



積分: 5019

發表於 07-9-1 07:54 |只看該作者
Dear Responsible and Eager to Learn Parents,

I strongly reommend you all for a TV programme, shown on ABC Channel Every Thursday evening (2030-2125 hrs), produced by BBC and presented by Professor Winston. It is called,

"The Human Mind & HowTo Make The Most Of it"

This programme is so entertaining and easy to understand, you can learn in a very relax way, enabling you to help yourself and your child/ren, to better utilise your and your child/ren's Mind Power.

The 1st Episode was shown 2 nights ago, showing the experience of 6 Persons in 6 Different Situations, exposing how our Mind works - which sometime working even without our knowledge.

I've categorised the above 6 incidents as 6 "tion";

1) Tranformation
How a once always tired, bored and TV mad boy has been changed to an energetic, reading mad and TV dislike boy by a simple healthy substance;

2) Tuition
How a middle aged woman has picked up studying again and learning hard to become a midwife;

3) Visualisation
How a Commonwealth Game Medalist has advanced her gymnastic skill further by a simple method;

4) Memoralisation
How the 2002 World Memory Champion has memorised 520 cards in correct sequence by a simple technic;

5) Intuition
How a Fire Services Inspector has saved his and his mates lives by a simple feeling;

6) Invention
How some greatest scientists have unique thoughts by being in a simple environment.

I'm to explain more in details when I've more time later, as I now have to prepare to leave for the Brisbane Riverfestival.

But, make sure you lot are to watch the coming Episode, it is about,

"Our Characters".
(Your Characters or Your Child/ren's Characters too)

How Our Characters are formed;
How some of Our Characters may NOT be changed;
How a simple "Lemon" experiment can give some insights into a person's characters;
and many others......

You can visit BBC's website for more useful information,

Bye for now.

Learn from Life, Learn for Life

[ 本文章最後由 Fate 於 07-9-3 20:00 編輯 ]


積分: 2677

發表於 07-9-3 17:44 |只看該作者
原文章由 Fate 於 07-9-1 07:54 發表
Dear Responsible and Eager to Learn Parents,

I strongly reommend you all for a TV programme, shown on ABC Channel Every Thursday evening (2030-2125 hrs), produced by BBC and presented by Professor Wi ...

Hi Fate,

Thanks for sharing. It sounds very interesting. The word "Simple" atttracted me the most. Often times I would try best to raise kids in a much complex way without realizing. This "simple ways/method/technic" dealing with children in different aspects really catch my eyes.Make sure won't miss it this Thursday. :-P



積分: 5019

發表於 07-9-3 20:35 |只看該作者

Simplicity & "Transformation"

Hello, ngmammy

Thanks for reminding me the Keyword,


I've never realised the Importance of this Word when first writing the post - until now. I remember my Idol, well, the Idol for every HK man at my age, Bruce Lee.

Bruce once said about his Self Invented "Jeet Kuen Tao".

The Essence of his JKT is,

"Simplicity", that is,

Simple, Straight Forward but very Effective Approach.

I subsequently applied this Approach to many Life situations and it worked time and time again.

Now, I'm going back to the "Transformation" of an always tired, bored and TV Mad boy.

(He is about 9-year-old. I am guessing his age because I missed the first 5 minute of the programme)

A UK University was conducting a Study at the time, involving the above boy and a few more children in the same school, who were all "Under-performers" in some aspects.

These children were each given 6 tablets to take a day.
(Say like 1 tablet for every 2 hours)

2-3 months later, all the above children had significant improved at schools. The above boy became Energetic, Reading Mad and Dislike TV.

The Presenter then explained that there are billions of cells in our Brains. For a Brain to "Learn" new things, it involves "Information" jumping from one cell to another cell.

And that tablet helps "Information" jumping from one cell to another cell MORE effectively, allowing children to absorb and digest "Information" better when Learning.

Because in the past, the above children could not absorb and digest "Information" efectively, so they don't wish to do something (e.g. Reading) to show they're NOT good at.

The above boy's Reading Stanadard was raised by 2-year within that 2-3 month period.
(Although he started from a very low level)

The Study has confirmed many Studies done before in the same area.

So, what is this tablet? And what has it got?

Does any parent would like to guess?


A Doubtful Mind leading to a Better Life

原文章由 ngmammy 於 07-9-3 17:44 發表

Hi Fate,

Thanks for sharing. It sounds very interesting. The word "Simple" atttracted me the most. Often times I would try best to raise kids in a much complex way without realizing. This "simpl ...

[ 本文章最後由 Fate 於 07-9-4 07:47 編輯 ]


積分: 9527

發表於 07-9-4 06:34 |只看該作者
Hi Fate,

Thanks for the recommendation. Bugger I missed the first program!!! I love Robert Winston's programs especially the Child of Our Time series.

I would love to know the answer to your question. I have a feeling that the tablet is a placebo but the children had a simple change in their lifestyle.

Thanks again. My husband and I will surely be watching the program this Thursday.


積分: 5019

發表於 07-9-4 10:41 |只看該作者


Hi Devlin Mum

Never Mind, you Win Some and Lose Some - that's Life.

I didn't watch all Episodes of "Child of Our Time" either, which is another amusing series, following 20 selected UK children for their first 5 years of development.

Professor Winston looks really funny and yet very "rofessor" look!

Should I give you some tips regarding the tablet?

It's not a placebo. It's not a drug, not a medicine.

It's actually something that every HK Mum (Young & Old)knows and many have been giving it to their children.

Ready for Another Guess?

Life is Full of Surprises.

原文章由 Devlin媽媽 於 07-9-4 06:34 發表
Hi Fate,

Thanks for the recommendation. Bugger I missed the first program!!! I love Robert Winston's programs especially the Child of Our Time series.

I would love to know the answer to your quest ...


積分: 9527

發表於 07-9-4 11:16 |只看該作者
Gee Fate, you've got me scratching my head now. How about a wild guess ... 花塔餅

Have you watched a program called Life at 1 before? It's similar to Child of Our Time but it focused on Aussie kids. Here is their website .... Life at 1. They have recently updated Life at 2 as well.

原文章由 Fate 於 07-9-4 10:41 發表
Hi Devlin Mum

Never Mind, you Win Some and Lose Some - that's Life.

I didn't watch all Episodes of "Child of Our Time" either, which is another amusing series, following 20 selected UK children for ...


積分: 2677

發表於 07-9-4 13:31 |只看該作者
原文章由 Devlin媽媽 於 07-9-4 11:16 發表 Gee Fate, you've got me scratching my head now. How about a wild guess ... 花塔餅 Have you watched a program called Life at 1 before? It's similar to Child of Our Time but it focused on Aussie ...

Haha Devlin媽媽, that was my guess too!:mrgreen: It sure wouldn't be panadol or asprin!

Fate, I am curious, ready to disclose the answer??


積分: 5019

發表於 07-9-4 14:47 |只看該作者

Flower Tower Biscuit

Hi Devlin Mum

Thanks for the information.
I'll search the website for Life at 1 (then Life at 2) later.

Meanwhile, Flower Tower Biscuit. Hm.....Yummy!

You got a very good memeory. I'd that when I was young too!

Had the Oxford University Researchers had the Luxury in tasting such a Colourful and Wonderful snack before, they would had used it for the children!

Very good try, but sorry, Devlin Mum, it's NOT Flower Tower Biscuit.

Trying Harder means Getting Closer to a Better Life

原文章由 Devlin媽媽 於 07-9-4 11:16 發表
Gee Fate, you've got me scratching my head now. How about a wild guess ... 花塔餅

Have you watched a program called Life at 1 before? It's similar to Child of Our Time but it focused on Aussie ...

[ 本文章最後由 Fate 於 07-9-4 14:51 編輯 ]


積分: 5019

發表於 07-9-4 14:58 |只看該作者

It is , It is........

So ngmammy

You were one of us that used to have red face, red nose, red lips etc..... because of this Flower Tower Biscuit?

Yes, it is......................

Fish Oil Tablets, containing the Magical OMEGA 3!!

Now I know why some bread brands promoting they have OMEGA 3 - for a moment, I thought they having a Lucky Draw with the 1 st prize as a Omeca (Luxury) Watch!!

Thanks for guessing! And will soon move onto the "Visualisation".

Naughty Fate
Be Patient and Be Pleasantly Surprised.

原文章由 ngmammy 於 07-9-4 13:31 發表

Haha Devlin媽媽, that was my guess too!:mrgreen: It sure wouldn't be panadol or asprin!

Fate, I am curious, ready to disclose the answer??

[ 本文章最後由 Fate 於 07-9-4 15:00 編輯 ]


積分: 9527

發表於 07-9-4 16:09 |只看該作者
Oh Omega 3 ... my husband and I take it everyday too but probably a much lower dosage than those kids.

I've already inserted the hyperlink in my previous post. Just click on Life at 1 and it will lead you there.


積分: 263

發表於 07-9-5 07:54 |只看該作者
Hi Fate,

Oh,.. I really want to watch this series. sounds very interesting. I wish I could be in brisbane now.

Me too, like to watch child of our time and it is still showing here in HK and I will watch it tonite!

haha... yes, indeed, almost every mum in hk knows about it (fish oil), and I am one of those and giving this thing for my kids.

Thanks a lot for your sharing here, though i could not watch it.

Carol (loyal reader)
(P.S. Thousands thanks for your excellent sharing <total 5parts regarding investment >)

原文章由 Fate 於 07-9-4 10:41 發表
Hi Devlin Mum

Never Mind, you Win Some and Lose Some - that's Life.

I didn't watch all Episodes of "Child of Our Time" either, which is another amusing series, following 20 selected UK children for ...


積分: 5019

發表於 07-9-5 09:37 |只看該作者

Recommended Dosage

Hi Devlin Mum

Good on you, you've been looking after your Health well.

The children in the trial were under stirct supervision in regarding to their daily intake of the Fish Oil Tablets, so they were O.K. to have 6 daily.

Being an adult and in different Physical and Mental conditions when compared to the children, it's only natural your (and your husband's) daily intake is different. And so long as the Recommended Dosage is followed, your husband and you are to enjoy the benefit too.

While working as a Registered Nurse in HK, my wife'd seen many patients rusing to A & E for NOT following the Recommended Dosage of "o Chai Yuen" (i.e. taking too much), causing severe stomach pains and sometimes even bleeding!!

Incidentally, I'd been trying to remain Healthy too, Physically & Mentally.

When arranging my elder boy to start learning piano about 2 years ago, I learnt at the same time too. Just to make it more fun for my elder boy (kind of compettion to see who was a better learner) and to stimulate both sides of my brains too. (But gave up about 7 months later as I was getting too busy! What a Pity!)

One has to try hard to be Healthier and Happier.

Wishing you to have a Healthy and Happy Life.

No Health, No Happy Life

原文章由 Devlin媽媽 於 07-9-4 16:09 發表
Oh Omega 3 ... my husband and I take it everyday too but probably a much lower dosage than those kids.

I've already inserted the hyperlink in my previous post. Just click on Life at 1 and it will le ...

[ 本文章最後由 Fate 於 07-9-7 10:52 編輯 ]


積分: 5019

發表於 07-9-5 09:51 |只看該作者

Thanks for your Support

Hi Carol

Thanks for your support and I could only hope my Part 2-5 of "The Secrets of Losing Millions" was helpful to you.

Lucky you, you can watch "The Child of Our Time" on TV, I may have to go to the local library to search for it.

My wife sometimes wishes she was in HK - and the reason?

Like you, because of the TV programmes - those TVB family drama series shown in the evening - during our dinner time !!

(that's in addtion to her favourite food like "Wun Ton Noodle", "Dirty Noodle " etc.)

Are you planning to come to Brisbane?

How're your two children?

Trust that your Father's Business is good as usual and your brother also enjoyed the Firewrok.

Have a Wonderful Day.

We Share because We Care

原文章由 carolsin 於 07-9-5 07:54 發表
Hi Fate,

Oh,.. I really want to watch this series. sounds very interesting. I wish I could be in brisbane now.

Me too, like to watch child of our time and it is still showing here in HK and I will ...

[ 本文章最後由 Fate 於 07-9-5 09:53 編輯 ]


積分: 5019

發表於 07-9-6 09:17 |只看該作者


Dear All,

We now move onto the "Visualisation".

Intending to win a Medal in the Olympic Game, a Commonwealth Game Medalist continues to use a new and yet simple method in helping her advance her gymnastic skills in "High & Low Bar", that is,


In the past, when she thought of a new set of movements, she just rushed to do it, resulting in Great Frustrations (and sometimes injuries) as she just failed to do it.

Rather than rushing into Action, she now visualised how the new set of movements were done in her Mind FIRST.

And she kept visualising the new set of movements in her Mind again and again, rectifying any mistake, improving the timing etc. in her Mind.

Only by then she would start trying her new set of movements for REAL (i.e. doing them on the bars), becasue by then her chance of Failing and Getting an injury would be greatly reduced.

And every time she did it for Real, she visualised how she could have done it better for the next time.

I believe "Visualisation" can also make one LESS nervous on the ground, as they have repeatedly "Seeing" what is about to happen beforehand. Because Uncertainty creates Great Stress.

So, next time, when your husband is talking to the toilet mirror, stay calm - he's NOT having a mental problem, he may be just visualising what is about to happen - he's to ask his Boss for a Pay Rise!!

I'll move onto the next one about........about......about ??
....mmmm, yes, yes ..... "Memorisation"!

(Every Thursday)

Bye for now, and Remember to have a Great Weekend!

Great Parents Create Great Memories for their Children

原文章由 Fate 於 07-9-1 07:54 發表
Dear Responsible and Eager to Learn Parents,

I strongly reommend you all for a TV programme, shown on ABC Channel Every Thursday evening (2030-2125 hrs), produced by BBC and presented by Professor Wi ...

[ 本文章最後由 Fate 於 07-9-6 11:14 編輯 ]


積分: 5019

發表於 07-9-7 11:25 |只看該作者


Dear All again,

The 2002 World Memory Champion was given 20 minutes to memorise the orders of 520 cards, which were put in 10 sets (i.e. standard 52 cards in 1 set)

He was then asked to name one card at a time like,
"The 13th card in the 4th set";
"The 47th card in the 38th set" etc.

The Champon got it right each time.

And in fact, he got it right ALL the times.

ALL 520 cards were correctly answered.

The Champion had used a very simple technic by remembering a partcular card as an "Object", rather than a "Number".

For examples, a "Diamond 9" was a "Chain Saw" and a "Heart 1" was a "ineapple" to him etc.

So, instead of remembering a "Heart 1" was after a "Diamond 9", the Champion remembering a "ineapple" was after a "Chain Saw" (i.e. remember Interesting Objects rather than Meaningless Numbers!!)

A HK friend had actually mentioned this technic to me some years ago, but because she was so Absent Mind, I had doubt about the techinc (or doubt on her rather?). But now after seeing first hand myself, I can see it is a powerful tool.

I also witnessed another good way of Memorising.

While visiting Aussie World (www.aussieworld.com.au) with my children last year, I had a good chat with another father met thereat. He asked me to write down my name & my telephone number on his business card. And he did one thing quite amused on the card to help him remember me.

Any parent would like to guess what he'd done?

I'll soon move onto the next one, "Intuition" - how a Fire Services Inspector saved his and his colleagues' Lives.

Trust that you lot had enjoyed yesterday episode about "ersonality", having an Insight as to why young children having Tantrum, why young Teens are Insensitive, how we as adults can change our Personality etc.

Great Memories come From Family

quote]原文章由 Fate 於 07-9-1 07:54 發表
Dear Responsible and Eager to Learn Parents,

I strongly reommend you all for a TV programme, shown on ABC Channel Every Thursday evening (2030-2125 hrs), produced by BBC and presented by Professor Wi ... [/quote]

[ 本文章最後由 Fate 於 07-9-7 11:28 編輯 ]


積分: 9527

發表於 07-9-7 13:02 |只看該作者
How about "a Chinese man with 2 kids, seemingly very scared of his wife"? just joking


積分: 5019

發表於 07-9-7 14:26 |只看該作者


Hi Humorous Devlin Mum

What you've stated is a FACT, but the other father wrote something else. Good Try though!!

My wife has warned me not to make her angry, as she has a few Tricks, e.g. Spit in my soup. So, I've kept reminding myself to make sure to give her the first spoon of my soup Everytime and telling her,

"Honey, you must be very tired today. Come on, come and have the first spoon of my soup."

Just in case she really does spit!

Meanwhile, I've consistently reminded my boys the importance of having the Basic 3H,

"Happy, Healthy & Harmless"

When they're a bit older, they will also be told they need Extra 4H if they wish to be More Successful,

"Hardworking, Humorous, Harmonious & Have Passions"

Want another guess?

Happy Life begins with Humour

原文章由 Devlin媽媽 於 07-9-7 13:02 發表
How about "a Chinese man with 2 kids, seemingly very scared of his wife"? just joking

[ 本文章最後由 Fate 於 07-9-7 14:58 編輯 ]


積分: 9527

發表於 07-9-7 17:50 |只看該作者
Hi Fate,

I can't agree more on having passion. I very much hope we can one day teach or influence Devlin to have passion and compassion.

Have a great weekend.


積分: 2677

發表於 07-9-7 18:01 |只看該作者
原文章由 Fate 於 07-9-7 11:25 發表
Dear All again,

The 2002 World Memory Champion was given 20 minutes to memorise the orders of 520 cards, which were put in 10 sets (i.e. standard 52 cards in 1 set)

He was then asked to name one car ...

I am guessing that the man draw the icon or write the name of the place you two met so for easier recall when he retreive the business card out.......cheers.


積分: 5019

發表於 07-9-7 18:27 |只看該作者

Quite Confident

Hi Devlin Mum

I'm quite Confident Devlin will be a Man full of Passions and Compassions, and Heading for the Right Direction (in Life)!! Because you're Passionate and Compassionate!!!

Children learn MOST important things in Life from their Parents, and mostly from what their parents DO than Say.

Have a Wonderful Weekend!

What We Are, What Our Children Will Be

原文章由 Devlin媽媽 於 07-9-7 17:50 發表
Hi Fate,

I can't agree more on having passion. I very much hope we can one day teach or influence Devlin to have passion and compassion.

Have a great weekend.


