有冇媽咪要訂 YOUR BABY CAN READ.. 我而家訂緊.. as value customer, 佢哋offer 我30%off..
我識嘅媽咪有30%off(第1套)then 之後(每一套)20%off, 唔識嘅媽咪... 我offer15% off..
all order 要加shipping,(company to me--about USD$8 &up視付你訂幾多嘢,有幾重, me to HK about USD$40(same, depends on 有幾多boxes)--2 次shipping)*多除少補*
order must before Nov 15 2007 ( USA TIME) as discount will be expired.
check with the website, then let me know. http://www.yourbabycan.com/