Anyone has any questions on Canossa Hospital? Just delivered (natural delivery) there 3 weeks ago.
Feel free to drop me any questions you would want to know.
d 姑娘有俾gas我聞, 但無叫我用無痛分娩, 同埋我諗用唔用無痛分娩應該係醫生suggest.入院只要帶入院信, 睡衣, 拖鞋, 腰封.出院時帶自己& bb clothes, deposit receipt. Thehospital provides the sanitary kits & net pants etc. which shouldbe enough.
原文章由 Big_Gal 於 07-9-14 23:12 發表
Anyone has any questions on Canossa Hospital? Just delivered (natural delivery) there 3 weeks ago.
Feel free to drop me any questions you would want to know.
1. My estimated due day is 16 Apil. Canossa has confirmed that I can have my baby in April. What if I want to have my baby on 31 March? Will they allow me to do that?
2. When do you pay the deposit?
3. What if I need emergnecy c-section outside April? Will they take me in?