so far,今年第四年用佢,仍然很好,全自動波.
I also called her pervious employer. It seems that their relationship is not good so the employer is not willing to give much comment.:-| But she said she didn't steal thing and the first 2 yrs did her job quite good. After that , it seems become worse and made more complaints.
Finally, she worked for her for 4 yrs and 12days.Will u consider to employ this maid?
原文章由 yi 於 07-12-5 14:12 發表
I also called her pervious employer. It seems that their relationship is not good so the employer is not willing to give much comment.:-| But she said she didn't steal thing and the first 2 yrs did h ...
我依家請比亞婆亞公果個印係斷約出黎架....佢基本上係由我當時自己個印介紹既...話好喎....不過agent就no comment因為個印黎左HK唔夠3個月,佢地雙方都唔係好熟....只係confirm係個印主動要terminate既...唔係被炒出黎...最後我都請左佢....so far so good喇...