原文章由 wyjanet 於 07-10-8 23:28 發表
I have a coupon, expiry date 31/10/07. What is the good stuff to buy in Chicco? Except the softener, I have bought it already.
Tks a lot!
原文章由 Orgoo 於 07-10-9 00:57 發表
Hi wyjanet,
I've bought the following stuff from Chicco...for your reference:
1. 產後束腹帶 ($488)
2. 羊毛底衫body ($198) - you can buy 2 (it's cotton in the inside and 羊毛料 on the outside..lots ...
原文章由 gladysmay 於 07-10-9 08:24 發表
I also have Chicco coupon so that it is a very good recommendation.
By the way, do u know which brunch can be provided those product becos Mongkok branch cannot find out 產後束腹帶etc. Tks a lot! ...