give her a daily schedule and ask her to follow. did you tell her what exactly to do by "清潔廚房"?? maybe her standard is just cleaning the 廚櫃 would be enough.... she probably think cleaning the "油煙漬同塵" is too much work ....
"落街行左一陣認下D路" .... very soon.. she 落街行 more often...
我鐘意你同我講 I Love U, I Love U Too!
You are the sunshine of my life. That's why I'll always stay around. You are the apple of my eye. Forever you'll stay in my heart.
樓主個度,一方面要有時間表啦,第二就係返到屋企每日都睇下佢做野做成點.. 好似D衛生幫 check 野咁...
一定要 set 佢早過屋企人起身,唔送阿仔返學,都要整早餐掛?! 如果佢不嬲都遲開的話,第時可能會中午前 or even 有D野真係要做(例:接仔放學)先起身架喇..
同埋如果佢依然係咁,就睇下個list,有咩未做就要佢做哂先訓得.. of course,佢一定會話:之前夜訓,so 今早起唔到身,咁你就連續3日都一早叫佢..
佢可以落樓... 即係你比左key佢?! 咁快比 key 佢唔係咁好啵... 一陣佢自己copy左套就唔係咁好啦.. 就算唔好話係驚佢咩,而係當佢自己配多條,有套跌左係街唔記得,佢仲有spare.. what if 有人執左佢既鎖匙,睇到佢住邊,咁你D野咪不保?!
我睇你個工人精過鬼,你快 d set 晒 time table/duty list & rules 比佢,最好你自己﹝再吾系搵你媽咪 or 99﹞guide 佢 1-2 日,睇佢做野做成點,一吾 arm 要即話。如果吾系,佢做野只會越來越求其,時間耐左你先至話佢,佢一定博咀 + black face。工人一定吾可以縱容。