



積分: 166

發表於 07-6-29 16:36 |只看該作者


有無小朋友係偉思讀緊N1 OR K1.......OK嗎


積分: 14669

發表於 07-6-30 09:40 |只看該作者

Re: 剛報了堅道偉思幼兒園......

我個B都會8月返偉思N1, 遲d先再報下其他幼稚園K1, 都係貪佢近近地又唔貴, 校舍同設施係舊左少少, 不過最緊要都係個小朋友玩得開心嗟, 雖然迦南都收左, 但係我就嫌佢地方太細喇~


積分: 563

發表於 07-8-17 10:52 |只看該作者

I brought my son to Wisely when he was 2. He's now going to 4 yrs old, and will be in K2 next month.

He was very happy during the year he "studied" in Wisely. When he switched to a new KG for K1, he missed Wisely occassionally, luckily there were some classmates in his K1 class who also studied in Wisely before.

Teachers in Wisely are patient. He learnt to be more disciplined and be more polite during the year. He just loved the school.

原文章由 chingchingkwan 於 07-6-29 16:36 發表
有無小朋友係偉思讀緊N1 OR K1.......OK嗎


積分: 4245

發表於 07-8-17 19:36 |只看該作者
原文章由 chingchingkwan 於 07-6-29 16:36 發表
有無小朋友係偉思讀緊N1 OR K1.......OK嗎

My daughter just graduated this year. Overall, the program and philosophy is good.



積分: 11

發表於 07-8-18 00:06 |只看該作者

This is a good kidnergarten.

My daughter has graduated from this school. She was happy and enjoyed her school life very much. She always goes back to visit her past teacher until now.


積分: 166

發表於 07-9-21 12:46 |只看該作者
原文章由 EllieTo 於 07-8-17 10:52 發表

I brought my son to Wisely when he was 2. He's now going to 4 yrs old, and will be in K2 next month.

He was very happy during the year he "studied" in Wisely. When he switched to a ...

Hello!! 我女女明年2月做插班生,因為佢係細女(0512bb),依家都都重係講單字,所以怕女女唔適應,我想知佢地一班既人數多唔多呢 係咪day day都有英文學架:lol:


積分: 464

發表於 07-9-21 15:03 |只看該作者
Hi Chingchingkwan,

My son has studied at Wisely for PN last year and now at K1 in another kinder.

Agreed with the other mummies that Wisely's teachers are very patient to children. My son loves his school life for last year and now when he's at the new kinder, always asking about why not going back to Wisely.

Honestly, there is no doubt for PN class at Wisely as children can be trained more discipline and polite due to the fact that all teachers are very polite to the children. Therefore, my son is used to say "please" or "thank you" when he's asking for something.

I didn't continue to K1 because there is too little english. Only one class of 20 mins in a week. Also, there is one class of Mandarin in a week.
Rebecca:-D Ian's Album


積分: 844

發表於 07-9-21 19:44 |只看該作者
原文章由 mcmuggarfield 於 07-9-21 15:03 發表
Hi Chingchingkwan,

My son has studied at Wisely for PN last year and now at K1 in another kinder.

Agreed with the other mummies that Wisely's teachers are very patient to children. My son loves his ...

Dear all,

I am also planning to apply for N1 in Wisely for my daughter who is a small girl. I visited the campus last year. Although it's a bit old, the teachers are so nice and patient that really impressed me.

Just want to know more as your kids studied Wisely before with good comments. What will the kids learn in nursery? Do they have snack time and play time? How do they learn self-discipline? How about their academic standard? Is English taught by native speakers? How many students in a class and most importantly whether teachers can take good care to the kids? (Sorry I ask so many questions, may be I worried too much!)

The problem of my daughter is she is still speaking BB language and not yet toilet trained. I just wonder how she can attend N1 with her nappy! Also, many friends told me that kids will easily get sick after attended Nursery. Is it true and did it happen on your kids?

Many thanks in advance for shariingyour valuable information.


積分: 4245

發表於 07-9-27 17:11 |只看該作者
For N1, it's around 2X children per class. It's OK to wear diaper and they will teach them to use toilet. Yes. It's very easy to get sick. I remember my daughter need to see doctor every month.

For English class, they have 1 foreign teacher for the school. No bad for a local school.

My daughter spoke BB language too but improve a lot after going to school.

I think they will learn better in school cause they meet friends. It does not matter which school are they in especially for N1. :lol:


積分: 844

發表於 07-9-28 18:41 |只看該作者
原文章由 Happy2001 於 07-9-27 17:11 發表
For N1, it's around 2X children per class. It's OK to wear diaper and they will teach them to use toilet. Yes. It's very easy to get sick. I remember my daughter need to see doctor every month.

For E ...


Thank you for your reply. One more question I want to ask. My daughter is a small girl. I am thinking whether she should join in N1 in Dec 2007, or wait until new term commences in Feb 2008.

I tend to apply for the class in Dec 2007 becoz she may easily learn from the other "older" classmates. If attend in Feb 2008, she may cry with other small kids together. Any comments?


積分: 4245

發表於 07-9-29 12:51 |只看該作者

You have a point as they usually break the class by age. Hope your daughter have a happy school life.



積分: 3608

發表於 08-2-12 17:36 |只看該作者
咁即係讀唔讀偉思好呀 (K1 to K3)?


積分: 3608

發表於 08-3-6 14:21 |只看該作者
那偉思即係好定唔好呀(K1 to K3)


積分: 13

發表於 08-3-14 15:32 |只看該作者

回覆 #1 lamcf68 的文章



積分: 3612

發表於 08-3-26 22:49 |只看該作者
I agree with other mummies that the teachers are good and patient. The campus is big with many funtion rooms. Although it is getting 'old', the place is good enough. Unlike other famous schools, teachers will call you to give you an update adn they are willing to talk over the phone.


