




積分: 215

發表於 07-6-21 01:11 |只看該作者

window 開機問題

而且早一日仲可以detect到張相機memory card
而且仲detect唔到張相機memory card,


積分: 13500

發表於 07-6-21 01:30 |只看該作者

Re: window 開機問題

how to detect the memory card?

u have a card reader in the computer?


積分: 215

發表於 07-6-21 01:54 |只看該作者

Re: window 開機問題

how to detect the memory card?

u have a card reader in the computer?

我部電腦前面有幾個隨插位, 有一個位就咁插張card入去就可以將d相由card去pc, 之前4個位的燈都冇著架, 而家有一個長著,但裝置管理員又搵唔到有問號喎,就只係detect唔到,都唔知咩事,唔記得講,我部廠機黎架,而我係電腦白痴


積分: 13500

發表於 07-6-21 07:55 |只看該作者

Re: window 開機問題


call services.


積分: 477

發表於 07-6-21 14:38 |只看該作者

Re: window 開機問題

when u start the PC and it like stop 1-2 seconds, it's common since the system is running some file behind, start from win95, microsoft use the logo windows to hide running files. so dont need worry, the time will depends on how many files need to run. If you feel it's slow, run defragment, it will improve it, but remember, run defragment will take long time, depends on HD size and RAM.

Cant read the card, mostly maybe the connection of the cable probelm, since it's brand name PC, not suggest you to opent he case to check. If you want to, it's easy to check. after open the case, find the card reader cable, unplug it and plug again.

Suggest use USB rather than use card reader, coz the card may damage while putting in and out in the slot.
nsf 寫道:
how to detect the memory card?

u have a card reader in the computer?

我部電腦前面有幾個隨插位, 有一個位就咁插張card入去就可以將d相由card去pc, 之前4個位的燈都冇著架, 而家有一個長著,但裝置管理員又搵唔到有問號喎,就只係detect唔到,都唔知咩事,唔記得講,我部廠機黎架,而我係電腦白痴 [/quote]


積分: 215

發表於 07-6-21 15:51 |只看該作者

Re: window 開機問題



積分: 215

發表於 07-6-21 16:04 |只看該作者

Re: window 開機問題

daihung 寫道:
when u start the PC and it like stop 1-2 seconds, it's common since the system is running some file behind, start from win95, microsoft use the logo windows to hide running files. so dont need worry, the time will depends on how many files need to run. If you feel it's slow, run defragment, it will improve it, but remember, run defragment will take long time, depends on HD size and RAM.

Cant read the card, mostly maybe the connection of the cable probelm, since it's brand name PC, not suggest you to opent he case to check. If you want to, it's easy to check. after open the case, find the card reader cable, unplug it and plug again.

Suggest use USB rather than use card reader, coz the card may damage while putting in and out in the slot.

thx 唔該晒兩位

唔係呀,係越黎越慢呀,而且format完之後應該乜都冇啦,點解仲會有呢個情況出現既?而且仲好似一次比一次慢添呀:-|,頭先開機試數,係68下先跳過去. 開機蓋呢個問題由第一日部機返屋企我已經問左喇,個師父話開機蓋冇問題,在保期間一樣照保但就會收錢, 你既意思係最好用usb線過呀?而家冇法detect到都要一定要用喇,頭先我打電話去問,果個人話可能係d唔知咩片掀起左,叫我睇下係唔係,唉,我都唔知咩叫掀唔掀起,真係玩野.而且佢話係個harddisc唔知咩...死啦唔記得左添 不過後尾佢話最差既就係換左個harddisc .... 一年都唔夠就抄左個harddisc? 請問會唔會架 ?


積分: 1741

發表於 07-6-26 17:07 |只看該作者

Re: window 開機問題


積分: 1741

發表於 07-6-26 17:10 |只看該作者

Re: window 開機問題

What brand is your PC?
Charge $600 inspection charge during first year warranty?
You should never buy product from this company again!!

Judging from your case, the built-in card reader mulfunctions. It may be a loose contact or hardware failure. If call service from the manufacture is not acceptable, just buy a USB card reader instead (less than $100) and plug into one of the USB port. XP should recognise new drives immediately for the card slots.

nsf 寫道:
daihung 寫道:
when u start the PC and it like stop 1-2 seconds, it's common since the system is running some file behind, start from win95, microsoft use the logo windows to hide running files. so dont need worry, the time will depends on how many files need to run. If you feel it's slow, run defragment, it will improve it, but remember, run defragment will take long time, depends on HD size and RAM.

Cant read the card, mostly maybe the connection of the cable probelm, since it's brand name PC, not suggest you to opent he case to check. If you want to, it's easy to check. after open the case, find the card reader cable, unplug it and plug again.

Suggest use USB rather than use card reader, coz the card may damage while putting in and out in the slot.

thx 唔該晒兩位

唔係呀,係越黎越慢呀,而且format完之後應該乜都冇啦,點解仲會有呢個情況出現既?而且仲好似一次比一次慢添呀:-|,頭先開機試數,係68下先跳過去. 開機蓋呢個問題由第一日部機返屋企我已經問左喇,個師父話開機蓋冇問題,在保期間一樣照保但就會收錢, 你既意思係最好用usb線過呀?而家冇法detect到都要一定要用喇,頭先我打電話去問,果個人話可能係d唔知咩片掀起左,叫我睇下係唔係,唉,我都唔知咩叫掀唔掀起,真係玩野.而且佢話係個harddisc唔知咩...死啦唔記得左添 不過後尾佢話最差既就係換左個harddisc .... 一年都唔夠就抄左個harddisc? 請問會唔會架 ?



積分: 477

發表於 07-6-27 10:53 |只看該作者

Re: window 開機問題

the HD can use up to 5-10 yrs, but somecase will down within 1 yrs, hard to say, as my hd can use over 10 yrs, main point is, donr impact the pc when it's on, also cooling system.
if it's brand PC, they will not ask u to open the case urself, if so, it's not under warrenty and u need to pay lots for repaire. ALSO, in the warrenty, WONT charge for repaire go, beware get ppl cheat u
nsf 寫道:
daihung 寫道:
when u start the PC and it like stop 1-2 seconds, it's common since the system is running some file behind, start from win95, microsoft use the logo windows to hide running files. so dont need worry, the time will depends on how many files need to run. If you feel it's slow, run defragment, it will improve it, but remember, run defragment will take long time, depends on HD size and RAM.

Cant read the card, mostly maybe the connection of the cable probelm, since it's brand name PC, not suggest you to opent he case to check. If you want to, it's easy to check. after open the case, find the card reader cable, unplug it and plug again.

Suggest use USB rather than use card reader, coz the card may damage while putting in and out in the slot.

thx 唔該晒兩位

唔係呀,係越黎越慢呀,而且format完之後應該乜都冇啦,點解仲會有呢個情況出現既?而且仲好似一次比一次慢添呀:-|,頭先開機試數,係68下先跳過去. 開機蓋呢個問題由第一日部機返屋企我已經問左喇,個師父話開機蓋冇問題,在保期間一樣照保但就會收錢, 你既意思係最好用usb線過呀?而家冇法detect到都要一定要用喇,頭先我打電話去問,果個人話可能係d唔知咩片掀起左,叫我睇下係唔係,唉,我都唔知咩叫掀唔掀起,真係玩野.而且佢話係個harddisc唔知咩...死啦唔記得左添 不過後尾佢話最差既就係換左個harddisc .... 一年都唔夠就抄左個harddisc? 請問會唔會架 ?



