



積分: 5019

發表於 07-10-7 17:33 |只看該作者
Dear All Well Covered Parents

After securing a new Rental Apartment Unit and while tidying up things for the coming relocation, I've recovered an Important Letter received more than 3 months ago!

(It was so Important that I'd put it in a Secret Place - so Secret that I couldn't find it for sometime!)

It's a Letter from the Australian Government, advising us to consider taking out PHI for More Choices.

And if I do so WITHIN 12 Months of being registered as Eligible for Medicare, I'm entitled to at least 20% Discount (very likely to be 28% Discount) on the Premium.

Since we relocated to Sunshine Coast from NZ last year, the 12-Month Deadline ends 16TH of THIS MONTH!

I'm now rushing to check the website,


But, suddenly realising some Well Planned Parents may have already taken PHI.

Would any parent be kind enough to share with me the Tips in chosing a PHI or what their current Service Provider is?

Vital Information Sharing = Community Spirit Building


積分: 491

發表於 07-10-8 13:44 |只看該作者

我想你有一點誤會了. 政府會有30%的 rebate. 但任何人如不在31歲或抵澳一年 (eligible for medicare) 內申請 private health insurance 的 hospital cover 話, 每一年就有2% surcharge. 即是如你在40歲才買的話, 你要付的費用是 insurance premiunm 加 20% surcharge.

所以各位快快去買. 當然你也可以不買. public hospital 是免費的. 但政策常常變. 還是保障自己為妙.

以我所知, PHI 是有分 hospital only (expenses occur in hospital). extra only (e.g. dentist, contact lens)or hospital and extra 3種的. 政府提醒我們買的是hospital only. 買了後, 你改變主意, 只要3年內再買hospital only是以避免 surcharge 的. 即是說 31歲前買了hospital only, 32歲後改成其他的. 只要在34歲前買回hospital only 還是可以避免surcharge 的.

新來澳洲的人如超過31歲, 要到medicare 拿一封信證明你是甚麼時候eligible for medicare, 拿去保險公司就行了.

我的PHI是兩年前買, 當時最適合我的是 medibank private.

注意: 以上資料可能已經 outdate. 請自己查清楚


積分: 5019

發表於 07-10-8 14:52 |只看該作者

Thanks for Clarifying

Hi Hilary

Thanks for your Detailed Feedback.

My "Human Mind" tends to see things differently and often in a Happier Way - that could be why it's interpreted,

A "28% More Surcharge when buying Later" as
A "28% DISCOUNT when buying NOW!!"

I deeply appreciate your Clarification.

I better visit Medicare within the next 2 days to get A Letter of Confirmation as you've suggested. Because the Officer on the phone was confused himself which date would be used as the Deadline.

He'd advised me I REGISTERED with Medicare on 1 Nov 06 BUT was ELIGIBLE SINCE 17 OCT 06 - the day we arrived in Australia!

And the letter from the Australian Government does NOT help much either as it states,

"Within 12 months of being registered as eligible for Medicare!" (I now have doubts about my English Ability!)

I've also checked the Private Health website to ensure information is updated as you've suggested.

After selecting "Hospital" type only, "Budget" Cover and "Any Excess", there are ONLY 23 Different Products provided by 8 Different Insurers!

I've finished reading Medibank and Hospitals Contribution Fund of Australia Limited (www.hcf.com.au) ones and both could be my final two choices for re-examination (There are only 6 more Insurers to compare!)

Hilary, I hope you don't mind me clarifying 3 points with you,

1) You've mentioned about the 30% Rebate.

Does it mean if I'm to pay $100 out of my OWN pockets (i.e. NO PHI) for Private Hospital Treatment, I'll still get back $30 from the Government?

2) What are the TWO MOST important factors you'd looked at when deciding which Insurer to go with 2 years ago?

3) Does one have to take out the PHI IN PERSON (i.e PHYSICALLY present at the Insurer's Office)?

Many many thanks.

Have a Great Evening.

Be Grateful then One Will Be Cheerful

原文章由 hilarychan 於 07-10-8 13:44 發表

我想你有一點誤會了. 政府會有30%的 rebate. 但任何人如不在31歲或抵澳一年 (eligible for medicare) 內申請 private health insurance 的 hospital cover 話, 每一年就有2% surcharge. 即是如你在40歲才買的 ...

[ 本文章最後由 Fate 於 07-10-8 14:58 編輯 ]


積分: 491

發表於 07-10-9 11:26 |只看該作者
I think the eligible date for you should be the day you arrived in Australia. So you still have a few days to make up your mind.

For the questions, here is my reponse

1) You've mentioned about the 30% Rebate.

Does it mean if I'm to pay $100 out of my OWN pockets (i.e. NO PHI) for Private Hospital Treatment, I'll still get back $30 from the Government?

No. You only need to pay $70 and the insurance company will get $30 from the government directly. Actually, when you go to the insurance company, they will ask you which option you like. The first option is you pay $100 evert month, then at the financial year end, they will send you a tax invoice and you can claim the 30% rebate form your tax return. The second option is you pay them $70 every month. So I choose option 2 as it is more convenient and it makes no difference in money wise.

2) What are the TWO MOST important factors you'd looked at when deciding which Insurer to go with 2 years ago?

My case is a little bit different. At that time I plan to have a baby so I really check out the cost carefully. And I didn't take the most buget option. I choose the medium cover so that I can stay as a private patient in the hosptial and live in a twin share room which I know I'm going to use it in the future.

I think the most important factor you need to consider is do you need to use the hospital (planned one) in the next 12 months. If yes, then take a better cover. If not, just take the cheapest one. In case of emergency, I think you will better off be a public patient (use medicare). It is because you will need to pay a excess fee everytime you go to hospital. But if that's emergeny, being public patient (use medicare), you don't need to pay anything.

3) Does one have to take out the PHI IN PERSON (i.e PHYSICALLY present at the Insurer's Office)?
For the medibank private, I do it over the phone. But I did go to the office later on the sign up a autopay from my credit card and for the 30% governement rebate thing.

BTW, I heard MBF is also very good as well


積分: 491

發表於 07-10-9 11:29 |只看該作者
1) You've mentioned about the 30% Rebate.

Does it mean if I'm to pay $100 out of my OWN pockets (i.e. NO PHI) for Private Hospital Treatment, I'll still get back $30 from the Government?

Sorry. I think I misunderstad your question. I think you cannot get any money back because you choose to go private treatment. But someone said still get some back but I'm not sure about the percentage ( I haven't try it before)


積分: 9527

發表於 07-10-9 14:53 |只看該作者
Here's an exerpt from Medicare's website:

If you are a private patient in a public or private hospital, you will have a choice of doctor to treat you. Medicare will pay 75 per cent of the Medicare Schedule fee for services and procedures provided by the treating doctor. If you have private health insurance some or all of the outstanding balance can be covered.

You will be charged for hospital accommodation and items such as theatre fees and medicines. These costs can also be covered by private health insurance.

Please also note that if you do not take out a PHI, you will have to pay the Medicare Levy Surchage, which is 1% on top of the Medicare Levy (1.5% of taxable income) if your combined household income exceeds the relevant threshold .... click here


積分: 5019

發表於 07-10-9 19:37 |只看該作者

Many Thanks

Good Eveving, Hilary

Thanks so much for another Detailed Reply.

Your Clear Answers to my three questions have definitely made my Life much easier now - helping me (the new service user) to have a much better understanding of the whole system.

Yes, you're right about the Eligible Date. I went to the local Medicare office this morning, confirming the Relevant Date is the DATE of ARRIVING Australia and NOT Date of First Visiting Medicare (and got Registration)

MBF is actually one of the Remaining 6 Insurers I am to look at - I'll go throught what it's on offer in more details.

Have a Wonderful Night.

Caring about Others, making the World Better

原文章由 hilarychan 於 07-10-9 11:26 發表
I think the eligible date for you should be the day you arrived in Australia. So you still have a few days to make up your mind.

For the questions, here is my reponse

1) You've mentioned about the 3 ...


積分: 5019

發表於 07-10-9 19:43 |只看該作者

No Worries

No Worries, Hilary, You've already shown me the Right Direction in your last Detailed reply.

Once again, thanks for taking so much of your Valuable Time and Energy in explaining something quite complicated in nature.

Have a Peaceful Night.

Life is about Giving 100% Effort

原文章由 hilarychan 於 07-10-9 11:29 發表
1) You've mentioned about the 30% Rebate.

Does it mean if I'm to pay $100 out of my OWN pockets (i.e. NO PHI) for Private Hospital Treatment, I'll still get back $30 from the Government?

Sorry. I th ...

[ 本文章最後由 Fate 於 07-10-9 19:44 編輯 ]


積分: 5019

發表於 07-10-9 19:58 |只看該作者

Nice to hear from You Again

Hi Devlin Mum

Very Nice to hear from you again.

Thanks for giving me More Insights about PHI.

From the Facts you've presented, it seems Sensible to take out PHI, as it provides More and Better Choices and covers More Fees and Costs.

Once again, thanks for helping me to look at PHI/Medicare from a Different Perspective.

Have a Relaxing Night.

Learning from Others, Making Life Better

quote]原文章由 Devlin媽媽 於 07-10-9 14:53 發表
Here's an exerpt from Medicare's website:

If you are a private patient in a public or private hospital, you will have a choice of doctor to treat you. Medicare will pay 75 per cent of the Medic ... [/quote]

[ 本文章最後由 Fate 於 07-10-9 19:59 編輯 ]


積分: 5019

發表於 07-10-11 15:15 |只看該作者

Done It!

Dear All Well Covered Parents

Just finished taking the PHI over the phone.

It has been a Very Steep Learning Curve for me for the last 4 days. And indeed a few late nights!

Having sought advice from BK parents (Thanks again Hilary and Devlin Mum) and discussed with some other local parents, I then continued to compare Eight Insurers in the following areas:-

1) List of Participating Private Hospitals in Sunshine Coast;(Which has the Most Private Hospitals)

2) Market Share; (If too Big - it may not care much about members, If too Small - it may not have the "Financil Muscles" to get members better deals/facilities or worse still, go bankrupt)

3) Members' Satisfaction;

4) Level of Complaints;

5) Status; (For Profit or NOT for Profit Organisation)

6) Unreasonable Excess; and

7) The Actual Cost for MY Hospital Only Cover

Meanwhile, I 've learnt more about the Medicare too.

It's strange though there are some Contradicting information about how much one can Claim Back from Medicare. (As a percentage of the Scheduled Fee)

I saw the figure "75%" somewhere before and heard others mentioning "75%" before, but I also heard from a Medicare Officer stating it should be 85%.

Never mind, just giving you lot our examples of how much we'd claimed back.

GP Charging Us Scheduled Fee Claimed

$50 $32.10 $32.10 (100%)

$55 $32.10 $32.10 (100%)

Consultant Charge Scheduled Fee Claimed

$144.65 $111.30 $94.65 (85%)

Scheduled Fee - What the Government Believes the Charge should be

Claimed - As a Percentage of the Scheduled Fee

Happy when Uncertainties Disappear

[ 本文章最後由 Fate 於 07-10-11 22:36 編輯 ]


積分: 5019

發表於 07-10-11 15:33 |只看該作者

Free Trail

Dear All Again

Forgot to mention the Officer had advised me over the phone,

I could have a 30-Day Free Trail.

And if I'm not Happy, Money Back to me - provided that there is NO claim during the Trail Period.

(Although its website states only the "Hospital & Exrta Cover" has this 30-Day Free Trail - mine is "Hospital Cover Only")

Trying is Believing

原文章由 Fate 於 07-10-11 15:15 發表
Dear All Well Covered Parents

Just finished taking the PHI over the phone.

It has been a Very Steep Learning Curve for me for the last 4 days. And indeed a few late nights!

Having sought advice fr ...

[ 本文章最後由 Fate 於 07-10-11 15:34 編輯 ]


積分: 9527

發表於 07-10-11 16:19 |只看該作者
Hi Fate,

An exerpt from Medicare's website:

Medicare usually pays:
  • the full Schedule fee for GP services
  • 85 per cent of the Schedule fee for other out-of-hospital services
  • 75 per cent of the Schedule fee for in-hospital services


積分: 5019

發表於 07-10-12 05:39 |只看該作者

That's Why!

Ah, that's why!!

Thanks Devlin Mum. Now I get a much better picture.

Am I right in Aussming,

Even if one does NOT have PHI, but subsequently admits into a Private Hospital when sick, and pays out of OWN pocket - Medicare will pay them back 75% of the Scheduled Fee for in-hospital (i.e. Private Hospital) services?

Learn by Doing

原文章由 Devlin媽媽 於 07-10-11 16:19 發表
Hi Fate,

An exerpt from Medicare's website:

Medicare usually pays:

the full Schedule fee for GP services85 per cent of the Schedule fee for other out-of-hospital services75 per cent of the ...


積分: 9527

發表於 07-10-12 07:19 |只看該作者
Hi Fate,

Yes, as noted from my previous post. Medicare will rebate 75% of the doctor's charges but you will be solely responsible for other charges such as accommodation, medicine and theatre fees etc.

Also, if you're able to find a doctor who bulk bills, then you don't need to pay any fees. For details ... click here



積分: 5019

發表於 07-10-12 10:41 |只看該作者

All Clear

Hi Devlin Mum

Many Many Thanks. It's "All Clear" for me now!!
(Hope my wife get All Clear too for her Next Tuesday Check Up)

Thanks for Sharing and let me know if you need second/third opinion/advice on any subject - I'll do my best for You.

One last question though - from a man that's quite Hopeless with computers,

"How did you do it - with Click Here- redirecting parents to the link?"


Clear Mind Clears Doubts

原文章由 Devlin媽媽 於 07-10-12 07:19 發表
Hi Fate,

Yes, as noted from my previous post. Medicare will rebate 75% of the doctor's charges but you will be solely responsible for other charges such as accommodation, medicine and theatre fees e ...


積分: 9527

發表於 07-10-12 11:35 |只看該作者
Hi Fate,

I'm sure your wife will be given clean bill of health on Tuesday and you can start planning your trip to HK again.

Here are the steps to do the link:

1. Type the words, e.g., Medicare website
2. Highlight the words
3. Copy the link of the relevant web page
4. Click the chain icon underneath "I", paste the link and then click "ok"

All done.

Incidentally, you may be able to help me with something my niece sent me last night. It's about whether her leave application is successful or not (she's planning to come to Oz to celebrate Devlin's birthday in December).

The code is 128-516-97. 當我發晒爛渣話唔估D咁無料既野時,her hint was to put 2 alphabets in front of each set of number and to make it easier for me, the alphabets are the same for all three sets of numbers. Any ideas?

Many thanks,


積分: 9527

發表於 07-10-12 15:12 |只看該作者
Hi Fate,

I've figured it out ....

QF128 Hong Kong - Sydney
QF516 Sydney - Brisbane
QF97 Brisbane - Hong Kong



積分: 5019

發表於 07-10-12 18:32 |只看該作者

More Thanks

Hi Devlin Mum

Thanks for your kind words.

My wife really loves to take a long holiday in HK, as she has been dreaming about all these "Won Tun Noolde", "Dirty Noodle", "Roast Duck,"....., which of course, I can only LOOK as I'm still on my strict diet!

Thanks for the tips of doing the link. Have to try it sometimes. Every day there is something new to learn! Keep my Brain (and fingers) going!

When seeing your word "Code', I thought of the "Divinci Code", and when seeing the Numbers, I thought of my International Phone Card - sometimes your Brain just works so fast, you couldn't control where it's going!

I really loved to help............but by the time I read your Feedback, you'd already found the answers!

Never mind.

Enjoy Learning, Enjoy Life

原文章由 Devlin媽媽 於 07-10-12 11:35 發表
Hi Fate,

I'm sure your wife will be given clean bill of health on Tuesday and you can start planning your trip to HK again.

Here are the steps to do the link:

1. Type the words, e.g., Medicare web ...

[ 本文章最後由 Fate 於 07-10-12 18:52 編輯 ]


積分: 5019

發表於 07-10-12 19:27 |只看該作者

Good On You

Hi Devlin Mum

Good on you, so efficient, done your Decoding so fast!

So, your niece is flying Qantas and join you lot for the Birthday Party.

Have a Great Time together.

Family Brings Happiness

原文章由 Devlin媽媽 於 07-10-12 15:12 發表
Hi Fate,

I've figured it out ....

QF128 Hong Kong - Sydney
QF516 Sydney - Brisbane
QF97 Brisbane - Hong Kong



積分: 9527

發表於 07-10-16 15:32 |只看該作者
Hi Fate,

Any good news? Can you now go ahead to plan your trip to HK?

Actually, my mom, my second brother, sister-in-law and niece will be coming over in December. Really looking forward to spending some time with my mom again.



