My maid 好大力澿個洗衣機ON/OFF 掣,攪到入面膠零件爆了,成個掣入咗去。
2)整到外觀一樣但以後oN/OFF掣變冇用,Rinse Hold 掣變 on off , 以後唔用得 rinse hold function 就 $150
My washing machine is less than 3 years old.
I plan to choose 2nd option, 扣工人幾錢好?
When she reported the broken knob to me, she laughed and asked me to fix it, she did not feel that she did something wrong, so I must deduct her salary to make her understand that it's her responsibility to use home appliances carefully.
I was thinking of deducting $50 or $30. Just want to give her a lesson so that she would be more careful next time. I'm afraid that $50 will be too much, but my hubby says that she won't feel the pain if deduct only $30.
I was thinking of deducting $50 or $30. Just want to give her a lesson so that she would be more careful next time. I'm afraid that $50 will be too much, but my hubby says that she won't feel the ...