I bought a box of Thomas Toys (including Thomas, Annie and Clarabel with remote control) at Kiss my Kids Kwun Tong Warehouse. Very cheap, only $179 and extra 20% discount i.e. need to pay $143.
想請問一下如果有 thomas 既英文故仔書,各位家長會唔會買俾小朋友呀?
上次我行街見到,一本細細本既 thomas 書仔都要五六十蚊,我個囡好想我買,不過我見本書只係適合 d 好細既小朋友,所以冇買俾個囡,但我又應承過佢如果揾到適合既會買俾佢,但又覺得好似好貴...................
alice_lt 寫道:
想請問一下如果有 thomas 既英文故仔書,各位家長會唔會買俾小朋友呀?
上次我行街見到,一本細細本既 thomas 書仔都要五六十蚊,我個囡好想我買,不過我見本書只係適合 d 好細既小朋友,所以冇買俾個囡,但我又應承過佢如果揾到適合既會買俾佢,但又覺得好似好貴...................