My baby read the starter of baby can read from 6 months on. At first she doesn't like. But later she loves it quite much. Her cousins, one is nearly 2 years old boy and one is 1 year + old girl watch the DVD with her as well. Perhaps they're bigger. They also loves it and they learn from it very quickly. These boy and girl can do "arms up", "open your mouth" and recognise some animal words after 2 months watching. My baby only learns how shake her head whenever she heard "yes" or "no". I was told that it's difficult for baby to nod, so she can just shake her head. Now these 3 babies/children are watching volumne 1 (In case you don't know, the whole series contain starter, vol 1, vol 2, vol 3 and review).
My evaluation on this product is better than okay but not excellent. It could be better if more "word" and less pictures. The content is quite repetitive in the 5 dvds. The original price (cost a few thousand) is too expensive. It's not that worthwhile.
Finally, I have to make a disclaimer. I'm trying to sell the HK version DVD set now on baby kingdom. However, you won't think my opnion will be affected by this few hundred dollar transaction, will you?