我係網上申請美國visa 去旅行, 再預約埋時間, 點知出左以下, 係咪即是預約左, 但我又唔見佢 cofirm 我的密碼, 現在不能進入更改, 不知點算好?
we're sorry, but we are unable to book your appointment online. it appears that you already have an appointment scheduled, if so, you will need to cancel that appointment before attempting to book another one.
to cancel you previously scheduled appointment, please enter the paaword generated for this appointment booking. the password have been printed on the acknowledgement receipt of your booking as shown belwo.
dear jng 26 ~
if I were you ~I will send inquiry to them or phone to ask ~because u don't want to take risk right ~
good lucks
siufei mama
原文章由 jng26 於 07-10-3 21:59 發表
我係網上申請美國visa 去旅行, 再預約埋時間, 點知出左以下, 係咪即是預約左, 但我又唔見佢 cofirm 我的密碼, 現在不能進入更改, 不知點算好?
we're sorry, but we are unable to book your appointment o ...
原文章由 jng26 於 07-10-4 12:59 發表
我係網上申請美國visa 去旅行, 再預約埋時間, 點知出左以下, 係咪即是預約左, 但我又唔見佢 cofirm 我的密碼, 現在不能進入更改, 不知點算好?
we're sorry, but we are unable to book your appointment o ...