The first thing to do is NOT TO WORRY! OSCAR always give "false positive" result, it is only 60-70% accurate.
I've got the same problem as you. My ratio was 1:84, BB's neck skin normal but blood is not good. I did a Choronic Villus Sampling Test. And such test is over 99% accurate. The result shows my BB's is normal.
So, don't panic and be scientific. Find a good doctor and see what he/she suggests.
Here's my result for your reference:
Age: <35
Neck skin: 1.3mm
Blood test - HCg level: 140.5 IU/I
Blood test - PAPP-A level: 0.642 IU/I
However, do bear in mind that OSCAR ratio takes into account of mother's age, BB's neck skin, hormones in blood and mother's weight. So, don't let these figures worry you.
My friend's sister was told her OSCAR ratio 1:9, and her BB is perfectly normal in the end. So, as long as it is not 1:1, there's still chance that your BB is fine.
I know it is easier said than done, but you have to keep good faith, panic doesn't do any good to the BB.
Thank you so much for your generousity of shring the info. so touched i am.
as compared to yours, mine are:
Age: <35 (twins)
Neck skin: 1.8mm (1:39) /2.1mm (1:22)
Blood test - HCg level: 159.5 IU/I
Blood test - PAPP-A level: 2.858 IU/I
weight: normal, not too fat or thin.
i heard the higher the hcg and the lower the PAPP-A, the higher chance of having downs bb. so i am worried. I am not sure if twins will affect my result in blood test also...*sigh*..
did your Dr say anything about te blood?
yeah..i saw a case where the ratio was 1:1 and it turned out to be positive after CVS. I wonder would anyone get 1:1 but yet still get negative result..thinking too much..thinking too much..i know i am..:(
thanks for willing sharing your info with me...i truly appreciate that. learned that you are not living in HK...right?
i got same experience
i'm not high age (<35)
my size is 'normal' (around 5'3" around 100lb before pregnancy)
bb neck skin is normal, but the OSCAR test turned out to be high risk (1:65)
but i forget the exact figures for bb's neck skin;
HCg level or PAPP-A level (well, i didnt pay much attention on them)
i did CSV at Prince of Wales Hospital
bb is fine ar
u can have a look on my detail sharing in my previous post:
i hope i am fine much thank for the mummy here for your support...and being so kind. Just wann aknow if anyone just like my case to give me some hope..:)
Don't worry until you get the final result. When are your BBs due? Seems like you just got your OSCAR done?
My Dr said the HCG & PAPP are the growth hormones of BB. As long as you keep track of BB's growth progress during regular ante-natal check ups, the figures won't matter.
Yes, I live in the UK but went to HK to see my parents in April. We don't offered OSCAR test in the UK from public hospital, so my friend suggested me to take the test while I was in HK from C+.
In UK, we're offered only 3-4 times U/S scans throughout pregnancy, and we have midwife appointment about 5-6 times where our blood pressure and BB's heart beat will be checked.
It's really expensive to visit C+ here. So, I study good pregnancy books all the time to make sure I'm on track at different stages.
Don't worry about the growth hormones, many factors could vary the figures. Be happy and stay relax, or your BBs would be affected by your emotions.
3-4 times of ultrasound scan thruout the whole pregnancy! that's it? can only see the baby 4 times in 10 months? normallywhich month was it? what about structurl scan for the baby organ check? and what is midwife? just the blood pressure and listen the heartbeat does not reallly tell the baby condition woh..
can believe UK is so easy on pregnancy as compared to HK...thought Uk will be more careful and strict on medical leh
Yes, because we get free service from public hospital in UK, so they normally offer only 3-4 U/S, unless these are complications or you’re carrying twins. We’ll have the scans around 11-13wk; 20-22wk; 28-31wk; and towards the end of pregnancy. We’ll have kind of structural scan around 20-22wk, but of course not as detail as what you get from C+ in HK.
Midwife is 助產士, we’ll have our 產檢 with them instead of Dr. We’ll have blood pressure test, urine test and listen to BB’s heart beat at these appointments. If you want more vigorous tests/checks, of course you can visit C+.
Although it seems like we have less detail check ups, personally I don’t think this really matter. Of course, I’d love to see my BB more often. But imagine in our past generations, there was no U/S, OSCAR, blood test, etc at all. What would be, would be. If something bad ought to happen, it happens even the BB is scanned every week.
Hi 吳BB,
Ohh...the public hospital in UK is about the same as in HK, i think. only a few scans throughoit the pregnancy. I rememebered when i first visited the public hospital here they use the tool to listen to BB heart beat. But once they know i have twins they said they wana scan to see the heart beat. Coz by listening they wont know whether both have heart beat...
yeah..few more days to's time to find out the result. Always tell myself the babies are strong..coz i had threatened miscarriage from week 4 to wk 8 and bled...but they are still with me..they wont leave me just like that..:)