




積分: 6599

發表於 05-9-28 23:58 |只看該作者

Re: 分享外國 或 台灣童書 (1-8歲適用) 收穫 - PART 2 (as from 27 Sept 05)

your gweilo friend is really funny then.............

snoopyma, thx, i got the same message from ss. never mind. i just want to buy it cheap...

Buzz.. Buzzz... Buzzing Bee Let kids read more 讓孩子多閱讀! CLICK HERE to find bookstores 去哪裡找書?? Mainland Book Indx A Mainland Book Indx B *PART 1 , PART 2* *星加坡童書收獲*由一名可笑、瘋狂、自大無比和幼稚到極名作家寫的公開信 我的回应-->P. 223 of HERE Steps to Post Image 1. Right click on the image you want to copy 2. Choose 內容 3. If the url shown in the 內容 pop-up menu is ended with 'jpg' or 'gif' (maybe other image formats will do too), it is an image url. 4. Copy the url 5. click 'IMG' of BK message menu bar, paste the url into the pop-up box 6. click 'ENTER' Then the image will be shown in your message.


積分: 6817

發表於 05-9-29 00:27 |只看該作者

Re: 分享外國 或 台灣童書 (1-8歲適用) 收穫 - PART 2 (as from 27 Sept 05)

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積分: 20862

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章 BK Milk勳章

發表於 05-9-29 10:53 |只看該作者

Re: 分享外國 或 台灣童書 (1-8歲適用) 收穫 - PART 2 (as from 27 Sept 05)


ORT Read At Home series has a total of 13 books and flash card.

The 13 books incl:
1. Handbook - helpful tips and guidance to parents
2. Stage 1 (Getting Ready) - 1a/1b/1c
3. Stage 2 (Starting to Read) - 2a/2b/2c
4. Stage 3 (Becoming a Reader) - 3a/3b/3c
5. Stage 4 (Building Confidence) - 4a/4b/4c

This set has been produced to support the Oxford Reading Tree Reading Scheme which is used in 80% of (UK) primary schools and in other countries worldwide. The set complements the scheme used in schools ie, these books will not be read by your child in school, they are supplementary to give extra support and breadth of books to read.

I failed twice in bidding the ORT Read at Home series (at a price of GBP 15 and GBP 17). So finally I did not bid it but use "Buy it now" offered by the seller at GBP 19.90. Postage was GBP 7, hence I spent a total of GBP26.99 on this book set. Compared with the retail price of aound GBP 52, I saved a lot indeed!!

But later I saw someone had successfully bid the set at around GBP 12!!

During last book fair, I saw Read at Home Series (but the book size was smaller and hardcover) being sold at OUP counter. Around $48 per book with 15% off. Think you may order thru some of the major bookstore in Hong Kong e.g. Swindon, 天利行 etc.

btw, I did not see this set at Greenfiled la.


積分: 755

發表於 05-9-29 11:09 |只看該作者

Re: 分享外國 或 台灣童書 (1-8歲適用) 收穫 - PART 2 (as from 27 Sept 05)


reat at home 已出多左三本level 1, 叫more level 1a, more level 1b and more level 1c. 遲些仲出level 5 tim.
All are hardcover.

More Level 1A - The Snowman

More Level 1B - Picnic Time

More Level 1C - Mom's New Hat



積分: 20862

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章 BK Milk勳章

發表於 05-9-29 11:13 |只看該作者

Re: 分享外國 或 台灣童書 (1-8歲適用) 收穫 - PART 2 (as from 27 Sept 05)

Tks yumama for the updated info.

btw, may I know where do you get those books?


積分: 755

發表於 05-9-29 11:23 |只看該作者

Re: 分享外國 或 台灣童書 (1-8歲適用) 收穫 - PART 2 (as from 27 Sept 05)

all information are from its official website and amazon. I plan to buy these books.

is it more cheaper to buy ORT series in Singapore than in UK?

Kitty, 係ebay妳點俾$.



積分: 20862

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章 BK Milk勳章

發表於 05-9-29 11:28 |只看該作者

Re: 分享外國 或 台灣童書 (1-8歲適用) 收穫 - PART 2 (as from 27 Sept 05)

Found more upcoming Read at Home series from OUP website:

1. Read at Home: More Level 2A Super Dad

Publication Date: 10 April 2006
£2.99 Hardback 0-19-838498-X

2. Read at Home: More Level 2B Monster Hunt

Publication Date: 10 April 2006
£2.99 Hardback 0-19-838500-5

3. Read at Home: More Level 2C Ouch!

Publication Date: 10 April 2006
£2.99 Hardback 0-19-838499-8

4. Read at Home: Level 5A Hairy Scary Monster

Publication Date: 11 December 2005
£2.99 Hardback 0-19-838501-3

5. Read at Home: Level 5B The Lost Voice

Publication Date: 11 December 2005
£2.99 Hardback 0-19-838502-1

6. Read at Home: Level 5C Secret of the Sands

Publication Date: 11 December 2005
£2.99 Hardback 0-19-838503-X


積分: 20862

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章 BK Milk勳章

發表於 05-9-29 11:30 |只看該作者

Re: 分享外國 或 台灣童書 (1-8歲適用) 收穫 - PART 2 (as from 27 Sept 05)


I will also buy those books when they are published.

btw, I still cannot find those new books from ebay.

Re: Payment at ebay, as we're overseas buyer, we have to pay by PAYPAL.

Re: ORT in SIN, yes more cheaper. You may refer to our previous discussion on the matter

As far as I know, buying ORT at UK bookstores is not cheap wor.....


積分: 12613

發表於 05-9-29 11:35 |只看該作者

Re: 分享外國 或 台灣童書 (1-8歲適用) 收穫 - PART 2 (as from 27 Sept 05)

Tks, yumama & Kittylock.

The ORT servies and associated supplements alone is enough to make me borke !!!!
And what's more, the no. of books, hence the cost, is still growing !!!

:-( :-( :-(

Will seriously consider asking my relative / friend in UK to check whether there's any cheaper source(s).


積分: 547

發表於 05-9-29 12:27 |只看該作者

Re: 分享外國 或 台灣童書 (1-8歲適用) 收穫 - PART 2 (as from 27 Sept 05)

The ORT servies and associated supplements alone is enough to make me borke !!!!
And what's more, the no. of books, hence the cost, is still growing !!!:-( :-(

Yes, this is exactly what I think. I also haven't owned any copies of the ORT set yet. But I am interested to purchase one for my girl. BTW, I enjoyed the SIN food very much. Can I join your tour to SIN next summer holiday?

I am envy you that you had lots of prey from SIN. May I ask you if I can order the ORT set thru online? How much for the postage fee from SIN to Hong Kong? Could you please give me an idea of how much of the total cost (book + postage) for a full set if we ordered online from SIN?


積分: 12613

發表於 05-9-29 12:34 |只看該作者

Re: 分享外國 或 台灣童書 (1-8歲適用) 收穫 - PART 2 (as from 27 Sept 05)


Maybe we can form a private tour group to Sing !!!

Re ORT and all other series :

Usually I don't need / buy the workbooks and flashcards - because I don't think these items are necessary, I never use them, and I don't like them - just a gimmick for charging more $$$.

If kids enjoy reading for the pleasure of reading, instead of equating reading with learning / with an objective, they will be able to absorb more, better, faster.


積分: 6599

發表於 05-9-29 12:38 |只看該作者

Re: 分享外國 或 台灣童書 (1-8歲適用) 收穫 - PART 2 (as from 27 Sept 05)


for your info.

1. delivery to Spore: 2 weeks after order thru popular
2. posting to HK: 1 month after posting

i will have my ORT delievered hopefully 1.5mths from the date of order/purchase with full payment.

yes, mr yap is very difficult to find even in the shop. i had to 'dig' or 'drill' or even 'scratch' him out there.


spore list price is around 30%-50% lower than the equilv. in HK

you can order as a member of popular (HK$20 in HK for 1 yr-mship but S$20 in spore).

then place your order with the mr yap (contact posted previously) and make full payment. they don't have the full series but only those still have stock at the supplier. so you need to ask them for quotation b4 hand.

if yr whole order is over S$1000, you can get 15% as a pop member.

so the net discount compared to HK is = 41%-58% OFF.

that is v vvvvvvvvvvv good price.

surface mail rate : a max of 30 kg (S$70.5) <--not bad.

but the process could be painstaking, your return is a cheaper set of ORT 1-9.

i did not ask about other ORT products, so no info. ah.

i will watch out for those cheap tickets offered by Spore airline to member from time to time. HK$650 is the lowest I have seen. but of course, you can't be early enough to buy them usually (coz many are scrambling for them!!!)
Buzz.. Buzzz... Buzzing Bee Let kids read more 讓孩子多閱讀! CLICK HERE to find bookstores 去哪裡找書?? Mainland Book Indx A Mainland Book Indx B *PART 1 , PART 2* *星加坡童書收獲*由一名可笑、瘋狂、自大無比和幼稚到極名作家寫的公開信 我的回应-->P. 223 of HERE Steps to Post Image 1. Right click on the image you want to copy 2. Choose 內容 3. If the url shown in the 內容 pop-up menu is ended with 'jpg' or 'gif' (maybe other image formats will do too), it is an image url. 4. Copy the url 5. click 'IMG' of BK message menu bar, paste the url into the pop-up box 6. click 'ENTER' Then the image will be shown in your message.


積分: 6599

發表於 05-9-29 12:43 |只看該作者

Re: 分享外國 或 台灣童書 (1-8歲適用) 收穫 - PART 2 (as from 27 Sept 05)


asked my uk friends re ort alrdy.

not very good deal: buy 3 get 1 free at bookstore.

better bid your 心頭好 at eBay instead. but if you are lazy, haaaa.. no way lur......

need to run to pottyfield to collect my long-pending "The holes in your nose" book. At last, i get it la.

Buzz.. Buzzz... Buzzing Bee Let kids read more 讓孩子多閱讀! CLICK HERE to find bookstores 去哪裡找書?? Mainland Book Indx A Mainland Book Indx B *PART 1 , PART 2* *星加坡童書收獲*由一名可笑、瘋狂、自大無比和幼稚到極名作家寫的公開信 我的回应-->P. 223 of HERE Steps to Post Image 1. Right click on the image you want to copy 2. Choose 內容 3. If the url shown in the 內容 pop-up menu is ended with 'jpg' or 'gif' (maybe other image formats will do too), it is an image url. 4. Copy the url 5. click 'IMG' of BK message menu bar, paste the url into the pop-up box 6. click 'ENTER' Then the image will be shown in your message.


積分: 12613

發表於 05-9-29 12:50 |只看該作者

Re: 分享外國 或 台灣童書 (1-8歲適用) 收穫 - PART 2 (as from 27 Sept 05)


Intend to use my SingAir mileage next summer ja, = free ticket.

I am sure ORT books themselves can be found in the primary school libraries. Let me try my luck at 等運到,and see what happens.


積分: 20862

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章 BK Milk勳章

發表於 05-9-29 13:01 |只看該作者

Re: 分享外國 或 台灣童書 (1-8歲適用) 收穫 - PART 2 (as from 27 Sept 05)


Yes, it's hard to bid things at good price at UK ebay if you're lazy, cos you need to closely monitor whether you were outbid and need to rebid at a higher price. You know the time lapse between HK & UK is around 8-10 hours, once I got up at 4am (the close of bid time) to check the status!!


How much did you pay for "The Holes in your nose"?

Is it a hardcover or paperback?


積分: 20862

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章 BK Milk勳章

發表於 05-9-29 13:16 |只看該作者

Re: 分享外國 或 台灣童書 (1-8歲適用) 收穫 - PART 2 (as from 27 Sept 05)

[size=medium]There is a Town (Step-Into-Reading, Step 1)

Book Description
In this town there, is a house. In this house, there is a box. And in this box, there is...a very nice surprise!

Card catalog description
Illustrations and simple text draw the reader into a family celebration at which a girl receives a dollhouse in which a birthday party is also going on.

With only a few simple words, they convey an entire story. It starts off with a town and narrows it's focus down to a street, a house, etc. then starts over inside a dollhouse and goes in the reverse.

PS I got this book from Co-ed at $10 only. Simple but good!!


積分: 206

發表於 05-9-29 13:25 |只看該作者

Re: 分享外國 或 台灣童書 (1-8歲適用) 收穫 - PART 2 (as from 27 Sept 05)


wow, 4am in the morning , no wonder they called you "24 to n" power of mum la

to save my money, i'm considering just purchase the "read at home" series only, but i'm afraid i will feel regretful not to keep ORT. ?-( ?-(
Hard decision!!

kittylock 寫道:

Yes, it's hard to bid things at good price at UK ebay if you're lazy, cos you need to closely monitor whether you were outbid and need to rebid at a higher price. You know the time lapse between HK & UK is around 8-10 hours, once I got up at 4am (the close of bid time) to check the status!!


How much did you pay for "The Holes in your nose"?

Is it a hardcover or paperback?


積分: 20862

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章 BK Milk勳章

發表於 05-9-29 13:39 |只看該作者

Re: 分享外國 或 台灣童書 (1-8歲適用) 收穫 - PART 2 (as from 27 Sept 05)


I think it's no harm keeping full set of ORT, not just because it is well-written and carefully designed into diff stages, and most importantly.... it has a value in second-hand market!!

Like ebay in UK, you'll find plenty of ORT books (both new or used) throw out for sale, and both buy & sell transactions are very active!!


積分: 6599

發表於 05-9-29 13:55 |只看該作者

Re: 分享外國 或 台灣童書 (1-8歲適用) 收穫 - PART 2 (as from 27 Sept 05)


HK$54 for the nostril book... :mrgreen: waited for 2 mths. it is paperback.
yes, that 'there is a town' book is really good ah

re ebay, why did not you put a not too high max-bid $$? to save your wake-ups ma.


i was like u in the past, swearing not to buy ORT but...now.. you can witness la. reason is simple : ORT is 'proven' really good/effective after i have introduced them to my son (books purchased from Silver).


sometimes, it is better to 等運到 than 行先c!!! i still have a pc of layered pandan cake, interested? no promise ga as it may have gone now..
Buzz.. Buzzz... Buzzing Bee Let kids read more 讓孩子多閱讀! CLICK HERE to find bookstores 去哪裡找書?? Mainland Book Indx A Mainland Book Indx B *PART 1 , PART 2* *星加坡童書收獲*由一名可笑、瘋狂、自大無比和幼稚到極名作家寫的公開信 我的回应-->P. 223 of HERE Steps to Post Image 1. Right click on the image you want to copy 2. Choose 內容 3. If the url shown in the 內容 pop-up menu is ended with 'jpg' or 'gif' (maybe other image formats will do too), it is an image url. 4. Copy the url 5. click 'IMG' of BK message menu bar, paste the url into the pop-up box 6. click 'ENTER' Then the image will be shown in your message.


積分: 206

發表於 05-9-29 13:56 |只看該作者

Re: 分享外國 或 台灣童書 (1-8歲適用) 收穫 - PART 2 (as from 27 Sept 05)


thanks for your comments, then i need to cont. mr. yap la. i took a look on ebay last night, u are right - both transactions are very active.


