



積分: 3822

發表於 07-9-29 12:01 |只看該作者


積分: 2823

發表於 07-9-30 00:45 |只看該作者
you have to moisturize the skin a lot, use vasline or gaxal base cream, cataphil cream.

Don't feel bad for yourself. What do you mean "下面"? Pat pat? For pat pat, use Penaten. I think it is very good to heal diaper rash. Also explose the pat pat to the air and will speed up the healing.

If for other part, my doctor told me to let the bb wear long sleeves and avoid the corps explosing to outside.

is bb being breastfed or drinking formula? If you breastfeed her, try to avoid some "wet hot" food like eggplant, squash, mango, etc.

原文章由 cholebaby 於 07-9-29 12:01 發表

[ 本文章最後由 PoohPoohMaMa 於 07-9-30 00:47 編輯 ]


積分: 1136

發表於 07-10-2 05:06 |只看該作者
I think it is better to read from 嬰兒醫護 to get more information.

原文章由 cholebaby 於 07-9-29 12:01 PM 發表


積分: 298

發表於 07-10-2 18:36 |只看該作者
Cholebaby ,
I understand how you feel because my daughter was like that but worse than yours, anyways,to be honest,if you plan to have another baby,,,,,don't eat shrimp and crab,,,,,I didn't listen to my parent so my daughter's skin was very bad compare my son now he's skin are perfect,,,,,,Anyway,if your baby's skin are very dry and cause him hard to sleep,this is the way how you do, buy aveeno bath treatment for baby, and after finish shower,,,,put lot of vaselline ( white one for problem skin,,,,stop when baby skin are better) don't buy the wrong one,,,and try not to put too much cloth on baby just one top and one pant,,,,because usually eczma cause are because baby sweat or either skin too dry so keep in eye on it. for the pat pat , I prefer the one called oxidxxxx( sorry forgot the name ) put thick layer on the bottom and I like to put baby powder on the top and usually cure in about 2 days,,,,only wipe the pat pat for the big one and reapply the oxixxxx cream.no need to wipe if just pee pee.and also make sure you buy pamper sensative wipe .and change diaper frequently~

good lucks ~~

原文章由 cholebaby 於 07-9-28 21:01 發表


積分: 1136

發表於 07-10-3 00:31 |只看該作者
No one can tell what is the cause of 濕疹. For my both children, none of them has any skin problem. I ate shrimp, raw salmom, oyster, durian, laichi....almost everything! But from my sister's experience, not to use any soap and put alot of cream, wear less clothes as avoid them to sweat.

原文章由 siufei 於 07-10-2 06:36 PM 發表
Cholebaby ,
I understand how you feel because my daughter was like that but worse than yours, anyways,to be honest,if you plan to have another baby,,,,,don't eat shrimp and crab,,,,,I didn't listen to .


積分: 32

發表於 07-10-4 08:39 |只看該作者
hi cholebaby,

my baby has a similar problem too, quite severe. in the beginning, the doctor advised that the rash will go away on its own. but if bb is over 3 months old and the rash is still there, then the only way to get rid of it is to apply a px hydrocortisone cream. at first i was reluctant to use steriod on my baby, but the rash is itchy, must be very uncomfortable for him. so i used the cream, and he is getting much better already, within 3 days.
once the rash has cleared up, can stop the tx.

b/4 seeing the doctor, i've tried everything, creams, oils, bath oil treatments, etc, but nothing worked. so i suggest taking your bb to your pediatrician.



積分: 298

發表於 07-10-5 20:44 |只看該作者
sorry~ I guess I made mistakes~
what I am saying here just from my experience, of course if it in very bad condition,,,,you have to see a skin doctor, if not why not give it a try right ? ( doctor are not god ~ they can not do anything besides just give your child 類固醇, eventhough when I back to Taiwan and HK for skin specialist , they are all the same.and even my skin doctor MS. prederville from children hospital say to me these medication will have some or little side effect but no choice ~ so I got those info from all different skin doctor's opinon,,,about eating shrimp or not it really depends on you la ~, if u don't care it's fine to me but just from my point of view I guess no one want to take risk right~ I am just here to share opinon together and I wish to try my best to help CHOLE ~ I am not advising her to use bad method~~ just some nature way to help the baby ~if anyone prefer to use drug better than spending extra time on your baby ~it's ok la~ I use medication for my 1st child until she is 3 yrs now~~ honestly ~ can't stop using it ~ if you use it GOOD if you stop all the eczema come back(some baby are lucky only need medicine for short time and some baby can't.~ anyways, I feel very sad so I suggest try to avoid medicine if you could~

No one can tell what is the cause of 濕疹. For my both children, none of them has any skin problem. I ate shrimp, raw salmom, oyster, durian, laichi....almost everything! But from my sister's ... [/quote]


積分: 32

發表於 07-10-5 21:40 |只看該作者
well, i guess if you have exhuasted all possible remedies then the last resort of course is to rely on medication; it has nothing to do w/ not wanting to spend more time on the baby!

原文章由 siufei 於 5/10/2007 07:44 AM 發表
sorry~ I guess I made mistakes~
what I am saying here just from my experience, of course if it in very bad condition,,,,you have to see a skin doctor, if not why not give it a try right ? ( doctor are ...


積分: 298

發表於 07-10-6 19:46 |只看該作者
yes~ you are right
thanks y ~~

原文章由 ceecee 於 07-10-5 06:40 發表
well, i guess if you have exhuasted all possible remedies then the last resort of course is to rely on medication; it has nothing to do w/ not wanting to spend more time on the baby!


積分: 3822

發表於 07-10-13 23:27 |只看該作者
多謝大家寶貴的意見,B女已經好番la,thanks very much.


積分: 146

發表於 07-11-13 17:30 |只看該作者
原文章由 xother 於 07-10-3 00:31 發表
No one can tell what is the cause of 濕疹. For my both children, none of them has any skin problem. I ate shrimp, raw salmom, oyster, durian, laichi....almost everything! But from my sister's ...

Agree, don't wear too much avoid sweat...
my son also, when sweat comes out and eitch always...


