLICK HERE to find bookstores 去哪裡找書?? Mainland Book Indx A Mainland Book Indx B *PART 1 , PART 2* *星加坡童書收獲*由一名可笑、瘋狂、自大無比和幼稚到極名作家寫的公開信 我的回应-->P. 223 of HERE Steps to Post Image 1. Right click on the image you want to copy 2. Choose 內容 3. If the url shown in the 內容 pop-up menu is ended with 'jpg' or 'gif' (maybe other image formats will do too), it is an image url. 4. Copy the url 5. click 'IMG' of BK message menu bar, paste the url into the pop-up box 6. click 'ENTER' Then the image will be shown in your message.


積分: 6599

發表於 08-1-8 17:20 |只看該作者

I would rather not esp for those involving no interpersonal interaction. I would avoid this for bee.

But if Wii is something for the family and everyone can play at the same time, should be a good indoor family activity.

[ 本文章最後由 GloriaChung 於 08-1-8 17:21 編輯 ]
Buzz.. Buzzz... Buzzing Bee Let kids read more 讓孩子多閱讀! CLICK HERE to find bookstores 去哪裡找書?? Mainland Book Indx A Mainland Book Indx B *PART 1 , PART 2* *星加坡童書收獲*由一名可笑、瘋狂、自大無比和幼稚到極名作家寫的公開信 我的回应-->P. 223 of HERE Steps to Post Image 1. Right click on the image you want to copy 2. Choose 內容 3. If the url shown in the 內容 pop-up menu is ended with 'jpg' or 'gif' (maybe other image formats will do too), it is an image url. 4. Copy the url 5. click 'IMG' of BK message menu bar, paste the url into the pop-up box 6. click 'ENTER' Then the image will be shown in your message.


積分: 3732

發表於 08-1-8 17:24 |只看該作者
原文章由 GloriaChung 於 08-1-8 17:20 發表

I would rather not esp for those involving no interpersonal interaction. I would avoid this for bee.

But if Wii is something for the family and everyone can play at the same time, should be a go ...

Agreed. This is my main concern


積分: 20862

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章 BK Milk勳章

發表於 08-1-8 17:47 |只看該作者
No la!

Kv is just a normal kid jar!

Actually I'm a bit regret that he started the Kumon Chin too late ... should have let him attend the lesson when he was 4.....

Have enrolloed Kv to IPA lesson of Derek. Lesson will be started after CNY. :-P

原文章由 GloriaChung 於 08-1-8 17:16 發表
:-P KL

Yes, I find the KUMON Chinese CDs good in content. The illustrations are nice too. Should be appealing to kids.

Kv is so advanced in all aspects. :-P Have you ever checked his IQ? I bet t ...


積分: 20862

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章 BK Milk勳章

發表於 08-1-8 17:50 |只看該作者

I also intend to buy a wii soon.

Have no intention for NDS cos I hate people (adults & kids) just indulge in playing ele games and ignore all other people/things around them..

原文章由 Small_Cloud 於 08-1-8 17:24 發表

Agreed. This is my main concern

[ 本文章最後由 kittylock 於 08-1-8 17:53 編輯 ]


積分: 12631

發表於 08-1-8 18:49 |只看該作者

I don't intend to buy NDS / PSP / xxx for piglet either.
He has no self-control. He already knows how to log onto online PC games without requiring any instructions on how to do it, and spends as much time as poss. More than enough !


Got my ticket for Sing in Easter, 21 - 25 Mar.
Need to redeem piglet's ticket with assistance from SingAir, have sent them an e-mail.


積分: 20862

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章 BK Milk勳章

發表於 08-1-8 18:52 |只看該作者

Seems that you get used to go to SIN every year.

原文章由 Bluestar 於 08-1-8 18:49 發表

Got my ticket for Sing in Easter, 21 - 25 Mar.
Need to redeem piglet's ticket with assistance from SingAir, have sent them an e-mail


積分: 12631

發表於 08-1-8 18:59 |只看該作者
原文章由 kittylock 於 08-1-8 14:51 發表

Is "Captain underpants" over 100 pages?


122 pages.


積分: 12631

發表於 08-1-8 19:10 |只看該作者
原文章由 kittylock 於 08-1-8 18:52 發表

Seems that you get used to go to SIN every year.

Lots of ppl on my father's side are in Sing / Malaysia,
my half sister + daughters and grandchildren,
and a lot of cousins and their kids.
So piglet has a lot of kids to play with,
he will definitely spend 1 whole day at least in WWWet.
Also the food is clean and tasty.

[ 本文章最後由 Bluestar 於 08-1-8 22:06 編輯 ]


積分: 12631

發表於 08-1-8 19:13 |只看該作者
duplicated, delete


積分: 20862

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章 BK Milk勳章

發表於 08-1-8 19:21 |只看該作者
Yeah!! We can try to start this series la.


原文章由 Bluestar 於 08-1-8 18:59 發表


122 pages.


積分: 20862

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章 BK Milk勳章

發表於 08-1-8 19:22 |只看該作者
ic.... are you a malaysian-chinese?

原文章由 Bluestar 於 08-1-8 19:10 發表

Lots of ppl on my father's side is in Sing / Malaysia,
my half sister + daughters and grandchildren,
and a lot of cousins and their kids.
So piglet has a lot of kids to play with,
he will definitely ...


積分: 14040

發表於 08-1-8 20:46 |只看該作者
Really?! I wonder to let hm have the Kumon But indeed, i (maybe my line is quite low) think hm's pronou. of PTH is ok now :-P

BTW, hm like the "tong si" v. much and he knows 1 in every two days recently.

原文章由 GloriaChung 於 08-1-8 16:38 發表
I have started KUMON Chinese for bee. No more KUMON Maths. Waste of time.

KUMON Chinese seems more impressive.


積分: 3732

發表於 08-1-8 20:58 |只看該作者
原文章由 Holmanma 於 08-1-8 20:46 發表
Really?! I wonder to let hm have the Kumon But indeed, i (maybe my line is quite low) think hm's pronou. of PTH is ok now :-P

BTW, hm like the "tong si" v. much and he knows 1 in every t ...


Is the "tong si" in PTH How much for one set and where can I buy


積分: 14040

發表於 08-1-8 22:00 |只看該作者
Yes, in PTH. $488/set for 5 books+ 5 dvds + 1 bonus cd-r and there are total 2 sets. I bought at CP with 10% discount. But I'll also read with hm in Cantonese.

原文章由 Small_Cloud 於 08-1-8 20:58 發表


Is the "tong si" in PTH How much for one set and where can I buy


積分: 12631

發表於 08-1-8 22:03 |只看該作者
原文章由 kittylock 於 08-1-8 19:22 發表
ic.... are you a malaysian-chinese?

No way.
I'm a thoroughbred HongKongese. :mrgreen:


