My son 2yr1mth. seems, I do not plan to let him join N1. just let him study the play group only - he is study the step ahead at Tsue Wan discovery park for 2 times per week now.
Could you comments is it really to let the child to study N1 are better than just go to playgroup??? due to also heard if study N1 自理能力方面 can improve a lot.
what differences. can you tell me some example??
pls comments. :lol:
I live in 荃德花園.
原文章由 chungtai 於 07-7-18 23:18 發表
我個仔在方方讀n1(也是住愉城),讀了數個月進步了很多,尤其是自理能力方面,不過九月就轉讀第二間了,因為要跟大女讀一齊讀。他的班主任(Miss Tam )很有愛心,照顧得好好!所以有覺得,一個好的班主任對N1 ...
Hi 大鳥, My son was borned in Jan 06 and I'm planning to let him start N1 in the coming Feb. I tried to apply for Luk Yeung but they said my son is too young and he can only apply in the coming Sep. How can you manage to apply for these schools? When did you submit your application form? (Luk Yeung doesn't even let me submit the application form as a waiting list) :-x
I also submitted the form late in Jul. I called Luk Yeung for info and requested interview. Then submitted form on the date of interview. And informed result right after the interview (accepted but still need to wait for 2nd term next year should there be withdrawal).
May be my boy is 0512, 勉強'萬'到今年車邊,thus, they offered interview for him.
原文章由 薳然媽媽 於 07-7-31 15:21 發表
thanks. 其實係咪行 ibo, not iso ?
您知唔知方方行左幾耐呀 ?
How old your kid now ??? my son 係今年緑楊畢業生、我自己覺得係幾好架、最主要係有成5至6個外籍老帥(有D係abc)唔係間間幼稚園有咁多長註架.我個仔讀得好開心,另外緑楊由k2開始毎星期有中英文默書,k3開始毎天要寫日記,我仔仔就有時寫中有時寫英文. this can help them to P.1 school life !!
many people thing Luk Yueng is OLD, this is true !! but i dont mind, just my son is happy & he can learn good thing is best,
every school ─定有皮皮仔的, i just want share my feeling to you, anyway i hope you can choice one good school for your girl !!