My baby girl was born on 23/7.
Now feed 5 oz - 5.5 oz ma-ma milk per meal for 3-4 times aday if I have to work. When I go back home, I would feed her by skin-to-skin. She eats 7-8 meals each day.
She borns for 2.825 kg, and now weight about 5.7 kg.
OK lar, just a small size baby as she was born.
My Baby was born on Jul 16, weighted 3.855kg, almost the same as yours. He was weighted 6.4kg when he was 2 months old. He drinks around 7-8 oz per meal and 6 times a day.
My daughter is also 3 months old but she drink only 6xxml per day. Is she drinking too less. When I force her to drink more, she cry badly. She weight 3.6kg when born and now weight 5.72kg.